Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope

A Journey of Faith, Unity, and Renewal

Join us on a transformative pilgrimage during the Jubilee Year 2025. Together, let us walk the path of hope, prayer, and community.



  • Call to Action:
    • A Pilgrim's Guide to Jubilee Churches and Shrines for the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface, Archdiocese of Winnipeg, and Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg will be useful throughout the Year of Jubilee as you live out your call as Pilgrims of Hope!
    • Click here or on the image below to download|

About the Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope

What is Jubilee 2025?

The Jubilee Year 2025 is a significant moment in the Catholic faith, a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. It is a year that invites believers to come together to deepen their spiritual journey and experience God’s mercy in a meaningful way. Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope is an initiative that brings together pilgrims from all over the world to celebrate this momentous year in community and faith.

Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope seeks to unite people through a shared pilgrimage experience, offering opportunities for personal reflection, prayer, and communal support. The journey is not only a physical one, but a spiritual adventure that nurtures hope, peace, and solidarity.

The Jubilee Prayer

The "Jubilee Prayer" for the 2025 Holy Year, released by the Vatican, is a heartfelt request that thanks God for the gift of faith. It asks the Holy Spirit to fill believers’ hearts with love and help them share the Gospel. The prayer highlights how God's grace can change people and the world, bringing about a future where evil is defeated and God's glory shines.

For a printable version click here.

The Jubilee Hymn "Pilgrims of Hope"

Click here to go to the audio and sheet music. Currently, the hymn is available in over thirteen translations! The Vatican invites wide use of the hymn throughout our liturgical assemblies.


Like a flame my hope is burning,

may my song arise to you:

Source of life that has no ending,

on life’s path I trust in you.

Are you an aspiring musician? Learn the Official Hymn for the 2025 Jubilee "Pilgrims of Hope"

You may also be interested in these unofficial tutorials and chords. 



Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Jubilee Sites 

Saint Boniface Cathedral 

Sainte-Anne-des-Chênes Church

St. Claude Church and Grotto

St. Malo Grotto

Our Lady of la Salette Grotto

Notre Dame du Laus Church

St. Andrew Bobola Church

St Norbert Church

Canada's Shrines

During the Jubilee Year 2025, pilgrims are invited to make a special effort to visit the shrines to pray for peace and to experience a renewed joy that springs from Christian hope. You can see a list of Canada's National Shrines by clicking here. 

We are fortunate to have one of six nationally recognized shrines right here in Winnipeg. It is the only National Shrine in Western Canada. 

To learn more about Bishop Vasyl Velchovsky and the Shrine click on the link below to go to the website.

Bishop Velychkovsky National Martyr`s Shrine – Canada's second martyr's shrine

CCCB Jubilee Links

Pilgrims of Hope

The CCCB Ad hoc Committee for the Preparation of the Jubilee has developed several resources to assist dioceses, eparchies, parishes, Catholic schools, movements and associations, and all those wishing to celebrate the Jubilee Year. Included on this webpage dedicated to the Jubilee, you will find webinars focused on the Years of Preparation (the Year of the Council 2023 and the Year of Prayer 2024), toolkits for faith formation for adults, children, and youth, and information on Canada’s National Shrines. A complete brand kit is also available with templates for bulletin announcements, prayer cards, banners, and assets for social media platforms.

The Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025 is an opportunity for all people to enter into a pilgrimage of hope. Whether we celebrate locally (in our dioceses, cathedrals or Canada’s National Shrines) or make a pilgrimage to Rome, we are called to search for signs of hope and be signs of hope in our families, for our neighbours, the imprisoned, the sick and dying, the young and old.

Indeed, hope does not disappoint!


The Jubilee Indulgence

Click here to access a one-page Catechesis on the Jubilee Indulgence which can be found in A Pilgrim's Guide to Jubilee Churches and Shrines for the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface, Archdiocese of Winnipeg, and Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg.

Click here for A PDF "Catechetical Resources on Plenary Indulgences during the Jubilee Year"   from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (CCCB OEC)

Click here to read The Decree on the Granting of Indulgence during the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 called by His Holiness Pope Francis.

More Information

Where can I find the Jubilee Year Events & Schedule?

The official Jubilee Year Events & Schedule can be found by clicking here, the link will take you to the official Jubilee Website. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will continue to add information throughout this year. You may also watch Salt & Light Media for current events and special features. 

You can also find the local Jubilee initiatives through your parish, the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Calendar of Events, or subscribe to the Weekly News Bulletin which would have the most current events and information.