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Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Ministères pastoraux.
- Autre (3)
- DVD (1)
- Livre (100)
At Home with the Sacraments : KIT Auteur (s) : Bowman, Peg Langue : Anglais |
These books are intended to help parents feel at home with the sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation & Confirmation They show how the future spiritual life of the child depends on the examples of faith that parents give their children and how, as parents, you are invited to join your children to renew your own faith, to sharpen your own Christian commitment. | |||||
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The Good Book Auteur (s) : Good, Linnea Langue : Anglais |
Graces, Rounds, Prayers, Blessings, Hymns & Silliness. | |||||
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The Gook Book II Auteur (s) : Good, Linnea Langue : Anglais |
Hymns, service music, biblical story in song, psalm responses, children's refrains. | |||||
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Apostle of the North Auteur (s) : Larry Lynn Langue : Anglais |
This film is a call to action and an inspiration to all in the process of discerning their vocation. Most Reverend Gary M. Gordon, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Whitehorse invites us to join him as he travels through the Yukon Teritory and Northern British columbia meeting God's people, sheperding his flock and brining the sacraments to remote communities spread out over an area the size of France. | |||||
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Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Ces assemblées dominicales sont d'authentiques célébrations liturgiques. Le véritable horizon que donne la désignation ''en attente de célébration eucharistique'': elle souligne le caractère provisoire de ces pratiques, qu'elles soient occasionnelles ou fréquentes, et confirme les communautés dans leur désir qu'elles pourront de nouveau célébrer le ''mystère de la foi'' dans toute sa plénitude. | |||||
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Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Ces assemblées dominicales sont d'authentiques célébrations liturgiques. Le véritable horizon que donne la désignation ''en attente de célébration eucharistique'' souligne le caractère provisoire de ces pratiques, qu'elles soient occasionnelles ou fréquentes, et confirme les communautés dans leur désir qu"elles pourront de nouveau célébrer ''le mysttère de la foi'' dans toute sa plénitude. | |||||
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Au rythme de la vie familiale: l'expérience chrétienne Auteur (s) : Office de catéchèse de Québec Langue : Français |
« Au rythme de la vie familiale » se présente comme un outil d'accompagnement destiné aux parents qui désirent enrichir la dimension spirituelle de la vie familiale. Il suggère plusieurs interventions afin de favoriser l'enracinement de la foi en famille. On y trouve des occasions de fêtes, de partage, de réflexion ainsi que des suggestions de rites, pratiques et moments privilégiés qui enrichissent l'expérience humaine et spirituelle vécue en famille. Bref, ce merveilleux ouvrage permet aux parents de montrer une attention toute particulière aux gestes et paroles qui contribuent au cheminement moral, spirituel et religieux en famille. | |||||
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Conduire une action pastorale Auteur (s) : Decourt, Georges Langue : Français |
Si les convictions constituent la base de tout acte pastoral, elles ne sauraient dispenser de comptences acquises par la réflexion sur l'action. Ces quelques pages veulent simplement aider les responsables pastoraux, laïcs ou prêtres, à accomplir leur mission en tenant compte des praiques sociales actuelles. | |||||
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D'une même voix Auteur (s) : Commission épiscopale de liturgie Langue : Français |
Le Guide pratique facilitera la préparation des célébrations et le choix des chants. Les dernières pages sont consacrées aux traductions officielles des hymnes latines qui figurent dans le DMV. | |||||
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Évangéliser Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Réflexions à l'occasion d'un synode. Cet ouvrage offert à l'Église de Québec en synode s'adresse également à toutes les personnes intéressées par les nouveaux rapports à construire entre l'Évangile et la société et la culture du Québec en émergence. | |||||
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Gestes et services d'entraide Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Nouveaux services dans la paroisse. Être bénévole: Pourquoi pas? Pour tout chrétien quiveut vivre con crètement lamour et le service des autres. - aide matérielle - aide psychologique - aide spirituelle. | |||||
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Groupes bibliques de partage et de prière Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Découvrir la bible, quelle expérience! Mais ce n'est pas toujours facile. Ce livret se veut un guide pour vous aider dans vos rencontres, | |||||
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Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses Auteur (s) : Assemblée des évêques catholiques de Québec Langue : Français |
