

We acknowledge that the fundamental vocation shared by all Christians is to live out their baptismal call. All are empowered by the Holy Spirit to know, love, and serve Christ. All are called to proclaim Christ, to build up the Church and to advance the reign of God, the reign of love and peace.

Within the Church, the Spirit calls forth a rich diversity of vocations, of ways of living out one’s baptism, of building the Church, of proclaiming Christ and carrying out His work.

The Commission for the Promotion of Vocations is a group of 6-8 people under the leadership of Archbishop Albert LeGatt. Its goal is to create a culture conducive to vocations by organizing celebrations highlighting the various vocations, and to provide information and resources to help people discern and discover their particular vocation in life.



The idea behind the Vocations Cross Project is to foster prayer for all vocations: marriage, family, priesthood, diaconate, religious life, and single life. Each parish that participates will have its own Vocations Cross that parishioners can take turns taking home with them to pray for vocations.  There are supporting materials that, together with the cross, form the Vocations Cross Kit. 

To participate in this initiative, three steps need to be followed for the introduction of the Vocations Cross in your parish:

1. Arrange a small cross with a stand, suitable for use on a table top. Some options for the cross:

  • Asking a parishioner with woodworking skills to construct a cross;
  • Asking a parishioner with creative design skills to make a cross of twigs or small branches;
  • Repurposing a cross already in the parish;
  • Purchasing a cross for this purpose.

2. Create a sign-up sheet where parishioners can sign up to take the Vocations Cross Kit home with them for a week to pray for vocations.

3. Review the materials that have been developed by the Diocesan Commission for the Promotion of Vocations and are designed to help those who accept their parish Vocations Cross to pray with the cross for the week they have it in their homes.

 To view materials fromt the Vocations Cross Kit, click on the pdf documents:



Support the activities of the diocesan service for Marriage, Family, and Life, e.g. the Diocesan Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries.

To read more about the Marriage, Family and Life Services, click here.



Hold annual diocesan Come and See Day for young men interested in the priest­hood.

Organize meetings (every 6-8 weeks) for ongoing support to those considering the priesthood, under the leadership of Fr. Joshua Gundrum.

Provide resources for priests and parishes for Good Shepherd Sunday (4th Sun­day of Easter), e.g., homily assistance, prayer intercessions, website resources, posters, etc.



"The deacon's ministry is meant to be a 'driving force' for the Church's ministry of service. By ordination the deacon is configured to Christ in his servant role and is meant to be a living sign of the servant hood of his Church."- Pope John Paul II

Presentation, January 20, 2011 - "The Diaconate in Manitoba," by Archbishop Albert LeGatt (Saint Boniface) and Archbishop James Weisgerber (Winnipeg). Read message.

View video. 11:19



Organize diocesan or parish celebrations for the World Day of Consecrated Life (on or near February 2nd) to highlight the vocation of religious sisters, brothers and religious priests.

Posted September 16, 2015

A Day in the Life of a Hermit, Br. Bruno Watson-Colter

Although, in retrospect, I have had this calling since I was a little child, 

it was later in life that I understood and embraced it. Read more.


Organize an annual celebration for widows and widowers and identify resources to help them find their particular place in the Church.

Such a celebration was held for the first time at the St. Boniface Cathedral, August 2013. 







The hermit is a solitary contemplative pray-er, consecrated to God through the hands of the bishop according to his/her approved Rule of Life. The simple life of the hermit is focused on the conscious living of the inner Christian journey of transformation through participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Dedicated to prayer on behalf of the diocese and of the whole world, the hermit also serves through spiritual accompaniment to individual persons on their journey. To request prayer or for more information:


Vocation to single life lived in, and for, the world.

Increased cooperation with parish Youth Ministry, Catholic schools, Catholic School of Evangelization, and other organizations that involve youth.          



