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Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Jeunesse.
- Autre (10)
- CD (2)
- CD-ROM (1)
- DVD (32)
- Livre (147)
Quand les ados demandent à plonger Auteur (s) : Office de catéchèse du Québec Langue : Français |
Ces catéchèses peuvent aider les jeunes à découvrir les éléments essentiels de la révélation chrétienne. Elles visent une initiation à la vie chrétienne au sens plus large. Elles peuvent se prêter à une démarche catéchumenale orientée vers la célébration des sacrements de l'initiation. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Discovery : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The starting point of the Christian faith is particular love of our infinite God. It is appropraite that the Discovery faith study begins on this fundamental topic. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Growth : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The Growth study take a very pratcial look at how to grow in our Christian walk. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Obedience : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
Obedience is a recurring principle of Christian life. As we mature in our faith, our desire to obey and follow God's will should naturally increase. | |||||
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CCO Faith Study Series : Leaders & Student's Guide Source : KIT. Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
The purpose of the Source study is to learn how we can stir up the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be more active in our lives. | |||||
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Encounter: experiencing God in the everyday: KIT Auteur (s) : Hart, Mark Langue : Anglais |
In this 8-part DVD series, Mark Hart walks students through the entire story of the Bible. This fast-paced and fun program includes in-studio teacihng plus funny skits, on-the-street interviews, and more! Includes Student Workbook and Leader's Guide. | |||||
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Autre |
Theology of the Body for Teens: Discovering God's Plan for Love and Life Auteur (s) : Evert, Jason and Criastalina; Butler, Brian Langue : Anglais |
This resource helps bring Pope's John Paul II`s landmark teaching to the teens in the way that engages both their minds and hearts. This curriculum is both catechetical and evangelistic. There are 12 lessons in the curriculum. The structure of each lesson is as follows: overview, objectives, opening prayer, icebreaker, verbal review, story sarter, bridging the gap, the core | |||||
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Autre |
Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition: KIT Auteur (s) : Butler, Brian, Evert, Jason, MacIver, Clin & Aimee Langue : Anglais |
This series had been developped to help educators, youth ministers and partens succesfully deliver solid and relevant answers. It creates a vibrant educational experience to caputre the hearts and minds of 6th through 8th grade students. This series also includes a 30 minutes Parent's Session, which summarizes the program for parents and introduces them to the core concept of the Theology of the Body. | |||||
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Autre |
True Beauty: Femininity and Chastity For Young Women: KIT Auteur (s) : Augustine Institute Langue : Anglais |
The True Beauty kit series explores femininity and the virtue of chastity for young women. This series will help young women become steadfast in the virtue of chastity in the midst of an unchaste culture. Kit includes: Leader Guide Study Guide Disc 1: The Heart of a Woman Disc 2: Passion and Purity Disc 3: Broken, Healed and Holy Disc 4: Sisterhood | |||||
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Autre |
True Strength: Masculinity and Chastity for Young Men: KIT Auteur (s) : Augustine Institute Langue : Anglais |
The True Strength 4-DVD series studies masculinity and the virtue of chastity for young men. Based in Biblical teaching and principles, this series will help young men discover that their masculinity is God's invitation to be a man of greatness. Kit includes: Leader Guide Study Guide Disc 1: The Heart of a Man Disc 2: Strength and Discipline Disc 3: Every Man'sBattle Disc 4: Band of Brothers | |||||
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Eastar : A Rock Opera Compact Disc Auteur (s) : Coughlin, Shawn Langue : Anglais |
A rock opera based on the Easter Story. | |||||
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That Awkward Moment When God Changed My Life: CD Auteur (s) : Kim, Paul J. Langue : Anglais |
Moving his audiences form laughter in one moment to deep reflection and prayer in another, Paul J. Kim utilizes his many talents to communicate the Gospel to young people in a way that is engaging, entertaining, and altogether inspiring. | |||||
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Break Through! The Bible for Young Catholics: CD-ROM Langue : Anglais |
Now, with Breakthrough! The Bible for Young Catholics CD-ROM, you can jump to particular articles, cut and paste key Scriptures or search by book and chapter. | |||||
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DVD: Animating the Golden Rule ... An Introduction Langue : Anglais |
Through self-directed explorations in art, music, rap and drama skits, teenage youth explore ways of embodying the core values of "The Golden Rule" (Ethic of reciprocity) of 13 of the world`s great religions. "do unto others as yo would have them do to you..." propels the viewer on a journey of discovery, giving life to what many consider to be the most consistent moral teaching throughout history. | |||||
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Forming Confirmation Sponsors : DVD : (CC) Langue : Anglais |
This program offers insights and encouragement to this who accompant young people on the journey of initiation. | |||||
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Miracle of Marcelino : DVD Langue : Anglais |
It's about an orphan boy who was left at a monastary as an infant and was raised by the monks. He finds a special friend in the forbidden attic. | |||||
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Nooma: Breathe: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
With everything that we've got going on everyday, how many of us ever think about our breathing, about the meaning of beathing? Yet for thousands of years, people have understood that our physical breath is a picture of a deeper spiritual reality. In the Bible, the word for "breath" is the same as the word for "spirit". Maybe if we had more insight into hte meaning of breathing, we would better understand how God created us as human beings. | |||||
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Nooma: Bullhorn: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
God loves everyone, so a Christian should, too. Sometimes we strongly disagree with other people`s political views, religious beliefs, behaviors, or something else, and it makes it hard to love them when we feel like we`re right and they`re very wrong. But Jesus doesn`t separate loving God and loving others. So maybe the best way for us to show our love is actually by loving other people no matter how hard it sometimes is. Maybe it`s the only way. | |||||
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Nooma: Corner: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Why is it often when we get what we want, we still feel empty? We work so hard to succeed, but our lives just end up becoming more about us. Can succes turn on us? Can we get caught up in a smaller world where our lives are all about the things that we want? Or is there another way to live? Where life is about more than just us. | |||||
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Nooma: Dust: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Believing in God is imporant, but what about God believing in us? Believing that we can actulay be the kind of people we were meant to be. People of love and compassion, peace, forgiveness and hope. It is easy for us to sometimes get down on ourserselves. To feel "not good enough" or feel like we don`t have what it takes. But maybe if we had more insight into the culture that Jesus grew up in and some of the radical things he did, we`d understand the faith that God had in all of us. | |||||
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Nooma: Flame: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
What`s up with the word "love"? It does not have much meaning when we use it loosely. Maybe we don`t understand what real love is. God wired us a certain way to experience all that love was really meant to be. Not to hold us back or to make us miss out on the best that life has to offer. God created love, and wants us to fell it all the way it`s meant to be felt. | |||||
