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Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Éthique morale.
- Autre (3)
- DVD (9)
- Livre (42)
CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Discovery : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The starting point of the Christian faith is particular love of our infinite God. It is appropraite that the Discovery faith study begins on this fundamental topic. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Growth : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The Growth study take a very pratcial look at how to grow in our Christian walk. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Source : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The purpose of the Source study is to learn how we can stir up the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be more active in our lives. | |||||
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1 Day: DVD Langue : Anglais |
This documentry, eight high school students travel to Mexico to embark on a home building mission that would forever change their lives. From countless unexpected discoveries to wintessing the power of prayer first hand, the students share all that offfers a glimpse into the project that is changing the world, one home at a time. | |||||
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Development and Peace: Committed to Change : DVD. Auteur (s) : Development and Peace Langue : Anglais |
Presented by nationally-known musician and Development and Peace spokesperson Natalie Macmaster, "Committed To Change" provides an overview of Development and Peace's mission, objectives and work - both here at home and overseas in Africa, Asia and Latin America. | |||||
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DVD: Animating the Golden Rule ... An Introduction Langue : Anglais |
Through self-directed explorations in art, music, rap and drama skits, teenage youth explore ways of embodying the core values of "The Golden Rule" (Ethic of reciprocity) of 13 of the world`s great religions. "do unto others as yo would have them do to you..." propels the viewer on a journey of discovery, giving life to what many consider to be the most consistent moral teaching throughout history. | |||||
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In the Womb Auteur (s) : National Geographic Channel Langue : Anglais |
Using ground-breaking photography, state-of-the-art special effects and amazing 4D scans National Geographic's In The Womb takes us on a series of remarkable journeys into the extraordinary world of fetal development. We witness the moment a single fertilized egg splits in two to create identical twins; explore the intricate processes that occur in the womb to shape two supreme predators - the lion and the domestic cat; reveal the first stages of life of the dog and its common ancestor the wolf; and encounter reproduction and gestation at its most extreme including the embryonic shark that turns cannibalistic and the wasp that hijacks the bodies of others for the development of its young. From the bizarre to the breath-taking, four unique journeys that unlock the secrets of fetal development and reveal life in the womb – as it’s never been seen before. | |||||
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Life is for Living: Stories of Compassion Langue : Anglais |
A Panel Presentation: The loved ones and caregivers of those who have died in palliative care tell of how they shared in a sacred journey, and what it means for them and their families to have experienced irreplaceable moments of faith and holiness. Held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg on Wednesday, May 11th, 2016, during the National Week for Life and the Family. Presenters: Dr. Chantale Demers, Palliative Care Doctor, WRHA; Andre Brunet, Palliative Home Care Nurse, WRHA; Deacon Stepan Bilynskyy, Director of Spiritual Care, Misericordia Health Centre; Sister Jo-Ann Duggan, SGM, Manager of Spiritual Care and Volunteer Services, Jocelyn House Hospice; Cathy Lentz, Representing Holy Family Personal Care Home. (Approx. 2 hrs) | |||||
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Live from the Womb: Baby Steps: DVD Langue : Anglais |
16 Stages of pre-birth development, amaizing 4-D ultrasound imagery featuring preborn babies, 7 weeks to 22 weeks old, as they roll, yawn, spin, smile, blink, stretch and sneeze. You'll love you'll laugh, you'll learn. | |||||
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Love is a Choice: The life of St. Gianna Beretta Molla: DVD Langue : Anglais |
The documentary on the life of St. Gianna Beretta Molla: Wife, Mother, Doctor, Lover of Life; Canonized by John Paul II on May 16, 2004. In addition to the official documentary on the life of Gianna Beretta Molla, this DVD includes: -Her canonization ceremony at the Vatican, in May 2004; -An insightful commentary by Father Thomas Rosica, C.S.B. | |||||
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Turning The Tide: Dignity, Compassion and Euthanasia: DVD Langue : Anglais |
A compelling look at how the legalization of Euthanasia would affect society. Have you ever thought what our world would be like if doctors could influence who gets to live and who gets to die?, committies decided who is a person and who is a non-peron?, radical personal autonomy were used to pressure vulnerable people? How do you frame the rules for killing once killing is an accepted solution for human suffering? What is the meaning of our compassion and dignity? | |||||
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Unplanned: DVD Langue : Anglais |
All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she believed in a woman's right to choose. Until the day she saw something that changed everything leading her to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life advocates in America. | |||||
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Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
''Catéchisme de l'Église catholique'' rédigé à la suite du deuxième Concile oecuménique du Vatican. | |||||
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Catéchisme de l'Église catholique Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Puisse-t-il servir au renouveau auquel l'Espit saint appelle sans cesse l'Église de Dieu, Corps du Christ, en pèlerinage vers la lumière sans ombre du Royaume! | |||||
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Compendium de la doctrine sociale de l'Église Auteur (s) : Conseil pontifical ''Justice et Paix'' Langue : Français |
Ce Compendium est un document unique et sans précédent dans l'histoire de l'Église. Il est un outil pour soutenir et guider les fidèles face aux enjeux moraux et pastoraux d'aujourd'hui. | |||||