Ce guide est destiné à ceux et celles qui travaillent en paroisse, qui ne sont pas familiers avec le droit canonique et qui doivent répondre à des questions pratiques concernant le ministère paroissial. | |||||
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Guide canonique et pastroral Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Ce nouveau guide s'est enrichi sous de nombreux aspects. De nouvelles parties ont été ajoutées et des exemples pratiques au plan pastoral sont venus étayer le texte. | |||||
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Instruction sur quelques questions Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Instruction sur quelques questions concernant la collaboration des fidèles laics au ministère des prêtres. Librairie du Vatican. | |||||
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La formation des laics Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Mais comment former des laics à leur vocation et mission dans l'Église et dans le monde? C'est à cette question qu'ont réfléchi les IXe et Xe Assemblées plénières du Conseil pontifical pour les laics,. La présente publication est le fruit de ce travail. | |||||
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Lay Ministry in the Catholic Church Auteur (s) : Osiek, Carolyn & others Langue : Français |
Visioning Church Ministry through the Wisdom of the Past. The symposium treated the topic of lay ministry both historically and in its contemporary reality, tensions, and opportunities. | |||||
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Le conseil paroissial de pastorale Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Orientations de base. Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada. | |||||
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Le dialogue pastoral Auteur (s) : Tremblay, Sophie Langue : Français |
Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux praticiens du dialogue pastoral et veut leur permettre de mieux situer leurs interventions et d'identifier des moyens pour les améliorer constamment. Il propose enfin plusieurs outils pratiques susceptibles d'aider les responsables pastoraux à se donner une véritable formation permanente au dialogue pastoral à partir des défis rencontrés sur le terrain, | |||||
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Le ministère pastoral auprès des jeunes ayant une attirance pour les personnes du même sexe Auteur (s) : Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada Langue : Français |
Une lettre sur le ministère pastoral auprès des jeunes ayant une attirance pour les personnes du même sexe publié par La Commission pour la doctrine de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC). Guide d'étude inclus. | |||||
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Lecteurs de la Parole de Dieu Auteur (s) : Archand, Michèle Langue : Français |
Lorsque tu te présentes à tes frères réunis en Église et que, devant eux et pour eux tu portes la Parole de Dieu, tu es cet instrument unique, à travers qui Dieu passe parmi les hommes d'aujourd'hui, | |||||
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Les laics Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Depuis Vatican II, l'Église catholique s'est fréquemment exprimée sur la place et la tâche des laics dans l'Église et dans la société. À travers la variété des documents - qu'un index thématique permet de consulter facilement - c'est la vitalité de l'Église qui s'atteste de manière étonnante. | |||||
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N'ayez pas peur! Auteur (s) : Sesboüé, Bernard Langue : Français |
Regards sur l'Église et les ministères aujourd'hui. L'auteur réfléchit au statut des laïcs ayant un rôle effectif et repérable dans l'Église catholique. | |||||
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Ni curés ni poètes Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Les laïques en animation pastorale. Ces hommes et ces femmes qui collaborent à l'exercice de la charge pastorale dans l'Église ne ressemblent sans doute pas beaucoup aux curés de notre mémoire collective. Cependant, ils ne font pas moins partie du peronnel ecclésiastique. On pourrait même croire, parfois, qu'ils forment une sorte de clergé parallèle, une élite laïque aspirant à une nouvelle distribution des rôles. | |||||
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Normes fondamentales pour la formation des diacres permanents Auteur (s) : Congrégation pour le Clergé Langue : Français |
Directoire pour le ministère et la vie des diacres permanents | |||||
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Parcours catéchétique des adolescent.e.s Auteur (s) : Lachance, Annick Langue : Français |
Pardon, confirmation et eucharistie. | |||||
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Pour des ministères créateurs Auteur (s) : Nouwen, Henri J. M. Langue : Français |
Se libérer des barrières étroites des disciplines et des spécialisations pour s'ouvrir, dans une faiblesse créatrice, à l'action de l'Esprit qui souffle au-delà de l'expertise professionnelle. Impossible de lire ce livre sans être amené à revoir en profondeur le sens de son ministère. | |||||
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Rituel de la communion et du culte eucharistique en dehors de la messe Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Ce rituel est beaucoup plus qu'un faisceau de mesures disciplinaires. Il laisse place à une large créativiré en permettant d'opportunes adaptations aux circonstances de temps, de lieu et de personnes. | |||||