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Nooma: Luggage: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We all have wounds and we end up carrying around these things that people have done to us for weeks, months and sometimes even years. It is not always easy to forgive and after a while these hurts can get really heavy. Maybe forgiving isn`t something you do for someone else to let them of the hook. Maybe forgiving is about you. God didn`t create you to carry these wounds around. God created you to be free. | |||||
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Nooma: Lump: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
A lot of us have done things in our lives thta we`re ashamed of. Personal junk that we keep to ourselves so we don`t have to deal with it. But no matter how big our junk is, no matter how much what we`ve done has impacted the way other people feel about us or how we feel about ourselves, it hasn`t changed how God feels about us. God loves us, he always has and always will, and there`s nothing we can do to change that. | |||||
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Nooma: Matthew: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Suffering the loss of someone we love can be the most difficult thing in life to deal with. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to feel? The truth is there is no certain way we are supposed to feel. What might help us, however, is to understand how Jesus dealt with this kind of loss. | |||||
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Nooma: Name: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We all compare ourselves to others. We soend our lives wondering what others think and say about us. We act a certain way to be accepted but know we are utrue. Maybe if we really knew our true selves, we wouldn`t give so much attention to other people`s lives and live more in tune with the life God wants for us. | |||||
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Nooma: Noise: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Why is silence so hard to deal with? Why is it easier for us to live our lives with a lot of things going on all the time than to just be in silence? Maybe there is a connection between the amount of noise in our lives and our inability to hear God. If God sometimes feels distant to us, maybe it`s not because he`s not talking to us, but simply because we aren`t really listening. | |||||
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Nooma: Open: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Many of us have experienced situations where we have prayed and it felt like God wasn`t listening. And yet other times we`ve prayed or known someone that prayed and the situation changed. Does God answer prayer? What if there is more to prayer than just listening and answering? Maybe if we understood how Jesus prayed, our concepts and expectations of prayer would change. | |||||
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Nooma: Rain: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Things don`t always work out the way we want them to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don`t even see it coming. It makes us wonder how God can let these things happen to us. How God can just stand by and watch us suffer. Where is God when it really hurts? Maybe God is actually closer than we think. Maybe it`s when we`re in these situations, where everything seems to be falling apart, that God gets an opportunity to remind us how much he really loves us. | |||||
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Nooma: Rhythm: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
What does it mean to have a relationship with God? What does it look like? Maybe it is through trusting Jesus and living the kind of life he thaught us to live - a life of truth, love and justive, compassion, forgivness, and sacrifice - that we have a relationship with God. Maybe that way we live every day, every single choice we make, determines how in tune with God we are. | |||||
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Nooma: Rich: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We are constantly bombarded with images of the latest styles and models of everything, and it can easily leave us feeling like what we have isn`t enough because we see people that have even more than us. But how does what we have compare to what most people in the world have? Maybe what we have is enough; maybe it is more than enough. Maybe God has blessed us with everything we have so we can bless and give to others. | |||||
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Nooma: She: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We didn't have anything to do with our birth. We are all here because some woman somewhere gave us life. Her pain, her effort, for our life. And when a mother gives like that to a child, she is showing us what God is like. A lot of us are comfortable with male imagery for God. But what about female imagery of God? Is God limitted to the gender? Maybe if we were more aware of the feminine imagery of God we would have a better understanding of who God is and what God is like. | |||||
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Nooma: Shells: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Do you often find yourself saying: "I am so busy" or " I just have so much to do"? It`s easy to get overwhelmed with appointmens, gatherings, to-do lists. But what are we really doing with our time? There are so many good things to do. So many good causes to join. But while we are busy doing all these good things, are we missing out on something great? Maybe saying no would be easier if we knew what it meant to say yes. | |||||
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Nooma: Store: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We get angry about things from time to time - some of us more than others. Maybe if we had a better understaning of our anger and where it comes form, we can learn how to channel it toward something constructive - something that`s bigger than ourselves. | |||||
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Nooma: Sunday: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church or give money away? Because we are supposed to or because we think God needs it? We are tired of all the empty rituals and routines. And so is God. God does not want the meaningless rituals. God wants our hearts. | |||||
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Nooma: Today: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
How much time do we spend wishing things were how they used to be? If we are longing for the way things used to be, what does that really say about our understanding and appreciation of our lives today? Maybe we need to learn to embrace our past for what it is, in order to live our lives to the fullest, right here, right now. | |||||
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Nooma: Tomato: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Every day we have the choice to prop up the false ideas about ourselves or to let go of them. Jesus invites these parts of us to die, the parts of us that tell us our worth comes from the things we say and do. Maybe it`s only when we let these things die, that we truly begin to live. | |||||
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Nooma: Trees: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
We want to know why we are here. If our lives really matter. How our religion is relevant to this life. We want to understand why everything we think, we say and everything we do matters. Because we want our lives to have a meaning today, and our lives today to have meaning forever. | |||||
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Nooma: Whirlwind: DVD Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
A lot us have gone through times in our lives that are diffucult. During these times we want answers, we want to know why? Why do we have to suffer? We just want to make sens of it all. But we don`t always get answers. Sometimes we are left wondering. Maybe there are times we need to be released from having to have all the answers. And maybe it is when we are released thta we are able to see there may be more going on here than we realise. | |||||
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Nooma: You: DVD (CC) Auteur (s) : Bell, Rob Langue : Anglais |
