Ministry of Care
Welcome to the renewed Ministry of Care web page!
Who we are...
The Ministry of Care (formerly known as Ministry to the Sick, Elderly and Disabled) is a volunteer committee within the Archdiocese of St. Boniface that supports parishes to develop and expand their healing ministry to those who are sick, alone, disabled, suffering from depression or the loss of a loved one.
We offer a variety of resources, training and facilitate networking across the Archdiocese.
The Catholic Health Association of Manitoba (CHAM) supports the Ministry of Care Committee through promotion and by sharing available resources and information.
The Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) representative has been invited as an observer to ensure effective communication between the Committee and the Parish Pastoral Councils (PPC).
Formation and Training
We are hoping to start a Ministry of Care Committee & are wondering where to start?
Where can we get training for prospective volunteers for the Ministry of Care?
How we can feel prepared, confident, and knowledgeable of what to expect when carrying out this important outreach?
Grief and Bereavement
A list of local grief support organizations; available support for widowed, divorced and separated people; list of funeral homes in Manitoba; book recommendations and much more!
Mental Health Support
Recommended resources and information for persons with depression, for caregivers, family, friends, and for the larger caring community.
Healthy Aging, Elder Support and Dementia Care
"Our job is to... keep it linked to a whole sense of what we properly are as men and women - people who live in time, who learn who they are... and who need to be released from tyrannies of producing and performing... The respect we learned and practice with our seniors is not something slavish or immature; it is a mark of our own maturity, indeed, our respect for our own humanity."
Rowan Williams, The Gift Reserved for Age
End of Life Resources
Pastoral and Health Ethics resources for clergy, volunteers, families and friends who accompany the sick and all who are undergoing, or reflecting on illness, suffering, and dying.
The Eucharistic Ministry
COMING SOON: The Ministry of Care committee is developing an annual workshop for Eucharistic ministers to review and enrich their practices and invite them to share their experiences.
Resources for Eucharistic ministers, including liturgical, ritual and pastoral recommendations, exploring the way in which the sacraments of healing affect and influence one’s daily Christian life.
Self-Care Resources
Self-care does not mean self-indulgence. Self-care is what we do to help promote greater health in various areas of our lives, including the physical, emotional and spiritual. For clergy, volunteers, families and friends who accompany the sick, disables and dying.
World Day of the Sick
February 11th is World Day of the Sick, an observation introduced by Pope John Paul II as a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses
Offered is a variety of resources available– prayer cards, sample prayer services, homilies, video reflections and more – that will assist you to plan, coordinate and celebrate World Day of the Sick in your parish.
Ministry of Care News and Events
The latest Ministry of Care news and community events, such as conferences and recent information. Click here, or on photo.
Community Primary Care Resources
For parish contact persons who know how to reach out to others and may effectively direct parishioners to appropriate agencies when needed.
Standing on Holy Ground...
And God called to Moses from the middle of the bush: “Moses, Moses!” He said, “Here I am.” Moses answered. “Come no nearer,” God said. Take off your shoes, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.” Exodus 3:4-5
In the biblical narrative, God reminds Moses that, when he stood before his Lord, the ground beneath his feet was holy. When the minister or caregiver stands before a person in need, God is also present, and the ground on which the minister or caregiver stands is holy… God is present in the … practice of caring just as surely as he was present in the meeting with Moses so many centuries ago.
Adopted from: Sr. Mary Elizabeth O’Brien, Spirituality in Nursing, 2003
Ministry of Care
Committee Members
Annick Boulet,
Archdiocese of St. Boniface
Marcel DeGagne,
Archdiocese of St. Boniface
Jim Frater
Permanent Deacon,
Archdiocese of St. Boniface
Monique Gauthier,
Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Donna Korban,
Archeparchy of Winnipeg
Julie Turenne-Maynard
Catholic Health Association of Manitoba,
Archdiocese of St. Boniface
Doreen Smith,
Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Roy Bechard,
Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Agendas, Minutes and Reports
Ministry of Care
- Ministry of Care
- Ministry of Care - End of Life Resources
- Ministry of Care - Eucharistic Ministry
- Ministry of Care - Grief Support Resources
- Ministry of Care - Healthy Aging, Elder Support and Dementia Care
- Ministry of Care - Mental Health Support
- Ministry of Care - News
- Ministry of Care - Self-Care Resources