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Semons le bon grain Auteur (s) : Renew International Langue : Français |
Un recueil complet de principes pastoraux et de suggestions pratiques pour aider les animateurs et animatrices des petites communautés. Ce livre déborde d’idées simples, mais efficaces, dont la mise en oeuvre amènera les membres des petites communautés à une meilleure qualité de réflexion sur l’Évangile et les aidera à y répondre, en paroles et en actes. | |||||
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Tertio Millennio Adveniente Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Lettre apostolique du Souverain Pontife Jean-Paul II à l'épiscopat, au clergé et aux fidèles sur la préparation du Jubié de l'An 2000. | |||||
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20 More Teen Prayer Services Auteur (s) : Regan, S. Kevin Langue : Anglais |
This resource is meant to help you--youth leaders, clergy, retreat directors, directors of religious education, or teachers--meet these challenges by helping you prepare reverent, insightful, and prayerful assemblies with teenagers. | |||||
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20 Prayer Lessons for Children Auteur (s) : Voz Wezeman, Phyllis; Fournier, Jude, Dennis Langue : Anglais |
This book is a focused, fun, and faith-filled guide to teaching prayer to children. | |||||
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24 Seasonal Liturgies for the Young Auteur (s) : Thompson, Fred Langue : Anglais |
This book holds out the promise to continue the effective celebrations planned and organized in his earlier book. | |||||
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25 Guided Prayer Services for Middle Graders Auteur (s) : Dexter, Pat Egan Langue : Anglais |
The book is meant to help other catechists, especially those who teach middle graders to use the Bible and to pray with their clases. | |||||
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Livre |
A Child's First Catholic Dictionary Auteur (s) : Dyches, Richard W.; Mustachio, Thomas Langue : Anglais |
This dictionary is an excellent tool for helping children assimilate important terms and concepts of their faith. | |||||
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A Concise Guide to Canon Law : A Practical Handbook for Pastoral Ministers Auteur (s) : McKenna, Kevin E. Langue : Anglais |
A user-friendly reference that provides a compact overview of the most important canonicla issues facing pastoral ministries today. | |||||
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A Grief Observed Auteur (s) : Lewis, C. S. Langue : Anglais |
A masterpiece of rediscovered faith with has comforted thousands. | |||||
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Acting Out The Miracles and Parables : 52 Five-Minute Plays for Education and Worship Auteur (s) : Glavich, Mary Kathleen Langue : Anglais |
This book contains 28 miracle accounts and 24 parables of Jesus in playlet form, which can be incorporated into lessons on the miracles, the parables and related topics. | |||||
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Assembled in Christ Auteur (s) : Condray, Sydney Langue : Anglais |
It is hoped that the Spirit of the Lord will move through these services to enhance each participant's experience of God, thus enlivening a deeper of love of God and all people in daily life. | |||||
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Baptism and Beyond : Leader Guide. Sessions for Parents Leader Guide Auteur (s) : Coffey Kathy Langue : Anglais |
This book encourages practices that are not necessarily "churchy," such as reading aloud to children and appreciating nature with them, as well as more traditional ways to incorporate prayer and ritual in a home setting. To be used in conjunction with the Parent's guide book. | |||||
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Baptism and Beyond : Parent Guide. Preparing for Baptism and Nuturing Your Child's Spirituality Auteur (s) : Coffey, Kathy Langue : Anglais |
Parent Guide book to be used in conjunction with the Leader's guide. Use this resource not only to record your child's milestones as you would a baby book, but to record your own process of parenting, as you grow into the role. | |||||
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Bible Message Make -n- Takes Auteur (s) : Lingo, Susan L. Langue : Anglais |
These memorable messasges help children apply God's Word to their lives as they explore important issues such as prayer, trust, salvation, forgiveness, serving others, and more through crafts! | |||||
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Livre |
Bless This Day : 150 Everyday Prayers For Grades 1 to 5 Auteur (s) : Mathson, Patricia Langue : Anglais |
This book contains prayers written in simple language that children (grades 1 to 5) can understand and appreciate. | |||||
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Livre |
Blessings and Prayers through the Year : A Resource for School and Parish Auteur (s) : McMahon Jeep, Elizabeth Langue : Anglais |
These prayers invite children into the rich tradtion of Catholic practice as they also invite children to see and bless the wide world beyond our tradition. | |||||