Some of the central claims of the christian faith are the source of many discussions and heated debated. But are we always debating the right things? Maybe some of our discussions would change significantly if we had more insight into the actual circumstances that surrounded the first people of the Christian movement. | |||||
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Realfaith TV : Volume 1 : DVD Langue : Anglais |
Looking for real answers to real-life questions? Check of Realfaith TV, a powerfully energetic, edgy, faith-based television show produced by teens, for teens and about teens. | |||||
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Realfaith TV : Volume 2 : DVD Langue : Anglais |
Looking for real answers to real-life questions? Check of Realfaith TV, a powerfully energetic, edgy, faith-based television show produced by teens, for teens and about teens. | |||||
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Sex still has a price tag: DVD Langue : Anglais |
Pam Stenzel, world renowned abstinence educator combines her personal story and extensive pregnancy counseling esperience into a hard hitting look at the consequences of sexual activity outside of a monogamous, lifetime relationship. (Public School Edition) | |||||
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Teen Discipleship : DVD : (CC) Langue : Anglais |
This program catures for Catholic youth how their ChrIstian Baptismal commitment comes alive in service to others. | |||||
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The Prince of Egypt : DVD. Langue : Anglais |
The extraordinary tale of two brothers -- one born of royal blood, one an orphan with a secret past -- is brought to life as never before. Growing up as the best of friends, the two share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth ultimately sets them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, the other the chosen leader of his people. The final confrontation will forever change their lives -- and the world. | |||||
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Theology of the Body for Teens: Discovering God's Plan for Love and Life: DVD Auteur (s) : West, Christopher Langue : Anglais |
This resource helps bring Pope's John Paul II`s landmark teaching to the teens in the way that engages both their minds and hearts. This curriculum is both catechetical and evangelistic. There are 12 lessons in the curriculum. The structure of each lesson is as follows: overview, objectives, opening prayer, icebreaker, verbal review, story sarter, bridging the gap, the core. | |||||
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À tous les jeunes du monde Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Lettre apostolique du Pape Jean-Paul II à tous les jeunes du monde à l'occasion de l'année internationale de la jeunesse. | |||||
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Animer une équipe en catéchèse Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
La catéchèse est enracinée dans la foi au Christ, dans la Bible, la liturgie. Elle se fait par la transmission d'un langage. Animer une équipe en catéchèse apporte réflexions et suggestions à tous ceux qui sont préoccupés des conditions pédagogiques propres à l'éveil de la foi. | |||||
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Livre |
Dico Catho: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Clavier Paul; Prochain, Edmond Langue : Français |
Un philosophe et un blogueur ont conjugué leurs talents pour rédiger cet excellent dictionnaire de la culture et de la foi catholiques. | |||||
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Dina, une grande amie de Jésus Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire de Dina Bélanger, religieuse de Jésus-Marie, adaptée aux enfants. | |||||
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Drogues... Aussi l'affaire des parents! Auteur (s) : Santé et Bien-être social Canada Langue : Français |
Action contre les drogues. | |||||
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Exhortation apostolique : Christifideles laici Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Sur la vocation et la mission des laics dans l'Église et dans le monde. | |||||
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Expériences pastorales d'aujourd'hui Auteur (s) : Cousineau, Yvon Langue : Français |
Quoi faire pour ouvrir les jeunes à une rencontre avec le Christ? Comment faire pour que les jeunes perçoivent en Jésus une réponse à leur recherche d'un sens à la vie? L'auteur connaît bien ce défi. Les activités proposées dans ce livre s'adaptent à toutes sortes de groupes et à des publics d'âges divers. Même les adultes en tireront profit. | |||||
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Expériences pastorales d'aujourd'hui Auteur (s) : Cousineau, Yvon, c.s.c. Langue : Français |
Voici 28 nouvelles activités proposées aux animateurs et aux animatrices de mouvements religieux destinés aux jeunes. | |||||
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Frère André Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire de Frère André en bande dessiné | |||||
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Jeanne Mance Auteur (s) : Ouvrage Collectif Langue : Français |
Fondatrice de l'Hôtel-Dieu et cofondatrice de Montréal. Histoire de Jeanne Mance en bande dessinée. | |||||
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Livre |
Jésus un regard qui fait vivre Auteur (s) : Sigier, Anne Langue : Français |
Combien de regards t'ont redonné le goût de vivre, d'être meilleur, de recommencer... Accepte mon regard sur toi, tu verras, il te fera vivre! Peu à peu, en te laissant aimer, c'est ton regard à toi qui donnera la vie! | |||||
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Jo Auteur (s) : Derib Langue : Français |
Vous avez tous en vous l'énergie qui peut vous permettre de réussir vos vies. Ne la gâchez pas. | |||||
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Livre |
Jonas et le poisson Auteur (s) : Moroney, Tracey Langue : Français |
Grâce à ce livre-jeu, les enfants découvrirons de façon vivante une des plus belles histoires de la Bible : l'histoire de Jonas. | |||||
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Livre |
L'Arche de Noé Auteur (s) : Moroney, Tracey Langue : Français |
Grâce à ce livre-jeu, les enfants découvrirons de façon vivante une des plus belles hisotire de la Bible : l'histoire de Noé. | |||||
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Livre |
L'imagerie de la Bible Auteur (s) : Beaumont, Émilie Langue : Français |
A travers des textes courts et de nombreuses images, l'enfant va découvrir les plus belles histoires de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. Un très beau cadeau pour parler de Dieu avec des mots simples. | |||||
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La boîte Théo Auteur (s) : Office de Catéchèse du Québec Langue : Français |
Un ensembles des fiches thématiques pour des groupes jeunesse. En voilà certains sujets: Regard contemporains sur Jésus: cinéma-échange, Mettre la main à la pâte ou s'impliquer, La Bible en images: projet d'une fresque biblique ou d'une exposition de peinture, 24 heures de silence, Développer une confiance mutuelle, Dieu au delà des images, une renocntre. , La Bible: du texte à la Parole. | |||||
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La croix triomphante : sanctuaire des martyrs jésuites Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire des saints martyrs canadiens en bande dessinnée. | |||||
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Livre |
La Messe : une fête Auteur (s) : Cura, Marie-Jeanne; Doll, Françoise; Hari, Albert; Singer, Charles; Stoll, Anne-Marie Langue : Français |
L' accueil, le pardon, la Parole, l'eucharistie et l'envoi, tous les temps forts expliqués de manière simple et attrayante pour vivre la messe comme une vraie fête | |||||
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La prière des jeunes Auteur (s) : Oury, G. M., osb Langue : Français |
Prières de tous les temps, afin que les hommes de notre temps y puisent fidélité et jeunesse. | |||||
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Livre |
Le catéchisme de Bobinette Auteur (s) : Cailloux, Michel Langue : Français |
Aujourd'hui quelle image, quelles connaissances, les jeunes croyants ont-ils de leur Dieu, de la religion? Ce livre écrit avec des mots simples, propres au langage de "Bobinette" devrait répondre à beaucoup de leurs questions, à beaucoup de leurs attentes. | |||||
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Le ministère pastoral auprès des jeunes ayant une attirance pour les personnes du même sexe Auteur (s) : Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada Langue : Français |