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Déclaration sur certaines questions d'éthique sexuelle Auteur (s) : S.Congrégation pour la Doctrine de la Foi Langue : Français |
La personne humaine, aux yeux de la recherche scientifique contemporaine, est si profondément affectée par la sexualité que celle-ci doit être tenue pour l'un des facteurs qui donnent à la vie de chacun les traits principaux qui la distinguent. | |||||
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Guide d'éthique de la santé Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Discussions concernant l'éthique dans le domaine de la santé afin d'aider dans la prise de décisions dans les soins médicaux. | |||||
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La loi du Christ Auteur (s) : Häring, Bernard Langue : Français |
Théologie morale spéciale: - La vie en communion avec Dieu. À l'intention des prêtres et des laïcs. | |||||
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La loi du Christ Auteur (s) : Häring, Bernard Langue : Français |
Théologie morale spéciale: - La vie en communion fraternelle. À l'intention des prêtres et des laïcs. | |||||
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La loi du Christ Auteur (s) : Häring, Bernard Langue : Français |
Théologie morale générale: - L'appel du Christ. - La réponse de l'homme. À l'intention des prêtres et des laïcs. | |||||
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La loi du Christ Auteur (s) : HÄring, Bernard Langue : Français |
Théologie morale générale. À l'intention des prêtres et des laïcs. | |||||
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Le sacré et le bien Auteur (s) : Haring, Bernard Langue : Français |
Le sacré et le bien - religion et moralité dans leurs rapports mutuels. Dans le présent ouvrage, Bernard Haring exprime l'orientation fondamentale qui doit régir désormais toute morale chrétienne type personnaliste. | |||||
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Les ailes et le souffle Auteur (s) : Thévenot, Xavier Langue : Français |
Comment vivre, comment bien vivre et épouser la dynamique de l'Évangile? Nous nous refusons même parfois à établir un lien direct entre la morale et la foi. Chacun peut trouver ici de quoi nourrir sa réflexion personnelle. | |||||
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Pour relire Humanae Vitae Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Déclarations épiscopales du monde entier. Commentaires théologiques. | |||||
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Problèmes de bioéthique : La filiation Auteur (s) : d'Ornellas, Mgr Pierre Langue : Français |
Actres du colloque du 15 mars 2012, souls la présidence de Mgr Pierre d'Arnellas, achevêque de Rennes. Ce livre aborde le problème de l'assistance médicale à la procréation : la fécondation in vitro, banques de sperme, prêts d'uterus etc). | |||||
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Veritatis Splendor Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Lettre encyclique à tous les évêques de l'Église catholique sur quelques questions fondamentales de l'enseignement moral de l'Église. | |||||
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A Shared Statement of Identity for the Catholic Health Ministry : Celebration 60 1943-2003 Auteur (s) : Catholic Health Associates of the United States Langue : Anglais |
From the Catholic prespective, health care can never be reduced to a commodity because health care provides the essential safeguard of dignity and life. | |||||
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Catholic Thought on Contraception Through the Centuries Auteur (s) : Sommer, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
It is important that Catholics know this teaching and its history in order to form a correct Christian conscience regarding contraception. | |||||
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Christian Morality : In the Breath of God : Catholic Basics : A Pastoral Ministry Series Auteur (s) : Connors, Russell B. Langue : Anglais |
The book's aim is show nothing other than living in Chirst--living in love, grace and Spirit of Christ. | |||||
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Confronting the Truth : Conscience in the Catholic Tradition Auteur (s) : Hogan, Linda Langue : Anglais |
An exploration of the role of conscience in the Catholic tradition. | |||||
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Death in Technological Society: An Ethical reflection on Dying Auteur (s) : Doucet, Hubert Langue : Anglais |
Should death be hastened or held off as long as possible? Do no resuscitation policies respect the sanctity of life, or do they lead to the desertion of the sick? What criteria underlie the decisions to stop treatment of the terminally ill? Who should make these decisions? | |||||
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Doers of the Word Auteur (s) : Kennedy, Terence cssr Langue : Anglais |
Moral Theology for the Third Millennium. A doer of the Word is one who transforms the world in expectation of the coming of the Kingdom. | |||||
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Eruption to Hope Auteur (s) : Vanier, Jean Langue : Anglais |
This is a collection of talks and poems given to international groups, businessmen and educators is also of vital interest to individuals. | |||||
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Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: The Current Debate Langue : Anglais |
It is a timely overveiw of the problem, written by major Canadian cotributors including; Ian Huner, author and law progessor; Ian GEntles, professor of history; dr. John Scott, head of pallilative care ; Robert Nadeau, lawyer and writer. | |||||
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Health Care Ethics Auteur (s) : Ashley, Benedict M.; O'Rourke, Kevin D. Langue : Anglais |
Explores the implications of managed care techniques and the quest for more compassionate care of the dying. | |||||
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Health Care Ethics Guide Auteur (s) : Catholic Health Association of Canada Langue : Anglais |
The purpose of these guidelines is to assist and promote sound ethical reflection that leads to informed decision-making. These guidelines replace the Medico-Moral Guide used by the Catholic Heath Associaton since 1970. | |||||
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Livre |
Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life: A Catholic perspective Auteur (s) : Kenny, Nuela Langue : Anglais |
