Are You Interested in Becoming Catholic?


The first step consists of contacting your nearest Catholic church or the Catholic parish you would like to join and ask about their Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. This program is offered in every parish to those seeking to become Catholic and typically runs from the month of September until after Easter each year, though the process can be longer in different parishes. The RCIA is for those who have reached the age of reason (though the program is typically delivered in an adapted format for children) and who have never been baptized Catholic or Christian; have been baptized Catholic or Christian, but have not received any faith formation, and may or may not have received the other sacraments of initiation; or are practicing Christians of other denominations who are seeking to become Catholic.

We also invite you to click through the different tabs to the right to learn more about each of the four periods of the RCIA process – Inquiry (or Precatechumenate), Catechumenate, Purification and Enlightenment, and Mystagogy – to get a better sense of what it is you may be signing up for.

We recognize that we have each been drawn to the Catholic faith in different ways and for different reasons, and as such, the first period, Inquiry, is really meant to be an opportunity to learn about the Catholic faith and to ask any questions you may have until you feel that you are ready to move forward and to become Catholic, or you may decide not to become Catholic. There is no commitment one way or the other during this period and there is no set timeline for completing this stage.

If you are ready to embark on the exciting adventure that is becoming Catholic, please contact your nearest parish to find out more about their RCIA process and how you can begin journeying with the parish community.

Please click on this link to access the parish directory to find a parish near you.

Diocesan Committee for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

If you have any questions concerning the RCIA process or getting in touch with your nearest parish, please do not hesitate to contact:



Becoming Catholic