Une lettre sur le ministère pastoral auprès des jeunes ayant une attirance pour les personnes du même sexe publié par La Commission pour la doctrine de la Conférence des évêques catholiques du Canada (CECC). Guide d'étude inclus. | |||||
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Léonie Paradis Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire de de Léonie Paradis en bande dessinée. | |||||
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Livre |
Les premiers chrétiens - Quelle aventure! Auteur (s) : Sigier, Anne Langue : Français |
Les Actes des apôtres. | |||||
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Livre |
Ma première Bible à portée de la main Auteur (s) : Olesen, Cecile Langue : Français |
Quarante histoires bibliques choisies parmi les plus belles. Ils aimeront emporter partout cette édition à portée de main, joliment illustrée et racontée avec des phrases simples. | |||||
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Marguerite Bourgeoys Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire de Marguerite Bourgeoys en bande dessinée. | |||||
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Livre |
Marguerite Bourgeoys : une fleur de chez nous Auteur (s) : Paradis, Colette; Derome, Cécile Langue : Français |
En plus de faire connaitre Marguerite Bourgeoys, le texte veut donner à l'enfant le goût et l'occasion de reproduire, par le moyen du mime, de la saynète, de l'expression corporelle ou du théâtre de marionnettes, quelques passages de la vie de cette héroïne de l'Église canadienne. | |||||
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Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Histoire de Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin en bande dessinée. | |||||
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Message aux jeunes Auteur (s) : Jean-Paul II Langue : Français |
Message d'une grande beauté! Écoute ce puissant message qui t'est lancé aujourd'hui! | |||||
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Mission Rivière Rouge, l'histoire d'un peuple et de son église Auteur (s) : Robert Freyet Langue : Français |
C'est une bande dessinée qui met en scène des faits historiques marquants de l'Église catholique dans l'Ouest canadien. | |||||
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Livre |
Mon moment avec Dieu Auteur (s) : Fodor, Cecile Langue : Français |
31 histoires et prières avant de dormir Tous les enfants ont besoin d'un peu d'inspiration pour commencer à passer du temps avec le Seigneur. Ce livre de dévotion qui associe un langage simple et compréhensible et de superbes illustrations, les aidera à aimer la Bible et à faire de la lecture et de la prière une habitude. | |||||
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Que devient mon enfant? Auteur (s) : Hilde, Reuben Langue : Français |
L'auteur a voulu agencer et organiser tout ce qu'il nous est nécessaire de savoir en matière de discipline, ce livre s'applique à toutes les situations, mais spécialement à celles qui peuvent paraître difficiles ou désespérées. | |||||
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Livre |
Questions brûlantes sur Dieu : Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Pastore, Emanuelle Langue : Français |
Les questions brûlantes sur Dieu trouvent ici des réponses concrètes, brèves et passionnées. | |||||
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Trouver Dieu sur ma route Auteur (s) : Guillemette, Yves Langue : Français |
Parcours bibliques pour jeunes adultes. Cette démarche peut se vivre seul ou en groupe. Elle peut aussi bien se vivre dans le confort d'un salon, dans un monastère ou une maison de retraite, dans une salle paroissiale ou autrement. | |||||
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Vivre ensemble avec nos différences Auteur (s) : Vanier, Jean Langue : Français |
Jean Vanier a imaginé ce dialogue avec deux jeunes garçons de dix ans: Sébastien, un non-croyant et Cédric, en fauteuil roulant, d'une famille chrétienne membre. Ensemble, les deux amis s'interrogent avec Jean Vanier sur la foi, la communauté chrétienne et sa relation au monde. | |||||
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10 things We All Need to Know About Today's Teens Auteur (s) : Bibby, Reginald Langue : Anglais |
What Teenages are really like - What they love and enjoy - The role and impacct of new technology - Ther unprecedented choices - Thier ties with parents, school - Their greatest concerns - Wahy they are thinking and doing sexually - Moral yes's and no'S - Religion and spirituality - Thier hopes, dreams and expectations as they look to the future. | |||||
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20 More Teen Prayer Services Auteur (s) : Regan, S. Kevin Langue : Anglais |
This resource is meant to help you--youth leaders, clergy, retreat directors, directors of religious education, or teachers--meet these challenges by helping you prepare reverent, insightful, and prayerful assemblies with teenagers. | |||||
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20 Tough Questions Teenagers Ask : And 20 Tough Answers Auteur (s) : Davitz, Lois Leiderman; Davitz, Joel R. Langue : Anglais |
Inside these pages are tough down-to-earth, no-nonsense, meaningful responses that we feel will make a real difference in the way you feel about yourself. | |||||
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500 Prayers for Catholic Schools & Parish Youth Groups Auteur (s) : Tassi, Filomena; Tassi, Peter Langue : Anglais |
This book offers prayers based on specific themes, events throughout the year, and all the traditional prayers. | |||||
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Access Guide to Evangelization Auteur (s) : Ekstrom, Reynolds; Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
In this Access Guide we have developed solid foundations and creative approaches for evangelization with youth that can provide direction for a Catholic syle of evangelizating youth. | |||||
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Acting Out the Gospels with Mimes, Puppets & Clowns Auteur (s) : DeAngelis, William Langue : Anglais |
The 19 celebrations of the Word of God in this book are ready for adaptation and implementation in local church and school programs. | |||||
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Adolescent Spirituality : Pastoral Ministry for High School and College Youth Auteur (s) : Shelton, Charles M. Langue : Anglais |
This is an original work that offers special insights into the spiritual development and religious problems of contemporary youth. | |||||
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Apostolic Letter Tertio Millennio Adveniente of His Holiness Pope John Paul II Auteur (s) : John Paul II, Pope Langue : Anglais |
This text of Saint Paul thus allow the fullness of the mystery of the Redemptive Incarnation to shine forth. | |||||
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Arms of Love Auteur (s) : Marcoux, Carmen Langue : Anglais |
This novel talks about Christian courtship and Chastity. It is a true example of holy romance, sacrificial love and Chrit`s sanctyfing grace. It portrays Pope`s John Paul II`s Theology of the Body. This story is a must-read for anyone considering marriage or intimate relationships as well as for those alreay married, parents, and religious. | |||||
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Livre |
Before You Say Goodbye: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Sawler, David Langue : Anglais |
It is a web-interactive magazine. It's purpose us to help you connect with practices, habits, ministries, websites, and stories that will help you grow in your faith journey. In these pages you will find reasons why many youth and young adults are engaged in their faith today. Links and QR codes to online resources, videos and websites. | |||||
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Believing Auteur (s) : McCarty, Michele Langue : Anglais |
Teacher's Manual. This course deals with funamental questions: Who are we ? Why are we here on this earth? Whats is to be the meaning of out lives? What will happen to us when we die? | |||||
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Bible Message Make -n- Takes Auteur (s) : Lingo, Susan L. Langue : Anglais |
These memorable messasges help children apply God's Word to their lives as they explore important issues such as prayer, trust, salvation, forgiveness, serving others, and more through crafts! | |||||
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Livre |
Bringing Catholic Youth and the Bible Together: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Singer-Towns, Brian Langue : Anglais |
