Saint-Boniface Adult Faith Formation Fund

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The Saint-Boniface Adult Faith Formation Fund aims to carry on the spirit of the Nathanael Program for adults within the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface who need financial assistance to further their own faith formation in service to the Church.


What Type of Activity Can Be Funded?

The activity for which funding is being requested must provide formation in the Catholic faith for the applicant, with a commitment to put that formation into use in active ministry. The mind (Romans 12:2), the heart (Luke 6:45), and the hands (Acts 20:35) of the applicant must all be engaged in this ministry. As stated in the Directory for Catechesis published by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization in June 2020 (¶425): 

“…[the diocese] seeks to provide a formation of frame that responds to the dimensions of being, of being-with, of knowledge, of savoir-faire, avoiding undue emphasis on one dimension at the expense of the other.” 

(Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash)

Funding can be requested for: 

  • Formal post-secondary studies directly related to formation in the Catholic faith 
  • Standalone courses in fields directly related to formation in the Catholic faith 
  • Books and resources directly related to formation in the Catholic faith 
  • Costs incurred to attend events directly related to formation in the Catholic faith 

Courses or events should be current or future commitments that the applicant is currently pursuing, regardless of whether this fund provides financial assistance in that effort. Courses or events that were completed a year or more before application’s submission date, or will begin a year or more after the application’s submission date, will not be considered. 

Who Can Apply for Funding? 

There are two types of applicants we will consider. 


Any adult Roman Catholic registered at a parish in the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface may apply, with the following exceptions: 

  • those employed by the Archdiocese 
  • those on the Application Review Committee 
  • immediate family members of any of the above  
  • members of the clergy 
  • seminarians 
  • consecrated religious 

Groups(Photo by Erika Giraud on Unsplash)

An informal group of adult Roman Catholics (not an organization) in the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface can also apply for funding. Examples of this would include a group wanting help renting a facility for a faith-themed conference, a parish’s adult faith formation group needing to purchase a particular curriculum, or a young adult group looking for assistance sponsoring a pilgrimage. 


Exceptions to any of the above eligibility requirements can be requested. Applicants must articulate this request in their application letter.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted from February 1 through March 31 of every year. Decisions will be rendered by May 31. 

Applicants must:(Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash)

  1. Submit a maximum 500-word letter (French or English) explaining: 
    1. the type of formation they are undertaking 
    2. the reason(s) why they are pursuing this formation 
    3. the provider of the formation 
    4. the monetary amount requested (itemized in detail as a separate attachment if necessary) 
    5. the expected dates of the formation period 
    6. how they intend to put the formation to use in service or employment at their parish (within the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface) 
    7. their consent to have their name and image published in archdiocesan communications channels if they are awarded funds 
    8. their commitment to submit a report within 60 days of completion of the formation received, and to make themselves available for an interview to be shared through archdiocesan communications channels. 
  2. Individual applicants must include a signed letter of reference from at least one other person actively engaged at their parish, such as a priest, parish life director, deacon, catechist, or PPC member, attesting to the applicant’s active role within the parish and approving of the formation being sought. This person must not be closely related to the applicant. 
  3. Group applicants must include a signed letter of reference from a member of the Roman Catholic clergy confirming and supporting their application. If they are representing a specific parish, the clergy must be assigned to that parish, and the group must also include a letter from that Parish Pastoral Council, if that parish has a council. 
  4. Include proof of registration, enrolment, purchase, etc., as applicable. 

This documentation can be submitted via mail to, or dropped off in person at:

Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface

ATTN: Adult Faith Formation Fund

151, av de la Cathédrale

Winnipeg MB R2H 0H6

Or via email to:

Application Review Committee

The committee will meet to review applications within 60 days following the close of the March 31 application deadline. Decisions will be made and announced by May 31. 

Evaluation Criteria

The committee will evaluate the applications against the Application Process requirements above. The committee may request further details from the applicant if they deem it necessary. References may be contacted by the committee at the committee’s discretion.


Upon disbursement of a funding request, the applicant’s report will be shared through Archdiocesan communications channels. 










The Nathanael Program for lay formation was started in 1988 by Fr. Claude Blanchette. After Fr. Blanchette’s death in 1995, Fr. Robert Campeau was chosen to oversee the program. In 2013, an archdiocesan committee revamped the program with a renewed focus on missionary discipleship.

For thirty years, it deepened the faith of hundreds of lay Catholics in Winnipeg and the surrounding area, with French and English groups. In 2019, the program struggled to recruit sufficient registrations to justify a new group starting that year. The pandemic followed shortly thereafter, which, while it limited social gathering, also caused a blossoming of many online and virtual resources for faith formation. This, however, had the unfortunate effect of further reducing the demand for in-person learning, even after social restrictions were lifted in 2022. Archbishop LeGatt made the hard decision to end the Nathanael Program that year. Replacing it was an archdiocesan-wide initiative inviting Catholics to open the Scriptures together more intentionally with Households of Faith small groups.  

Throughout its existence, the Nathanael Program attracted donations which were deposited in a fund to help offset course costs. This fund was made up of contributions from Fr. Robert Campeau, des Sœurs du Sauveur (Charités Dorais), des Filles de la Croix, des Sœurs Missionnaires Oblates, the Sisters of our Lady of the Missions, the Good Shepherd Campaign of 2018-2019, and many others.

In 2024, the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface decided to create an annual disbursement from this fund for the lay faithful.

Faith Education