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Build a life-giving parish Auteur (s) : Hermann, Brenda, sr. Langue : Anglais |
The gift of counsel in the modern world. A careful analysis of the mission field of the laity, as different from that of the ordained, offers an avenue for stimulating conversation and thoughtful consideration. | |||||
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Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes Auteur (s) : Assembly of Québec Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
This guide is intended for those who are unfamiliar wiht the Church Law, are working in parishes, and must answer practical questions about parish ministry. | |||||
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Catholic Customs & Traditions (Revised and Expanded) Auteur (s) : Dues, Greg Langue : Anglais |
A popular guide to many of the customs and traditions of the Catholic Church. | |||||
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Catholic Etiquette : What You Need to Know about Catholic Rites and Wrongs Auteur (s) : Isca, Kay Lynn Langue : Anglais |
This modern guide to appropriate behaviour in Catholic situations covers many aspects of daily and seasonal Catholic life. | |||||
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Catholic Thought on Contraception Through the Centuries Auteur (s) : Sommer, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
It is important that Catholics know this teaching and its history in order to form a correct Christian conscience regarding contraception. | |||||
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Creative Crafts for All Seasons : Projects that Help Children Learn Auteur (s) : Campbell, Anne; Waite, Kathryn; Mikelonis, Anne Langue : Anglais |
This book offers lots of ideas and opportunities for you and the children to create objects of great meaning from ordinary materials around the home and classroom. | |||||
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Developing the Parish As a Community of Service Auteur (s) : Sofield, Loughlan; Hermann, Brenda Langue : Anglais |
This easy-to-read book is based on a vision of parish life in which all members see themselves called to serve people in need. The community of service is a framework in which every member "fully understands the mission of Jesus as a personal responsibility." | |||||
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Earthing the Gospel: An Inculturation Handbook for the Pastoral Worker Auteur (s) : Arbuckle, Gerald A. Langue : Anglais |
Earthing the Gospel introduces pastoral workers in the First World to methods of social analysis pioneered by missionaries worldwide. | |||||
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Ecclesiology : The Church as Communion and Mission : Catholic Basics : A Pastoral Ministry Series Auteur (s) : Pelzel, Morris Langue : Anglais |
This book is about God because we the Church are formed and sustained in our life by the presence and action of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, sent among us by God thr father. | |||||
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Educating for Life : A Spiritual Vision for Every Teacher and Parent The Handbook Auteur (s) : Groome, Thomas H. Langue : Anglais |
This guide--which includes 10 sessions, one for each chapter of the book --may be used by administrators, faculties, school/parent groups and teachers or parents meeeting in parish religious education programs. | |||||
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Faith Teaching : Teachers Like You Can Grow Faith Kids Auteur (s) : Wamberg, Steve; Conaway, John Langue : Anglais |
This book will show you how God has strategically positioned and empowered you to nurture and grow your student's faith. | |||||
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Fostering Leadership Skills in Ministry Auteur (s) : Hiesberger, Jean Marie Langue : Anglais |
A Parish Handbook. A valuable resource for Parish Leaders. Each chapter in the book includes questions for reflection and resources for additional reading. | |||||
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Handbook for Today's Parish Leaders Auteur (s) : Infantino, Ginger Langue : Anglais |
- Responding to the call to lead. - Collaboration, communion, and community. - Practical ways to develop leadership skills. | |||||
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Healing Spiritual Abuse & Religious Addiction Auteur (s) : Linn, Matthew; Fabricant Linn, Sheila; Linn, Dennis Langue : Anglais |
Exploring the road to healing from abusive situations within the Church. | |||||
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Healing Your Grief : Revised Edition Auteur (s) : Williams, Ruthann Langue : Anglais |
Author helps her readers to get healthy by assuring them that they aren't going crazy...She shares her insights as to what to say and be in the midst of death and what not to say and not to be. | |||||
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Helping a Child Understand Death Auteur (s) : Vogel, Linda Jane Langue : Anglais |
For parents, teachers and other adults who seek to help children death with death. | |||||
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In the Name of Jesus Auteur (s) : Nouwen, Henri J. M. Langue : Anglais |