With vision born of experience, nine biblical experts and veteran ministers help you bring Catholic youth and the Bible together. They provide you with background on how Catholics approach the Scriptures, help you understand what it means to be biblcally literate, and provide lots of strategies and activities you can use today. | |||||
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Catholic Vacation Bible School Auteur (s) : Bach, Marian Langue : Anglais |
This program invites children to participate in fun and faith-filled activities by offering three exciting themes: Playing for God’s Team, Living in God’s Kingdom, and Camping in God’s Creation. These themes feature daily, easy-to-use plans and blackline masters that include everything you need for a successful program. | |||||
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Catholic Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Delgatto, Laurie Langue : Anglais |
It is a resource for parishes and youth ministers. It provides a clear explanation of the vision of Catholic youth ministry. | |||||
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Celebrate 2000! A Three-Year Reader Reflections on Jesus, The Holy Spirit and the Father Auteur (s) : Pope John Paul II Langue : Anglais |
This is just the book you need to help you respond to Pope John Paul II's invitation to spiritual renewal at the dawn of a new era. | |||||
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Communication Skills for Ministry Auteur (s) : Lawyer, John W.; Katz, Neil H. Langue : Anglais |
The author's aim in teaching Communication Skills for Ministry is to provide individuals and teams dedicated to helping others with a means of enhancing their interpersonal skills, and consequently their effectiveness. | |||||
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Consuming Youth Auteur (s) : Berard, John; Penner, James, Bartlett, Rick Langue : Anglais |
Shaping and alternative scrip for youth in today'S consumer culture. | |||||
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Conversion Discernment Mission : Fostering a Vocation Culture in North America Auteur (s) : Continental Congress on Vocations to Ordained Ministry and Consecrated Life in North America. Langue : Anglais |
Fostering a Vocation Culture in North America. | |||||
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Livre |
Creative Praying in Groups: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : McGuinness, Julia Langue : Anglais |
A valuable, user-frienly resource for those leading prayer with youth, young adults, or adults. From guided meditation through very active prayer, Julia McGuiness provides fully prepared prayer services and components for seld designed prayer. | |||||
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Did Adam and Eve have Belly Buttons?...and 199 Other Questions from Catholic Teenagers. Auteur (s) : Pinto, Matthew J. Langue : Anglais |
This book offers today's Catholic, both young and old alike, a collection of clear and concise answers to questons about the Catholic Faith. | |||||
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Did Jesus Have a Last Name? And 199 Other Questions friom Catholic Teenagers. Auteur (s) : Pinto, Matthew; Evert, Jason Langue : Anglais |
With 200 actual questions from teens this book offers clear and concise answers about the church and its teachings. | |||||
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Discipleship : Following Jesus Now Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
This book describes how are you are an unique person, even if you don't believe you are. | |||||
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Discipleship : Following Jesus Now : Parent Guide Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
To have the youth understand that one's personal uniqueness and value are already given to them by God and cannot be earned. | |||||
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Livre |
Effective Practices for Dynamic Youth Ministry: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : East, Thomas Langue : Anglais |
What are the necessary qualities and attitudes for effectively supporting dynamic youth ministry ? What practices and activities help young people grow spiritualy and reinforce their Catholic identity ? | |||||
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Engaging A New Generation Auteur (s) : Mercadante, Frank Langue : Anglais |
A Vision for Reaching Catholic Teens. | |||||
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Faith Facts for Young Catholics : Drills, Games and Activities for Middle School Students Auteur (s) : Sawyer, Kieran Langue : Anglais |
This is a book of drill games with support resources to help Catholic teens in grades 6 to 9, learn the important truths of the faith, all while having fun! | |||||
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Family Ideas for Ministry with Young Teens Auteur (s) : Goodwin, Carole Langue : Anglais |
This is a collection of twenty-two strategies that focus on family life and parent-teen relationships. | |||||
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Five-Start Stories from All-Star Youth Leaders Auteur (s) : Keefer, Mikal Langue : Anglais |
Along with each 8-10 min. story, you'll find discussion questions, follow-up activities, and other suggestions for using the story with your youth groups. | |||||
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Free the children Auteur (s) : Kielburger, Craig Langue : Anglais |
Here is the dramatic and moving story of one child's transformation from a normal, middleclass kid from the suburbs to an activist fighting agaist child labour on the world stage of international human rights. | |||||
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God of My Heart -- A Prayer Book for Youth Auteur (s) : Rulman, Connie Wlachin Langue : Anglais |
A prayerbook for teenagers is not a new or novel idea. But prayers for teenagers written by teenagers for use throughout the liturgical year, based on scripture and using inclusive images to address God--that's a novel idea! | |||||
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Grow for It! Journal Through the Scriptures Auteur (s) : Lynn, Kathy; Lynn, David Langue : Anglais |
One each week, you go through a journal entry, recording your thoughts and feelings about a particular Bible passage. You'll discover just how muc the Bible relates to your life. | |||||
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Growing Teen Disciples : Strategies for Really Effective Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Mercadente, Frank Langue : Anglais |
This answers this question "How can I grow an effective minstry for youth?" with tested strategies based on a comprehensive of youth minstry. | |||||
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Guide to Youth Ministry Programming : Readings in Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
Effective youth ministry programming requires leaders who know the "why" as well as the "how" of program planning for young people. | |||||
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Guided Meditations for Junior High : Leader's Guide Auteur (s) : Ayer, Jane E. Langue : Anglais |
This book contains mediations on the themes of good judgement, gifts, obedience, and inner blindness. | |||||
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Guided Meditations for Youth on Sacramental Life : Leader's Guide Auteur (s) : Arsenault, Jane E.; Cedor, Jean R. Langue : Anglais |
This book contains guided meditations on each of the four sacraments of baptism, confirmation, the Eucharist, and reconciliation. These meditations can be used by youth ministers, catechists, teachers, and liturgists in a variety of settings, such as classrooms, youth groups, retreats, and liturgies. | |||||
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Guides to Youth Ministry : Leadership Auteur (s) : East, Thomas; Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
This book offers both the vision and practice for a new model of youth ministry and a new model of youth ministry leadership. | |||||
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Hemorrhaging Faith Auteur (s) : Penner, James; Harder, Rachel; Anderson, Erica Langue : Anglais |
Why and when Canadian Young Adults are leaving, staying & Returning to the Church. | |||||
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Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks Auteur (s) : Rice, Wayne Langue : Anglais |
This illustrations cover the spectrum--some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, and all of them will make you think. What they all have in common is that they will work with teenagers. | |||||
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How to Respond to....The Cults Auteur (s) : Beck, Hubert F. Langue : Anglais |
