Confirmation 2025

WATCH HERE for March to May 2025 Schedule of Confirmation Candidates Visits with Archbishop Albert LeGatt at the Saint Boniface Cathédrale

CLICK HERE  for April to October 2025 Final Schedule of Confirmation Masses

WATCH HERE for the 2025 Confirmation information which includes some important details for you and the candidates to have a most meaningful celebration of the sacrament:

Please find included in this package:

❖ Frequently Asked Questions 

❖ Some details for the celebration of Confirmation with Archbishop Albert LeGatt presiding

❖ Sample letter to Candidates/Parents to assist in writing a letter to Archbishop LeGatt

❖ Short biography of Archbishop Albert LeGatt. D.D. and heraldry (coat of arms)

❖ A copy of the First Reading Second Reading and Gospel Reading to be used (except Sundays & Solemnities)

Confirmation 2024

CLICK HERE for March to May 2024 Schedule of Confirmation Candidates Visits with Archbishop Albert LeGatt at the Saint Boniface Cathédrale

CLICK HERE for April to October 2024 Final Schedule of Confirmation Masses

CLICK HERE for the 2024 Confirmation information which includes some important details for you and the candidates to have a most meaningful celebration of the sacrament:

Please find included in this package:

❖ Frequently Asked Questions 

❖ Some details for the celebration of Confirmation with Archbishop Albert LeGatt presiding

❖ Sample letter to Candidates/Parents to assist in writing a letter to Archbishop LeGatt

❖ Short biography of Archbishop Albert LeGatt. D.D. and heraldry (coat of arms)

❖ A copy of the First Reading Second Reading and Gospel Reading to be used (except Sundays & Solemnities) are included 1st Reading Isaiah 42:1-3, 2nd Reading Saint Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 1:3a,4a,13-19a Gospel: John 16: 5b-7,12-13a (Click here for just the readings)


(last updated March 2024)

Where can I learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation?

If you scroll down we have some links with some basic information. We encourage you to reach out to the parish that is closest to where you live. Find a parish by visiting our Parish section

Will there be visits of the Confirmation Candidates to the Cathedrale with Archbishop Albert LeGatt?

Yes, we have a schedule of visits in person with Archbishop Albert at the Cathedrale. Please adhere to the schedule as we do have capacity limits.

Are there preparation requirements for Candidates?

Yes, please refer to the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy for details. Candidates for the sacrament of Confirmation must be baptized in the Catholic faith. If you or your child is baptized in another faith, or not baptized, there is a different process for your faith journey and to be received fully into the Catholic Christian faith.

What if I am an adult baptized in the Catholic faith and never received the sacrament of Confirmation?

There is a specific preparation process for adults. It is not unusual for an adult to receive the sacrament of Confirmation and/or Eucharist. At times life is complex and not all adults baptized in the Catholic Faith have been fully initiated in the three sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and eucharist.  Adults can meet with the pastor, catechist, or leaders in the parish nearest to them, contact our diocesan office of Catechetics and Adult Faith Groth, and/or also visit our Becoming Catholic section of the website.



Quotes in bold under the sacrament headers are from YouCat. 

In order to allow teenagers and young adults in particular to gain easier access to the knowledge of the faith of the Catholic Church, in the years from 2006 to 2011 the YOUCAT emerged from the great \'CCC\' and the \'Compendium\'. This book also has been written in a question and answer format.  To check out an interactive site and learn more about YouCat click on the image beside.

To see the book in Google docs Click Here



Baptism is the way out of the kingdom of death into life, the gateway to the Church, and the beginning of a lasting communion with God. -YouCat 194

Being baptized means that my personal life story is submerged into the stream of God’s love.” -YouCat 200

Parents of infants or children requesting baptism have a recommended Baptism program to assist them in preparing for this very special time.  The program was developed within the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface and is available in French and in English.  The leader's guide and participant's guides are available by email from the Archdiocesan Service of Catechetics.  Parish catechists/facilitators of this baptism program may request a certificate to present to each parent after participation at all sessions by contacting the Archdiocesan Service of Catechetics.

 The Archdiocesan Baptism Preparation Program is available by contacting the Service of Catechetics (French is available as well).


 “In Confirmation, the soul of a baptized Christian is imprinted with a permanent seal that can be received only once and marks this individual forever as a Christian. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the strength from above in which this individual puts the grace of his baptism into practice through his life and acts as a ‘witness’ for Christ.” -YouCat 205

Confirmation preparation takes place in your home parish, which is usually the geographical parish (the parish closest to where you live).  Young people requesting the sacrament of Confirmation must be in an ongoing catechism program and participate in immediate preparation sessions (specific to the sacrament of Confirmation).  Parents participate in sessions specific to the basics of the faith and the sacrament provided by the parish. Please contact your local parish for dates and details and refer to the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy.


