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Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Leadership en Église.
- Autre (1)
- Livre (21)
The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus: KIT Auteur (s) : Phelps, Owen Langue : Anglais |
Each of us is not only called to be a leader, but we are all leaders by default - wheter we like it or not. How effective are you at making a positive impact on hte people around you? Discover the power of Christ's eprsonal and practical example, and make a measurable difference inthe lives of those around you - at home, at work, in the community, or in your parish. Transform your leadership style in light of Jesus' compelling combination of servant, steward, and shepherd. This kit contains a workbook. | |||||
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Livre |
L'Église une passion une vision Auteur (s) : Warren, Rick Langue : Français |
Chaque église est motivée ou dirigée par quelque chose. Rick Warren affirme que pour être en bonne santé, une église doit devenir motivée et dirigée par la passion et la vision, édifiée sur les cinq desseins donnés à l’église par Jésus dans le Nouveau Testament: la communion fraternelle, l’engagement, l’adoration, le ministère et l’évangélisation. Dans ce livre révolutionnaire, vous apprendrez les secrets de l’église baptiste dont la croissance a été la plus rapide dans l’histoire des États-Unis. Découvrez au travers de ces pages les idées pratiques ainsi que les principes utiles que Rick Warren a déjà enseigné à plus de 22000 pasteurs et leaders venant de soixante dénominations et quarante-deux pays différents. | |||||
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Semons le bon grain Auteur (s) : Renew International Langue : Français |
Un recueil complet de principes pastoraux et de suggestions pratiques pour aider les animateurs et animatrices des petites communautés. Ce livre déborde d’idées simples, mais efficaces, dont la mise en oeuvre amènera les membres des petites communautés à une meilleure qualité de réflexion sur l’Évangile et les aidera à y répondre, en paroles et en actes. | |||||
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Livre |
Attitude 101 Auteur (s) : Maxwell, John C. Langue : Anglais |
Attitude can make or break you and the people you lead. Good attitudes on a team do not guarantee its success, but bad attitudes guarantee its ruin. Anyone who has tried to lead people with bad attitudes knows the frustration it can bring. With this concise and reader-friendly guidebook, you can master attitude issues. | |||||
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Livre |
Be a People Person Auteur (s) : Maxwell, John C. Langue : Anglais |
Being a leader means working with people, and that's not always easy! Whether in your office, church, neighborhood, or elsewhere, your interpersonal relationships can make or break you as a leader. That's why it's so important to be a "people person" and develop your skills in tapping that most precious of all resources: people. | |||||
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Livre |
Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples Auteur (s) : Weddell, Sherry A. Langue : Anglais |
Weddell has gathered together experienced leaders and collaborators whose exceptional field-tested wisdom and enthusiasm for transforming Catholic parishes into centers of discipleship and apostolic outreach is both inspiring and practical. Discussion questions included. | |||||
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Best Practices from America's Best Churches Auteur (s) : Wilkes, Paul; Minchin, Marty Langue : Anglais |
Coming from churches ranging from a few dozen to thousands of members, leaders shared their hands-on, effective strategies to reach and serve and increasing complex and diverse group of spiritual seekers--The American people. | |||||
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Livre |
Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish Auteur (s) : Mallon, James Langue : Anglais |
An engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate communities of discipleship and vibrant and dynamic faith communities. | |||||
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Excellent Catholic Parishes : The Guide to Best Places and Practices Auteur (s) : Wilkes, Paul Langue : Anglais |
We all know that Catholics hop from parish to parish these days. What are they looking for? What are they seeking? Author lays out clearly his criteria for a successful parish in this post-Vatican II era. | |||||
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Livre |
How Sucessful People Lead Auteur (s) : Maxwell, John C. Langue : Anglais |
True leadership is not generated by your title. To be more than a boss, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people. You need to build a team that produces not only results, but also future leaders. By combining the advice contained in these pages with skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle of leadership-where your influence extends beyond your immediate reach for the benefit of others. | |||||
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Livre |
Lead with Humility Auteur (s) : Krames, Jeffrey Langue : Anglais |