The discussion in this booklet and those to follow will focus more specifically on cults as religious groups that have deviated so significantly from the religious thought and norms that gave them birth as to have become a new and altered stream of faith and life. | |||||
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Incredible Questionaires for Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Bundschuh, Rick; Von Trutzchler, E.G. Langue : Anglais |
Inside, you'll find 50 reproducible, easy-to-use questionaries that will help you find out all sorts of valuable information about how your kids think, feel and act. | |||||
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Justice : Access Guides to Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Bright, Thomas; Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
Though written from different perspectives, these first six chapters provide a remarkably consistent reflection on God's word of justice and a challenge to make God's jutice real in our place and time. | |||||
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Justice and Service Ideas for Ministry with Young Teens Auteur (s) : Grant, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
This is a collection of 21 strategies for short- and long-term service projects, outreach activities, learning exercises, and discussion starters aimed at helping young teens understand the social impact of our culture and make a difference in their world. | |||||
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Leadership for Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Fox, Zeni; Guerin, Marisa; Reynolds, Brian; Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
This book brings together the principal theories of youth ministry with practical approaches and concrete, useful strategies for the recruitment, training and support of youth ministry leaders. | |||||
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Leading Students into Prayer : Ideas and Suggestions from A to Z Auteur (s) : Glavich, Mary Kathleen Langue : Anglais |
In each of the 26 chapters, an aspect of prayer or a type of prayer is discussed simply and clearly. | |||||
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Liturgy & Worship : Access Guides to Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Roberto, John Langue : Anglais |
The Church's sacramental and liturgical life provides opportunities for nurturing a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in our young people and in fostering a deeper involvement of young people in the life of Christian community. This books shows you how. | |||||
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Living Pure Inside Out Auteur (s) : Hughes, Bill Langue : Anglais |
This book is designed to help you see exactly what sexual purity is...and what it is not. | |||||
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My Dear Young Friends Auteur (s) : John Paul II, Pope Langue : Anglais |
These 52 weekly reflections on the living life in the Spirit invite young people to read and act on Pope John Paul II's works of inspiration. | |||||
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On Earth as it is in Heaven: A Retreat Package For Secondary School Students Auteur (s) : Development and Peace Langue : Anglais |
This resource consis of everything you need to organize a student retreat, inlcuding frou retreat activities, prayers, ice-breakes and other short activities. The activities are suited for grades 11 & 12 and are designed for groups of 30-50 participants. They can be modified for maller or larger groups. | |||||
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One-Day Retreats for Senior High Youth Auteur (s) : Braden-Whartenby, Geri; Connelly, Joan Flinn Langue : Anglais |
Each retreat offers approximately 15 activities centered around a theme. These can last from 5-75 minutes. | |||||
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Our Mission of Love : Image of God Series Auteur (s) : Wozniak, Mary E.; Degnan, Rita Ann; Kenny, Catherine C. Langue : Anglais |
This series is centered on a new subjective emphasis found inthe writing and teachings of Pope John Paul II. | |||||
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Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-Sex Attraction - Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
Letter on pastoral ministry to young people with same-sex attraction released by The Commission for Doctrine of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). Includes Study Guide. | |||||
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Plug-In to Life : Strategies and Resources for Catholic Youth Ministry from Life Teen Auteur (s) : Fushek, Dale; Baniewicz, Phil; Booth, Tom Langue : Anglais |
This book provides both an invitiation to explore different components of the Life Teen program and an explanation of why and how this teen ministry has captured the attention of many parishes throughout North America. | |||||
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Prayer Services for Teens Auteur (s) : Dotterweich, Kass P. Langue : Anglais |
This collection of 34 theme-based, photocopiable prayer services is the ideal resource for catechists, youth ministers, teachers, priests--anyone who ministers to young people. Each prayer service is designed to last a max. of 10 minutes--perfect beginnings for classes, meetings, gatherings of any kind with young people. | |||||
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Prayer Services for Young Adolescents Auteur (s) : Costello, Gwen Langue : Anglais |
The fourteen prayer services found in this book are custom-made for young adolescents (grades 6 through 9). It offers ways to work toward postive self-esteem, as well as ways to accept and respect other people. | |||||
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Prayers with Pizzazz for Junior High Teens Auteur (s) : Lanciotti, Judi Langue : Anglais |
If you work with junior high people, this book, with its wide range of prayers experiences, practical advice, and information, will be a big help to you. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate in Schools Auteur (s) : Bick, Margaret Langue : Anglais |
This book helps you both to avoid the worst in school liturgy and to build toward a strong program of liturgical formation in a school -- a program which will lead to full, conscious and active participation by the students in the liturgical life of the church. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate with Children Auteur (s) : Whitty, Gerard; Mercer, Jeannette; Wells, Elaine Langue : Anglais |
This book challenges the local assembly to give children a voice in their Sunday praise and worship. | |||||
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Preparing to Celebrate with Youth Auteur (s) : Sweet, Marilyn J. Langue : Anglais |
Using basic principles of good liturgy, this book provides communities facing this challenge with honest pracitical assistance. | |||||
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Pure Joy Auteur (s) : Tullos, Matt; Turner, Paul; Cherry, Kristi Langue : Anglais |
This book is sure to help you remove the stains of the flesh and prevent fading of the bright light of Christ. Combine this study with the heart-softening agent of God's word, and you'll be astounded by the mountain-spring freshness of the Spirit's work of transformation. | |||||
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Relating Auteur (s) : McCarty, Michele Langue : Anglais |
Teacher's manual. | |||||
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Responsibility in Ministry : A Statement of Commitment Langue : Anglais |
Many offical Church documents and other works examine the nature and vocation of a ministry. The intent of this text is not to repeat the scriptural or theological basis for ministry but to set out briefly some of the responsibilitoes that are part of ministering in the Chrch today. | |||||
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Retreats : Access Guides to Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Ekstrom, Reynolds Langue : Anglais |
This work gives an effective basis to provide for young people's faith formation through retreats. | |||||
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Sacraments Jesus With Us Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
By the end of this short course you'll have a new sense of who you are, and the sacraments will be a basic part of who you are! | |||||
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Sacraments Jesus With Us : Parent Guide Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