Decision Point from Dynamic Catholic may be found online. The first video of the Confirmation preparation series can be viewed below. An app is available for your convenience.

Other programs may be used in consultation with the Archdiocesan Office of Catechesis.

Eucharist (Holy Communion)

“Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament in which Jesus gives His Body and Blood – Himself – for us, so that we too might give ourselves to him in love and be united with him in Holy Communion. …the Eucharist is the mysterious center of all these sacraments because the historic sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is made present during the words of consecration in a hidden, unbloody manner.” -YouCat 208

“Every Holy Communion unites me more deeply with Christ, makes me a living member of the body of Christ, renews the graces that I received in Baptism and Confirmation, and fortifies me in the battle against sin.” -YouCat 221

First Communion (Eucharist) preparation takes place in your home parish, which is usually the geographical parish (the parish closest to where you live). Children requesting the sacrament must be in an ongoing catechism program and participate in immediate preparation sessions (specific to the sacrament of Holy Eucharist).  Parents participate in sessions specific to the basics of the faith and the sacrament provided by the parish. Please contact your local parish for dates and details and refer to the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy.

For parishes approved on Restored Order of Sacraments of Initiation, please contact the Diocesan Service of Catechetics directly for recommendations.


Recommended immediate preparation programs are:

We Share in the Eucharist (Novalis) is available (in both English and French) for purchase locally through Stephanchew's Church Goods.

Blessed (English) from Dynamic Catholic may be found online.

The first video of the Eucharist/Communion preparation series may be viewed below.

Session 1 Episode 1: Keep Counting Your Blessings!


Penance (Reconciliation/Confession)

“Penance is making restitution or satisfaction for a wrong that has been committed. Penance must not take place exclusively in my head; I must express it in acts of charity and in solidarity with others. One does penance also by praying, fasting, and supporting the poor spiritually and materially. [1434–1439]

Penance is often misunderstood. It has nothing to do with low self-esteem or scrupulosity. Penance is not brooding over what a bad person I am. Penance frees and encourages us to make a new start” - YouCat 221

First Penance (Reconciliation/Confession) preparation takes place in your home parish, which is usually the geographical parish (the parish closest to where you live). Children requesting the sacrament must be in an ongoing catechism program and participate in immediate preparation sessions (specific to the sacrament of Holy Eucharist). Parents participate in sessions specific to the basics of the faith and the sacrament provided by the parish. Please contact your local parish for dates and details and refer to the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy


Recommended immediate preparation programs are:

We Prepare for Reconciliation (Novalis) is available for purchase locally through Christian Supply Centre or Stephanchew's Church Goods.


Blessed from Dynamic Catholic may be found online. 

The first video of the Reconciliation/Confession preparation series may be viewed below. 

Session 1, Episode 1 You are Blessed!

Holy Orders, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick

Click here to go to Ascension Press's list of Sacraments videos, articles, and podcasts


Click here to go to the full list of Sacraments videos from Busted Halo




Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy & Safe Environment

Please also familiarize yourself with the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy & Safe Environments.

Click here to view the Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy.

Click here to go to the Archdiocesan Safe Environment section.

Click here for a Checklist of Compliance with the Diocesan Protocol for a Safe Church Environment

Parent Sessions

The sessions for parents requesting sacraments for their child are available from the Service of Catechetics. Please email or call the Archdiocesan coordinator.

Adaption Needs

Resources for special needs and circumstances are available.  Click here for contact information for the coordinator, Office of Catechetic and Adult Faith Growth.

There are a variety of methods and materials for your family or parish to use.

Click Here for articles from the Vatican and special needs stories from catechists.

Loyola Press offers many useful resources for children with autism and other special needs, such as

  • videos from experts and practitioners in the field of disabilities
  • helpful articles on teaching and parenting children
  • tools for catechists, and those in ministry working with children with special needs

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a method that is accessible to many diverse needs. Click here to visit the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association of Canada. 

Watch the video below to understand more about The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.


For children with special needs, the development of speech, language, social, and emotional skills are enhanced through the use of sign language. Click here for Loyola Press's American Sign Language Prayers webpage.


How to Sign the Sign of the Cross 


There are numerous resources available please contact the Archdiocesan Service of Catechetics so we may assist you within your parish community. 

