Fr. John Kracher

Here is an excerpt of what was announced at the Gala. 

"Let me tell you a bit about this year’s recipient. This man has been serving in ministry for most of his life. La jeunesse a toujours été une de ses priorités et je dirais même au cœur de son ministère. It could even be said that being surrounded by young people is what keeps him young and young at heart. He was a teacher at the St Boniface Diocesan Highschool for numerous years. He is also a strong supporter of local youth and young adult initiatives, like the Catholic School of Evangelization, Jolt and TEC Retreats.

Like St. Marie of the Incarnation, he answers God’s call.  With this “yes”, God has been able to reach countless young people through his gift of presence, of joy, of encouragement, and of healing. Même à la retraite, il se fait disponible à servir les jeunes. On ne peut imaginer l’impact qu’il a sur leur vie. And this impact through his dedication and his passion will continue to be felt for many years to come.

He is a very humble man and prefers to not be in the spotlight. Mais ce soir, nous reconnaissons le don que vous êtes pour les jeunes dans notre diocèse et nous vous disons merci. We give thanks to God our Father who through the Holy Spirit has given you a youth minister’s heart to be a disciple of Jesus among our youth."


Pictures of Fr. John throughout the years.