To have the youth be able to explain the nature, origin and role of the sacraments in the life of the Church. | |||||
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Sacraments Jesus With Us : Teacher Manual Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
This program starting with the student texts, is designed specifically for the religious education structire with its need for flexibility and its time limitations. | |||||
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Livre |
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Auteur (s) : Lovasik, Fr. Lawrence Langue : Anglais |
The story of the life of Saint Kateri, The Lily of the Mohawks, set in an American History background. | |||||
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Saintly Youth of Modern Times Auteur (s) : Cruz, Joan Carroll Langue : Anglais |
Holiness comes in all sizes. Sometimes it's the littlest who are the greatest in wisdom and grace. It's the youngest who demonstrate heroic virtue ? faith, hope, and love ? far beyond their years. Now Saintly Youth of Modern Times presents the biographies of more than forty of these amazing individuals from around the globe, including one youngster who died at the age of six! Here are boys and girls who watched cartoons on television, went to school, and enjoyed playing sports with their classmates. Here are young men and women who attended dances, drove cars, and loved chatting on the phone with their friends. Here are Catholics who fully lived the Faith, including some who courageously died for it. Read how these young holy ones faced: Arthritis; back problems; cancer and chemotherapy; eye problems; severe headaches; pneumonia; and more. Ranging from those expected to soon receive the title of Servant of God to those already canonized and declared a saint of the Church, here are young souls whose unwavering love of Christ in the Eucharist ? and devotion to his Blessed Mother ? continue to inspire lives today. Look for Saintly Men of Modern Times | |||||
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Samson : Judge of Israel Auteur (s) : Ruiz, Mario; Novick, Jerry A. Langue : Anglais |
Samson is a simple man with the stength of a titan. He was chosen before birth to be one of Israel's great leaders with the cleverness and power to liberate his people from the oppression of the Philistines. | |||||
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Searching For Faith : Prayer Experiences for Teen Assemblies and Retreats Auteur (s) : Dues, Greg Langue : Anglais |
This book challenges young people to explore the concepts and traditions of their faith through Scripture, reflection, discussion and activitiy. | |||||
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Seasonal Prayer Services for Teenagers Auteur (s) : Dues, Greg Langue : Anglais |
Each of the services feature background notes, preparation instructions, a time for listening, and a response. | |||||
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Signposts of Our Faith Auteur (s) : Gaffney, Myles Langue : Anglais |
Canadian Witnesses to Vocation and Mission. | |||||
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Simple Blessing for Sacred Moments Auteur (s) : Anders, Isabel Langue : Anglais |
No book of this sort can ever be "complete"; but author has striven to include topics intended to be used to bless time and season, milestones and everyday life -- many of which can be applied to quite variant situations. | |||||
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Smart Choices for Pre-Teen Kids : 20 Faith-Building Lessons Auteur (s) : Hawley, Jim Langue : Anglais |
Use these lessons to help our kids make good decisions about friends...the world...school struggles...and how to handle temptation. This book is a must for Sunday school teachers and leaders of 5th- and 6th-grade groups! | |||||
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Soul Searching the Millennial Generation : A Guide for Youth Workers Auteur (s) : Overholt, L. David; Penner, James A. Langue : Anglais |
In this book veteran youth workers Overhold and Penner "soul" search this fascination generation born in the 1980's, helping adults to understand the spiritual, social and personal side of youth today and offering creative ways to apply their findings to programs that fit teens' needs and aspirations. | |||||
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Spirituality : Access Guides to Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Reed, Sharon Langue : Anglais |
Can we offer adolescents a spiritually challenging vision of life that is exciting and worthy of their time, attention, commitment? Read on and find out. | |||||
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Survival in Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : McCarty, Robert J. Langue : Anglais |
Drawing from years of personal experience, many workshops with youth ministers, and research, the author candidly exposes the sources of tension, conflict and frustration that youth ministers encounter in their work. | |||||
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Teaching Activities Manual for The Catholic Youth Bible Auteur (s) : Navarro, Christine Schmertz Langue : Anglais |
Author has developed this manual with the adventuresome teacher in mind--someone who has perhaps taught Scripture course to high school students before. It serves the teacher who wants to use it as a primary text for a Scripture course. | |||||
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Teen Prayer Services : 20 Themes for Reflection Auteur (s) : Regan, S. Kevin Langue : Anglais |
These 20 ready-to-use services focuses on issues important to teens: friendship, self-esteem, failure, sexuality, choices, love, and suffering, among others. | |||||
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The Cardboard Shack Beneath The Bridge Auteur (s) : Huff, Tim Langue : Anglais |
This picture book lays the groundwork for parents and teachers to start talking with children about homlessnness.Includes a discussion guide for helping children understand homlessness | |||||
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The Catholic Faith Handbook For Youth Auteur (s) : Singer-Towns, Brian Langue : Anglais |
It is understandable and down to earth guide to all things Catholic. This book will be an eye opener and page turner. It is organised to parallel the Catechism of the Catholic Church. | |||||
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The Catholic Youth Bible: Revised Langue : Anglais |
The Catholic Youth Bible will be a true companion, helping you find the answers you seek and helping you make connections to Catholic beliefs and traditions. | |||||
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Livre |
The Church and New Media: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Vogt, Brandon Langue : Anglais |
We are experiencing the bigest communication shift since the printing press. Millions have adopted Facebook, YouTube, blogs and Twitter. What does this mean for the church ? How can Christians harness these new tools to reach out, teach, cultivate community, and change the world ? | |||||
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The Church in Today's World : A Justice and Peace Agenda for Today's Disciples Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
It describes how God has intended our human race to live as a family. | |||||
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The Church in Today's World : A Justice and Peace Agenda for Today's Disciples : Parent Guide Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
To help thew student gain a better understanding of the nature of social justice, namely, the "what and why." | |||||
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The Church in Today's World : A Justice and Peace Agenda for Today's Disciples : Teacher Manual Auteur (s) : Reichert, Richard Langue : Anglais |
To understand the nature and practical implications of the gospel's call to work for justice and peace in today's society. | |||||
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The Code of Canon Law : in English Translation. Langue : Anglais |
It is hoped that this English version of the Code will be a fitting resource for an attentive and fruitful study of the law of the Church. | |||||
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The E Word: Evangelization is Not a Dirty Word Auteur (s) : Marchand, Michael Langue : Anglais |
Clear, concise, practical and encouraging tool for the New Evangelization. | |||||
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The Emerging Millennials Auteur (s) : Bibby, Reginald Langue : Anglais |
How Canada's Newest Generation is responding to change & choice. | |||||
