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Centre de ressources - Explorez
Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Evangélisation.
- Autre (1)
- DVD (3)
- Livre (7)
Autre |
Catholicism The New Evangelization: KIT Auteur (s) : Barron, Robert Langue : Anglais |
The Catholic Faith is not about myths or legends, symbols or literary devices. It's about an encounter so overwhelming that you want to tell the whole world. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ. Throughout history the call of Christ has sent people to the corners of the earth with a message of great joy, a message that has built civilizations, inspired cultures and even sent some to prisons and to their graves. We have the same call - that's the New Evangelization. This new documentary series from Fr. Barron's Word On Fire, continues the story of CATHOLICISM and explores the Church's mission and the challenges of contemporary culture. | |||||
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Catholicism 201 : A Follow-up to the Alpha Course : DVD. Langue : Anglais |
Countless numbers of catholics throughout the world have discovered the great gift of the Alpha Course. This DVD set arouse out the need for a Catholic follow-up that was directly intended to follow after the Alpha Course. | |||||
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Symbolon: Part 1: Knowing the Faith DVD Auteur (s) : Symbolon Langue : Anglais |
The Catholic Faith Explained The Journey of Faith, Devine Revelation, The Bible, The Story of salvation, Who is Jesus ?, The Paschal Mystery, The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace, Whu Do I Need the Church? Mary and the Saints, The Last Things | |||||
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Symbolon: Part 2 Living the Faith: DVD Langue : Anglais |
The Catholic Faith Explained. The Sacraments, The Eucharist, Walk Through Mass, Penance and Anointing, Matrimony and Holy Orders, A CAtholic Moral Vision, A Loce That Lasts, A Love that Lasts, Catholic Social Teachings | |||||
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Prier : la prière chrétienne Auteur (s) : Renew Interantional Langue : Français |
La série «Être catholique... pourquoi?» est enracinée dans les Écritures et le Cathéchisme. Elle permet à chaque catholiques d'avoir une connaisance enrichie de sa foi afin de la partager. Le livre Prier : la prière chrétienne discute les différents styles de prière. On explore le dialogue qui existe entre Dieu et nous, les difficultés qui se présentent lors de la prière ainsi qu'une analyse profonde du Notre Père. | |||||
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Livre |
Catholicism : A Journey to the Heart of the Faith Auteur (s) : Barron, Robert E. Langue : Anglais |
A Journey to the Heart of the Faith takes a path in leading us to explore the faith through stories, biographies, and images. In these pages, we meet the "Word made flesh" not only in theological formulations but also in saints and poets, cathedrals and chants, priests and prophets. | |||||
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Catholicism Revisitsed : A Guide for the Perplexed Auteur (s) : Forsyth, John Langue : Anglais |
The purpose of this book is to make sense of the words on which the Christian message has been transmitted to us in the Catholic tradition. | |||||
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Livre |
Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John Auteur (s) : Vanier, Jean Langue : Anglais |
Jean Vanier has a unique talent for getting to the heart of the gospel of John and making it come alive for today’s readers. Very touching they way he takes you into the story on Jesus’ ministry and really gives you a different perspective than many commentaries | |||||
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Livre |
From Maintenance to Mission Auteur (s) : Rivers, Robert S. Langue : Anglais |
Evangelization, contrary to what many people believe, is not just a Protestant concern; in fact, it is Catholic to the core. In this practical, approachable work he suggests that the Catholic parish is a wonderful setting to carry out the evangelizing work of the church. He makes the case that evangelization holds the key to the future of the church because it was in fact the centerpiece of post-Vatican Council reform. | |||||
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Livre |
Lead with Humility Auteur (s) : Krames, Jeffrey Langue : Anglais |
In the years since his election to the highest position in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has breathed life into an aging institution, reinvigorated a global base, and created real hope for the future. His early accomplishments have been so remarkable that in 2014, Fortune magazine awarded the top spot of their coveted World’s Greatest Leaders list not to a captain of industry or political leader but to the new pontiff. But how did a relatively unknown priest from Argentina rise so quickly from obscurity to one of the top leaders of the twenty-first century? The answer lies in his humility, as well as the simple principles that have sprung from it. Lead with Humility explores 12 of these principles and shows how other leaders and managers across a broad spectrum can adapt them for the workplace with just as impressive results as our great pope has. These invaluable principles include: • Don't stand over your employees--sit down with them• Don't judge--assess• Take care of people, not lobbies• Go where you are needed• Temper ideology with pragmatism• Don't change--reinvent! • And more Even just a few years in, it is clear to all that Pope Francis's ability to inspire the world is unprecedented in modern times. Lead with Humility reveals the power of his methods, and helps anyone lead with the humility, grace, and authenticity that has elevated the pope to where he is today and had a direct impact in inspiring everyone and everything around him. | |||||
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The Master Plan of Evangelism Auteur (s) : Coleman, Robert Langue : Anglais |
This resource presents a thorough examination of the Gospel accounts, revealing the objective of Christ's ministry and his strategy for carrying it out. Coleman focuses on the uderlaying principles that consistently determined what Jesus' action would be in any giveb situation. By emulating this patten, you will be prepared to minister to the specific needs of those God brings into your life. This edition includes a study guide by Roy Fish, which contains 13 lessons for applying Christ's principles for evangelism. | |||||
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