Reflections on Christian Leadership. This book will challenge anyone in a leadership position to reflect upon his ou her role and, if taken seriously, become a source of inspiration and renewal. The request to reflect on Christian leadership in the next century has created anxiety in author but he was able to put it down in words how he felt. | |||||
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Jump Starts for Catechists : Key Teachings Auteur (s) : Coleman, Bill; Coleman, Patty; Coleman, Lisa Langue : Anglais |
An ideal, at-your-fingertips, reference book for catechists, its simplicity and ease of use also make it ideal for parents whose children are preparing for the sacraments. | |||||
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Jump Starts for Catechists : Seasonal Activities Auteur (s) : Costello, Gwen Langue : Anglais |
This book provides brief, to the point, and creative activites for each season of the school year. | |||||
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Keeping the Covenant Auteur (s) : Sweetser Thomas P., s.j. Langue : Anglais |
Taking Parish to the next level. Every aspect of parish life is included in this volume, from the articulation of a mission that moves people into action,to the formation of a structure that links all aspect of parish life together, along with a style of leadership that brings out the best in the pastor, staff, leaders, and parishioners, | |||||
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Lay Ministry Auteur (s) : Rademacher, William, J. Langue : Anglais |
A Theological, Spiritual & Pastoral Handbook. ...If we are searching for answers for the ministries of today'church, we have to follow the footprints of the Spirit in the sands of history, beginning with the New Testament and the moving on through the rich tradition of the Christian churches. | |||||
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Leadership in a successful parish Auteur (s) : Sweetser. Thomas P.; Winsniewski, Holden, Carol Langue : Anglais |
A respected consulting team to churches - Elucidates the qualities necessary for successful and productive parish mMinistry. | |||||
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Liturgy with Style and Grace : Revised Edition Auteur (s) : Huck, Gabe Langue : Anglais |
This book is an introduction for persons becoming active in liturgical ministry and a refresher course for those long involved. | |||||
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Messengers of God's Word Auteur (s) : Champlin, Joseph M. Langue : Anglais |
A Handbook for lectors. People who are just beginning their ministry and those who have been serving in that role for a long time will equally find this a helpful and positive book. | |||||
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Ministry : A Theological Pastoral Handbook Auteur (s) : McBrien, Richard P. Langue : Anglais |
The author delineates the relationship between ministry and mission, examining the nature of the Church and its polarities, as well as concepts of word, worship, witness and service. | |||||
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On Good Soil: Pastoral Planning for Evangelization and Catechisis with Adults Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
On Good Soil as a resource that offers new insight and direction to aid those engaged in evangelizing and catechizing adults in our day. Discover relevant reflection, suggestions and sound orientations for effective, life-giving evangelizing and catechetical ministry with adults. Part One outlines the nature of evangelization and catechesis with adults in various stages. Part Two explores how the five criteria for proclaiming the Gospel message within the Catholic community are reflected in good catechetical practice.to our people. Part Three offers practical help with methodology, including examples of application. Part Four examines the practicalities of adapting evangelization and catechesis to various ages and circumstances in adulthood, and to different environments, cultures and challenges. Part Five focuses on the various roles needed for effective leadership, and offers some practical help for assessing needs and engaging in effective pastoral planning for evangelization and catechesis with adults. | |||||
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Pastoral Care of the Sick : Rites of Anointing and Viaticum Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
This ritual book has been adapted by the ICEL from the Latin Ordo unctionis infirmorum eirumque pastroralis curae, issued in 1972. After nearly a decade of pastoral use of the interim edition in English, this present edition has been designed to be even more helpful in pastoral use. | |||||
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Livre |
Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body : Discovering God's Glorious Plan for Your Life Auteur (s) : West, Christopher Langue : Anglais |
Drawing on the Pope's Theology of the Body, the author shares God's original plan for marriage and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound meaning to all our lives--married, single, and consecrated celibates. | |||||
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Preparing and Evaluating Liturgy Auteur (s) : Gasslein, Bernadette Langue : Anglais |
How can we know if our ministry of preparation was effective? How can we tell whether the community's worship offer it an experience of "full, concious and active" participation in the liturgy. This book will help your preparation team learn to ask the right questions of the right people, and integrate these responses into ongoing preparation. | |||||