In this helpful booklet, Sr. Nuella Kenny addresses questions and concerns Catholic may have about health decisions and care at the end of life, offering thoughtful responses and sharing the Church's teaching on these complex issues. Using a case study of an older man who learns he has a life threatening illness, she leads the reader through various steps of decision making using the lens of our Cristian faith and hope in the resurrection. | |||||
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Health Ethics Guide Langue : Anglais |
One of the most significant factors that has influence the writing of this new guide is the adoption of a broader concept of health. | |||||
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How Much is Enough? Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture Auteur (s) : Simon, Arthur Langue : Anglais |
On these pages, the author tries to eliminate the cushions so we hear Jesus clearly and do not continue to worship modern-day golden calves, oblivious or unconcerned with the fact that we are doing so. | |||||
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Joining the Street People : Henrique's Ecounter with the Trinity Auteur (s) : Gerwing, Alphonse Langue : Anglais |
After meditating in a Santa Cruz Cathedrale the author came to an astonishing conclustion, a descision reminiscent of Francis of Assisi: he would give himself totally into the keeping of the trinity whose sweet invitiation had burned in his heart that day. | |||||
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Love Beyond Measure : A Spirituality of Nonviolence Auteur (s) : Kownacki, Mary Lou Langue : Anglais |
The core of this book is an unabridged version of Mary Lou's inspiring essay in a format that helps the reader to reflectively and prayerfully digest its insights and challenges. | |||||
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Making moral choices Auteur (s) : Miller, Mark, cssr Langue : Anglais |
This is a brief but cogent summary in plain language of how people make moral decisions. Each chapter has questions for reflection and discussion, practical exercises, and annotated suggestions for further reading. | |||||
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On Conscience : Two Essays Auteur (s) : Ratzinger, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
In 2 insightful essays, written before he was pope, Benedict IVX thoughtfully considers these and other questions of conscience, including the role of Church leaders in helping people form their consciences. | |||||
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Livre |
Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body : Discovering God's Glorious Plan for Your Life Auteur (s) : West, Christopher Langue : Anglais |
Drawing on the Pope's Theology of the Body, the author shares God's original plan for marriage and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound meaning to all our lives--married, single, and consecrated celibates. | |||||
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Readings in Health Care Ethics Auteur (s) : Boetzkes, Elizabeth; Waluchow, Wilfrid J. Langue : Anglais |
A wide-range selection of important and engaging contributions to the field of health care ethics. | |||||
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Sex au naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good For Your Marriage Auteur (s) : Coffin, Patrick Langue : Anglais |
In this book the author presents a clear and compelling case for the timeless teaching of the Church on contraception. | |||||
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Someone I love is dying ... Euthanasia? Auteur (s) : Doucet, Hubert Langue : Anglais |
Hubert Doucet`s book responds to the central questions that we ask when faced with questions about the quality of life that people experience as they journey through the dying process. His case studies demonstrate the comlex and varied decisions people must make in the face of advance medical technology. | |||||
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The Bible Tells Me So : Uses and Abuses of Holy Scripture Auteur (s) : Hill, Jim; Cheadle, Rand Langue : Anglais |
Illustrated throughout, this book illuminates historical and current events where religion politics, and power collide and Holy Scripture is used and abused to influence public opinion and policy. | |||||
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The Code of Canon Law : in English Translation. Langue : Anglais |
It is hoped that this English version of the Code will be a fitting resource for an attentive and fruitful study of the law of the Church. | |||||
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The Human Embryo in Its Pre-Implantation Phase Auteur (s) : Pontifical Academy for Life Langue : Anglais |
Experts offered their contributions in order to enlighten our understand of the human embryo in this early phase of his existence. This synthesis is a source of information on essential themes that touch the issue of life, and broaden our insight into the political debate as much as into the catechism of the Church. | |||||
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The pastoral companion Auteur (s) : Huels, John M., o.s.m. Langue : Anglais |
A Canon Law Handbook for Catholic Ministry. | |||||
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The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics Auteur (s) : Childress, James F.; Macquarrie, John Langue : Anglais |
This new edition has been built on Macquarrie's foundation, it reflects several major changes in the methods, content and context of Christian ethics. | |||||
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Livre |
Unplanned Auteur (s) : Johnson, Abby Langue : Anglais |
Abby Johnson quit her job in October 2009. That simple act became a national news story because Abby was the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas who, after participating in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, walked down the street to join the Coalition for Life. Unplanned is a heart-stopping personal drama of life-and-death encounters, a courtroom battle, and spiritual transformation that speaks hope and compassion into the political controversy that surrounds this issue. Telling Abby’s story from both sides of the abortion clinic property line, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about the life versus rights debate and helping women who face crisis pregnancies. | |||||
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What are they saying about euthanasia? Auteur (s) : Gula, Richard M. s.s. Langue : Anglais |
The ethical issues surrouding the care and treatment of terminally ill patiens are receiving more attention as medicine's capacity to prolong life increases. | |||||
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