When to start a Household of Faith Experience...
Often we get asked, "When is a good time to begin a Household of Faith Experience?"
The answer is simply there are multiple entry points to begin a Household of Faith Experience.
A good day to begin a HoF is any day that ends in "y" :)
There are so many options: Advent, Lent, Winter, Summer, Fall, at joyful times or less joyful, all are good times to begin...So we invite you to begin. Just ask a few people to join you, open your bibles, open your hearts, and begin!
Welcome to "Households of Faith" We are glad you are here!
What is a "Household of Faith"?
A "Household of Faith" is a small group of 6 to 10 people from a variety of backgrounds and life journeys who come together regularly, at least once a month, in-person or online, for 60 to 90 minutes. The purpose of this time together is to get to know one another and grow in new friendships, while sharing the Holy Scriptures and some reflection using a simple process.
How do I begin, get more information, or join a group today?
1. Start right here! Explore our website, there's information and tools for anyone to use.
2. Contact your local parish. Parishes and groups throughout the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface are growing in this small faith-sharing group method.
(204) 594-0273
Grab your bible and gather some people!
Devoted to a family-like communion!
Family is so essential to our humanity! It is just as essential for growing in faith, with Jesus and one another, our sisters and brothers. Households of Faith is a way to connect and share our lives and faith; like the first Christian communities. In-person or online, we invite you to set up your Household of Faith. There are several tools to support you. These tools can also be useful to all small groups that already meet together in similar ways!
Invitation to join a Household of Faith
with Archbishop Albert LeGatt and Koreen Hrizai, Diocesan Coordinator
of Catechesis and Adult Faith Growth for the Anglophone Sector
We sincerely thank the Diocese of Quebec for sharing the spirit of Households with us, as well as many tools and documents produced by their Households team and Communications Service, and for permitting us to adapt them for our diocese.
Email households@archsaintboniface.ca
Households of Faith Hearth
Households of Faith Hearth – This group is for you! Click here to stay informed and connect with other Households of Faith and the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Office of Catechetics and Adult Faith Growth (English Sector) Join the "warmth" of Christ and others in this supportive place as we share our experiences and seek to grow Households of Faith in our midst. You will be added to a mailing list and informed of online and in-person gatherings as well as receive resources to aid you and others in this diocesan-wide initiative!
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- Report Abuse
- Safe Church Environment: Protecting Children & the Vulnerable - Introduction
- Diocesan Protocol
- Code of Conduct for Clergy
- Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse
- The Diocesan Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee
- Sexual Harassment MB Human Rights Commission
- Summary - Dealing with Sexual Abuse
- Glossary
- Forms for Staff and Volunteers
- Safe Environment Coordinator
- CCCB Protection of Minors Document (October 2018)
- Vatican Documents
- Households of Faith - Welcome