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Preparing Morning and Evening Prayer Auteur (s) : Richards, James Langue : Anglais |
Readers will understand how cathedral-style morning and evening prayer work, and how to help their parishes learn to celebrate and love this ancient form of common prayer. | |||||
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Preparing Music for Celebration Auteur (s) : Reid, Heather Langue : Anglais |
If your musicians and preparation team work from the principles outlined in this book, they'll find clarity and unity of purpose. | |||||
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Preparing Sunday without the Eucharist Auteur (s) : Britz, Andrew; Maier, Zita Langue : Anglais |
Using basic principles of good liturgy, this book helps communities facing this reality to continue to prepare nourishing celebration. | |||||
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Preparing the Assembly to Celebrate Auteur (s) : Aldi-Wanner, Kim Langue : Anglais |
Passive participants or active participants? Subject of the liturgical action or object of planners manipulation? There's no magic recipe, but this book offers fundamental principles and a host of tips born of successful pastoral experience to enable assemblies to celebrate well. | |||||
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Preparing the Environment for Worship Auteur (s) : McNorgan, David Langue : Anglais |
Readers will see how different ways of preparing the environment communicate various images church, the assembly and God, and learn practical ways to provide the best environment for worship in church. | |||||
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Preparing the Liturgical Year 1 : Sunday and the Paschal Triduum Auteur (s) : Eddy, Corbin Langue : Anglais |
Background to the seasons, practical applications of principles and ideas for working with the paschal triduum and the Sundays of Ordinary Time will make this an invaluable resource. | |||||
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Preparing the Rites of Initiation Auteur (s) : Corconran, Bill Langue : Anglais |
This book will help liturgy perparers understand the vital relationship of these rites to the life of their communities, and how to help their communities celebrate them well. | |||||
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Preparing the Table of the Word Auteur (s) : Bonneau, Normand omi Langue : Anglais |
This book helps readers make better sense of what they are proclaiming, and provides homilists with new insights for their homily preparation and preaching. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate in Schools Auteur (s) : Bick, Margaret Langue : Anglais |
This book helps you both to avoid the worst in school liturgy and to build toward a strong program of liturgical formation in a school -- a program which will lead to full, conscious and active participation by the students in the liturgical life of the church. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate with Children Auteur (s) : Whitty, Gerard; Mercer, Jeannette; Wells, Elaine Langue : Anglais |
This book challenges the local assembly to give children a voice in their Sunday praise and worship. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate with Youth Auteur (s) : Sweet, Marilyn J. Langue : Anglais |
Using basic principles of good liturgy, this book provides communities facing this challenge with honest pracitical assistance. | |||||
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Preparing to Preach Auteur (s) : Glendinning, Barry Langue : Anglais |
Liturgical preaching is a skill, and preaching in the context of eucharist is even more specific. This book provides some pointers and ideas for those entrusted with this service to God's people. | |||||
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Preparing to Preside Auteur (s) : Glendinning, Barry Langue : Anglais |
Presiding demands much more than being in the right place with the right words at the right time. The ministry of the presider -- lay or ordained -- is crucial in liturgy. The art of gathering up the people's prayers and giving voice to it can be learned and must be prepared. | |||||
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Preparing to Serve at the Table Auteur (s) : Hibbard, John G. Langue : Anglais |
Old or young, male or female, servers need formation to understand how their ministry reveals to the community part of itself. This book provides sound principles and approaches for both those who serve and those responsible for their formation. | |||||
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Prophetic Anointing : God's Call to the Sick, the Elderly, and the Dying Auteur (s) : Empereu, James L. Langue : Anglais |
It is this author's claim that the ritual of anointing is the liturgical way in which Christians can be freed from their stereotypical and restrictive views of illness. | |||||
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Responsibility in Ministry : A Statement of Commitment Langue : Anglais |
Many offical Church documents and other works examine the nature and vocation of a ministry. The intent of this text is not to repeat the scriptural or theological basis for ministry but to set out briefly some of the responsibilitoes that are part of ministering in the Chrch today. | |||||
