Equip your Parish to Speak for Life


Life Culture would love to come to your church to teach pastors, elders, church staff and parishioner to learn more about abortion, MAiD, and what your church can do to support a culture of life.



To learn more:

Call Susan Penner at Life Culture (204) 326-5433



Feel prepared to defend the pro-life position in today’s culture.
"Canadian Centre for Bioethical reform (CCBR) created this program to aid pro-life Christians by providing them with an accurate historic, scientific, and Biblical understanding of abortion."


This series is designed to run in 5 sessions

"Sessions begin with a 30 min educational video by one of CCBR’s speakers and continue with small group discussions guided by provided facilitator and participant guides."




Topics Covered:

Abortion in Canada & Why Christians Must Act

Can Our Culture Actually Change?


Pro-Life 101: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

Pro-Life 201: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

Loving Your Pre-Born Neighbours



This program is a faith-based series and each video
is 22-32 minutes in length.

"This series will prepare your church to tackle the challenging topic of abortion and empower them to get their boots on the ground in defense of the pre-born.
Contact us!


Click here for more info!





Learn to speak confidently & graciously to defend life! 

Canadian Pro-life, Catholic Pro-life Speaker

      Stephanie Gray Connors- "Talks at Google"




Check out the Life Talk Podcast, by Susan Penner, executive director for Life Culture who hosts conversations about various important life and faith topics.




Click here to listen
on Spotify!





Share this powerful and life-changing movie through
a public screening at your church!




Steps to book a showing:


1. Select a date & location

2. Obtain your movie and license: click here

  • Life Culture can offer support in obtaining a license

Click here for more info. Life Culture Manitoba: 204-233-8047


Copyright Laws for Public showing of “Unplanned”
(including at Church) do NOT allow use of a
DVD for private viewing


 3. Choose to sell tickets or give tickets away
      (Must purchase tickets for the event in advance)

 4. You may choose to advertise this event through:
      -Your parish bulletin & website
      -Archdiocese of St. Boniface weekly news bulletin
          To publish an announcement, submit it to:

5. Create a registration sign-up or sell/distribute tickets



  • Discussions to follow 
  • Informational resources from:

-Rachels' Vineyard

            A safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.              

 -The Family Support Centre
           Support services for an unplanned pregnancy, infant loss, counseling services, post-abortion healing resources.

-Life Culture
           Aims to raise public awareness to life-affirming options, and education from conception to natural death.
Offers educational resources & presentations.



Catholic Answers
is a hugely popular "media ministry that answers questions about what the Church really teaches. We are the largest organization of our kind. 

Catholic Answers is a media ministry that serves Christ by explaining and defending the Catholic faith. We help Catholics grow in their faith, we bring former Catholics home, and we lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the truth."

Type in your question or take a look at the content on many popular topics:



Click here





"Promotes awareness of the inherent dignity and personhood of human life, born and preborn, without exception or compromise.

Proclaims and defends a culture of life and chastity through education, social and political awareness and life-affirming alternatives to abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide and euthanasia." 

Resource materials:

  • Fact Cards
  • Posters
  • DVDs
  • Magazines


Learn More!




Life Culture :

Respect for Life Resource Centre. Aims to raise public awareness to life-affirming options, from the moment of conception to natural death. Offers educational resources and presentations and helping women in various crisis situations relating to pregnancy, single parenting, and domestic abuse.


Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) :

The Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform is an educational human rights organization dedicated to speaking out on behalf of the youngest and most vulnerable members of the human family.


Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) :

CLC is a national pro-life organization working at all levels of government to secure full legal protection for all human beings, from the time of conception to natural death. We defend the sanctity of human life against threats posed by abortion, euthanasia, doctor assisted suicide, reproductive and genetic technologies, cloning, infanticide, eugenics, population control, and threats to the family.

RightNow :

RightNow exists to nominate and elect pro-life politicians by mobilizing Canadians on the ground level to vote at local nomination meetings, and provide training to volunteers across the country to create effective campaign teams in every riding across Canada.

We Need a Law :

Our goal is to equip Canadians for pro-life action and encourage political leaders to advocate for laws protecting pre-born children. We seek common ground with all Canadians to develop a starting point for laws protecting our youngest neighbours.

Pro-Life Education for Youth




Way, Truth, Life



Developed for the:

Parent, catechist, minister, priest, teacher, and older sibling who wants to share the Gospel of Life with young people.


Life is God’s gift worth celebrating, and children from Gr. 1 to Gr. 12
can know and live this! As our culture continues to evolve and embrace a God-less understanding of culture, life, and sexuality, these lesson plans will allow you to speak about the issues in a life-affirming and age-appropriate way.


As young people become disciples of Christ, they can be convicted compassionate pro-life apologetics, journey with a friend who may be in crisis, defend their values, and put their faith into action.



Click Here 

Facilitator's Guide & Presentation 
Elementary, Middle school & High school




We are the young people of Life Culture!

We are dedicated to living out our convictions that every life, from the moment of fertilization to natural death and every moment in between, is worthy of respect and care. Our goal is to transform our culture into a culture that values life.


Learn More!


Leader Guide & Presentation
for Youth on Abortion/Maid



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