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The Leadership Challenge Auteur (s) : Kouzes, James Langue : Anglais |
Practical and inpirational lessons for leaders and their constituents in business, government, education and communities. | |||||
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The Legend of the Bells and Other Tales : Stories of the Human Spirit Auteur (s) : Shea, John Langue : Anglais |
Drawn from religious traditions, spiritual legends, and everyday experience, each story speaks directly to the seeker's heart and mind and is followed by a thought-provoking, heartfelt explanation which gives a practical, personal revelance to the story. | |||||
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The Spirit and Culture of Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : Martison, Roland Langue : Anglais |
This book provides rich, research-based directions for developping and enhancing a congregation's ministry with young people. | |||||
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The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry Auteur (s) : McCarty, Robert Langue : Anglais |
This book provides an overview of the theory and pastoral practice of comprehensive youth ministry, based on the 1997 document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministers. | |||||
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Livre |
The Vision of Catholic Youth Ministry: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : McCarty, Robert Langue : Anglais |
This book provides an overview of the theory and pastoral practice of comprehensive youth ministry, based on the 1997 document Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministers. | |||||
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Theology for Beginners Workbook Auteur (s) : Catholic Christian Outreach Canada Langue : Anglais |
This workbook is intended to be a study aid in your reading of Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed. | |||||
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Livre |
Theology of her body; Theology of his body Auteur (s) : Evert, Jason Langue : Anglais |
Discovering the Beauty and Mystery of Feminity. Discovering the Strength and Mission of Masculinity. Have you ever thought about why you were created the way you are? What does it really mean to be a man or a woman? What is it that makes you unique? What makes you...you? | |||||
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Tough Crowd: My Adventures As a Chastity Educator Auteur (s) : Sparrow, Shawna Langue : Anglais |
The author shares her experiences in the classroom as well as her insights into social issues related to sexuality. She examines how our culture shapes the sexual behavior and morals of our youth. | |||||
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Transfusing Life: Practicale Responses To The Hemorrhaging Faith Report Auteur (s) : Youth and Young Adult Ministry Roundtable Langue : Anglais |
This publication is a summarization of the Hemorrhaging Faith report with practical ideas to counteract the youth drain from our churches. This book can provide parents, pastors and church leaders clear understaning of the problem that faces us and provide a starting point for a dialogue on how to bring life back into the Canadian church. | |||||
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Truth Be Told: Basics in Catholic Apologetics Auteur (s) : Hart, Mark; Cady, Joe Langue : Anglais |
This book is a one-stop-shop that unpacs the most beautifil and controversial Catholic doctrines in a manner simple enough for a teen to understand yet deep enough got a Catechist to grow in knowledge. | |||||
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Vine and Branches : Volume 1 Auteur (s) : Hakowski, Maryann Langue : Anglais |
This offers a wealth of retreat activities that can be used independently or as five completely scheduled and detailed retreats. Included are 28 reproducible handouts containing prayer services, learning activities, reflections, and discussion questions. | |||||
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Vine and Branches : Volume 2 Auteur (s) : Hakowski, Maryann Langue : Anglais |
This includes 31 reproducible handouts with prayer services, reflections, discussion questions and exercises for involving the treatants in the retreat experience. | |||||
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Weekly Prayer Services for Teenagers : Lectionary-Based for the School Year : Years A and B Auteur (s) : Schneider, M. Valerie Langue : Anglais |
These 37 prayer services, corresponding to the liturgical weeks of Years A and B that span the school year, are intended for junior and senior high school students, both in Catholic school and religious education settings. | |||||
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Who is Our Example? Image of God Series Auteur (s) : Richardson, Michelle; Kohner, Camille Langue : Anglais |
This series is centered on a new subjective emphasis found in the writings and teachings of Pope John Paul II. | |||||
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Who Loves Me Aways? Image of God Series Auteur (s) : Nachtsheim, Marie; Fursman, Marie; Crowley, Cecilia Langue : Anglais |
This series is centered on a new subjective emphasis found inthe writing and teachings of Pope John Paul II. | |||||
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Why Go to Mass : Reasons and Resources to Motivate Teenagers Auteur (s) : Dues, Greg Langue : Anglais |
Here is a book that will help teenagers and the adults who work with them deal with the question, "Why go to Mass?" | |||||
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Livre |
Youcat - Prayer Book: Youth Ministry Kit Langue : Anglais |
This book is supposed to help on the prayer path of frienship with God. It is a collection of old and new prayers. This book consists of two parts. The first part is a prayer cycle with morning and evening prayer for two weeks. The secons part is a collection of prayers about various topics and concerns. | |||||
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Livre |
Youcat - Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Auteur (s) : Austrian Bishops Conference Langue : Anglais |
Youcat is written in a language suitable for young people, deals with the entire Cathlic faith as it was presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The work is structured in Question-and-Answer format. A commentary following the answer is meant to give additional help in uderstanding the questions that are discussed and their significance in life. | |||||
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Livre |
Youcat Kit Langue : Anglais |
Kit contains the Youcat Cathechism, Prayer Book, Study Guide, Confirmation Book, Docat (What to do?) and Bible. | |||||
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Livre |
Youth at Worship Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
This book is intended to assist those who prepare and participate in liturgies of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada where many members of the assembly are baptized young people between the ages of twelve and nineteen, i.e., moving through the life stages from early adolescence to early adulthood. | |||||
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Livre |
Youth at Worship: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
This book is intended to assist those who prepare and participate in liturgies of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada where many members of the assembly are baptized young people between the ages of twelve and nineteen, i.e., moving through the life stages from early adolescence to early adulthood. | |||||
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Youth Link : Helping You Make the Transition from School to Work Auteur (s) : Canada. Human Resources Development Langue : Anglais |
Whether you're looking for information on scholarships, work placements, summer jobs or if you just want some help finding yourself, Youth Link is what you need. | |||||
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Livre |
Youth Ministry on a Shoestring: Youth Ministry Kit Auteur (s) : Rood, Lars Langue : Anglais |
A lack of fund doesn`t have to alter the way you approach your youth ministry. In fact, it may just inspire you to get creative and look for resources in all kinds of new places. | |||||
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Youth Ministry Team Resource Auteur (s) : Everson, Thomas Langue : Anglais |
Practical Planning and Programs for Total Catholic Youth Ministry. | |||||
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