In the years since his election to the highest position in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has breathed life into an aging institution, reinvigorated a global base, and created real hope for the future. His early accomplishments have been so remarkable that in 2014, Fortune magazine awarded the top spot of their coveted World’s Greatest Leaders list not to a captain of industry or political leader but to the new pontiff. But how did a relatively unknown priest from Argentina rise so quickly from obscurity to one of the top leaders of the twenty-first century? The answer lies in his humility, as well as the simple principles that have sprung from it. Lead with Humility explores 12 of these principles and shows how other leaders and managers across a broad spectrum can adapt them for the workplace with just as impressive results as our great pope has. These invaluable principles include: • Don't stand over your employees--sit down with them• Don't judge--assess• Take care of people, not lobbies• Go where you are needed• Temper ideology with pragmatism• Don't change--reinvent! • And more Even just a few years in, it is clear to all that Pope Francis's ability to inspire the world is unprecedented in modern times. Lead with Humility reveals the power of his methods, and helps anyone lead with the humility, grace, and authenticity that has elevated the pope to where he is today and had a direct impact in inspiring everyone and everything around him. | |||||
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Leadership In The Church Auteur (s) : Kasper, Walter Cardinal Langue : Anglais |
How traditional roles can serve the christian community today. In Leadership in the Church, Kasper writes on a variety of the most. pressing questions facing leadership within the Catholic Church today and its faithful pursuit of service to the Christian community | |||||
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Leadership the Challenge Auteur (s) : Kouzes, James; Posner, Barry Langue : Anglais |
This book is one of the very best on the topic of leadership, offering extraoridnary stories from leaders at various ages and stages of their lives.Whether you are now in a leadership role and want to further strenghten and hone your skills, or simply have the desire to learn to make a difference and help guide your company - or even friends and family members-to higher leves of success, you will benefil by reading this book. | |||||
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Livre |
Rebuilt: The Story of a Catholic Parish Auteur (s) : White, Michael; Corcoran, Tom Langue : Anglais |
Drawing on a the wisdom gleaned from thriving megachurches and innovative businesse leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic heart of Catholic faith, Fr. Micheal White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story of how they brough their parish back to life. | |||||
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Livre |
Relationships 101 Auteur (s) : Maxwell, John C. Langue : Anglais |
Leadership is a relationship-intensive endeavor. If your people skills aren't strong, neither will be your leadership. Maxwell provides time-tested principles for developing healthy relationships with others - inside and outside of your organization. | |||||
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Livre |
The Divine Renovation Group Reading Guide Auteur (s) : Huesbsch, Bill Langue : Anglais |
Engaging and easy to use study guide that will help to apply the principles and ideas outlined in Fr. Mallon's book: Divine Renovation to your own parish. | |||||
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The Empowered Leader: 10 Keys to Servant Leadership Auteur (s) : Miller, Calvin Langue : Anglais |
10 keys to servant leadership God blessed King David as a leader only after David submitted himself to God's strength. In The Empowered Leader, Dr. Calvin Miller shows how following David's example can turn you into the leader you can be, the leader God wants you to be. | |||||
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The Meaning of Sunday Auteur (s) : Thiessen, Joel Langue : Anglais |
Exploring the meanings and motivations behind people’s religious beliefs and behaviours, the book features discussions with three groups of people: those who attend religious services weekly, those who attend services mainly for religious holidays and rites of passage, and those who do not identify with any religious group and never attend religious services. | |||||
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The Parish of the Next Millennium Auteur (s) : Bausch, William J. Langue : Anglais |
As the new millennium approaches, here is a great resource to help individuals and groups discern the current movements in their parish and to begin planning the kind of spiritual and operational posture their parish should take on in the future. | |||||
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The Total Parish Manual Auteur (s) : Bausch, William Langue : Anglais |
Offers the complete "how-to-guide" for parishes to fulfill their mission to their members. This book deals with topics including the sacraments, the liturgical year, organizations, small faith communities, and many other parish activities. | |||||
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Livre |
Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to make Your Parish a Better Place Auteur (s) : White Michael; Corcoran, Tom Langue : Anglais |
Seventy-five proven tactics for buiding a better catholic parish. The first volume is called: Rebuilt. | |||||
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Livre |
What on Earth Am I Here For? Auteur (s) : Warren, Rick Langue : Anglais |
Using biblical stories and letting the Bible speak for itself, Warren clearly explains God's five purposes for each of us.This book helps readers understand God's incredible plan for their lives. Warren enables them to see the big picture of what life is all about and begin to live the life God created them to live. Discussion questions included. Also available : The Purpose Driven Church. | |||||
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