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Scripture : Nourished by the Word : Catholic Basics : A Pastoral Ministry Series Auteur (s) : Ralph, Mary Nutting Langue : Anglais |
This book contains the basic and preliminary information that you and your fellow adult Catholics need to know to correctly understand Scripture. | |||||
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The Christian Family : Bible Study Guide for Groups and Individuals Auteur (s) : Dunwoody, Gregory Langue : Anglais |
This particular booklet is written for the purpose of inviting Christian believers to share the Word of God around the theme of "The Christian Family." | |||||
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The Lay-Centered Church Auteur (s) : Doohan, Leonard Langue : Anglais |
«A notable contribution toward understanding the new possibilities for lay ministry, I know of no better book in this field». (James I. McCord). | |||||
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The Liturgical Environment Auteur (s) : Boyer, Mark G. Langue : Anglais |
What the Documents Say. This book is a useful compendium of present liturgical law on the liturgical environment. It is for all persons who are involved in planning, building, decorating, and worshiping in a sacred environment. | |||||
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The Ministry of Cantors Auteur (s) : Harmon, Kathleen Langue : Anglais |
This book address the role of the cantor by clarifying what liturgy and liturgical music are about helping cantors find their role within that understanding. | |||||
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The Ministry of Hospitality : Second Edition Auteur (s) : Comiskey, James A. Langue : Anglais |
Monsignor offers practical suggestions for extending hospitality in sacramental moments and while teaching, serving, greeting, or in day-by-day living. | |||||
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The Ministry of Liturgical Environment Auteur (s) : Zimmerman, Joyce Ann Langue : Anglais |
This book considers the physical location of our worship, from assembly seating, color usage, and liturgical accountrements to ministers' and assembly's dress. The author offers a useful practical guide for those preparing an inviting sacred space that reflects and enhances the community's valued principles. | |||||
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The Ministry of Music : Singing the Paschal Mystery Auteur (s) : Harmon, Kathleen Langue : Anglais |
This book explores liturgical music from the perspective of liturgy as a ritual enactment of the paschal mystery. | |||||
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The Ministry of Servers : Second Edition Auteur (s) : Kwatera, Michael Langue : Anglais |
This book gives detailed instructions for altar servers, who perform an essential ministry to God and God's people during liturgical celebrations. | |||||
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The Mission Driven Parish Auteur (s) : Brennan, Patrick J. Langue : Anglais |
The authors call for a renewed approach to mission in the twenty-first century, an that approach prophetic dialogue. The dialogue, needed for the future of mission work, the say, is wih the poor, with culture, and with other religions. Such dialogue needs to engage in the truth of other religions, while maintaining the conviction that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. | |||||
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The Sacrament of Love : The Nuptial Mystery in the Light of the Orthodox Tradition Auteur (s) : Evdokimov, Paul Langue : Anglais |
This book is a unique reflection on marriage, as well as on monastic and non-monastic celibacy. It places the relationship of man and woman within the context of the most perfect relationshiop of person: the trinitarian communion of the Divine Persons. | |||||
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The Wounded Healer : Ministry in Contemporary Society Auteur (s) : Nouwen, Henri J. M. Langue : Anglais |
In this thoughtful book the well-known pyschologist proposes a far-reaching approach to making those "crumbling familiar ways" more effective and relevant in our fragmented culture. In this book the author inspires devoted men and women who want to be of service to the church or community but have found the traditional ways of ministry alienating and ineffective. | |||||
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Tools for Teaching : Classroom Tips for Catechists Auteur (s) : Paprocki, Joe Langue : Anglais |
This is a do-it-yourself guide that offers step-by-step instructions for dealing with a wide variety of catechetical challenges. | |||||
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Visiting the sick and homebound Auteur (s) : VIS Langue : Anglais |
All lay ministers who provide care to those who are sick, homebound, isolated, or suffering in some way will benefit form the contents of this book. | |||||
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While You Were Gone: A Handbook for Returning Catholics and those thinking about it Auteur (s) : Bausch, William J. Langue : Anglais |
Clearly identifies the key questions and concerns of Catholics returning to the Church after an absence of some years. | |||||
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