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The following items are available in Ecumenism.
Anglicans et Catholiques Author(s): Ouvrage collectif Language: French |
Déclarations de la Commission mixte internationale entre l'Église catholique et la Communion anglicane. | |||||
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Catéchisme de l'Église catholique Author(s): Jean-Paul II Language: French |
Édition définitive avec guide de lecture. Document rédigé à la suite du 2e Concile oecuménique du Vatican. | |||||
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Directoire pour l'application des principes et des normes sur l'oecuménisme Author(s): Conférence des évêques Language: French |
La nouvelle édition du Directoire est destinée à être un instrument mis au service de toute l'Église et spécialement de ceux qui sont directement engagés dans une activité oecuménique dans l'Église catholique. | |||||
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Esquisses du mystère de l'Église Author(s): Congar, Yves M.J. Language: French |
L'Église est un organisme vivant, animé et dirigé par le Saint-Esprit, qui contient, vitalement, sa loi au dedans de soi. Elle ne peut être comprise du dehors, par la seule voie d'une investigation scientifique ou critique (...) L'Église n'est comprise que par elle-même, et par chaque croyant dans la mesure où il vit en elle, dans sa communion. | |||||
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Je crois en dépit de tout Author(s): Tillard, Jean-Marie R., o.p. Language: French |
Sur le mode de la conversation familière, avec toute la chaleur du père Tillard, les grands sujets de la théologie sont abordés, en particulier l'Église et l'oecuménisme aussi bien que quelques préoccupations pastorales majeures. | |||||
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L'Oecuménisme Author(s): Beaupère, René Language: French |
La séparation des chrétiens ne peut durer. Car l'oecuménisme - comme en un sens, l'Église - est avant tout une histoire. Et, enfin son avenir,jalonné de quelques repères sur la route à parcourir. | |||||
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La collaboration oecuménique Author(s): Secrétariat pour l'unité des chrétiens Language: French |
La collaboration oecuménique au plan régional, au plan national et au plan local. | |||||
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Le livre de l'unité Author(s): Rouillard, Philipe Language: French |
Prières oecuméniques. | |||||
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Les Conciles Oecuméniques Author(s): Ouvrage collectif Language: French |
Après la rupture au sein de l'Église due à la Réforme protestante, on vit grandir de différents côtés le désir de réunir un concile oecuménique pour rejeter les erreurs concernant la foi. Ce fut finalement Paul III qui, après avoir longuement hésité, fit en sorte que ce désir se concrétise. | |||||
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Les Mariages Inter-Églises Author(s): Évêques anglicans catholiques du Canada Language: French |
Directives pastorales pour les mariages inter-églises entre anglicans et catholiques au Canada. | |||||
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Manuel d'oecuménisme spirituel Author(s): Kasper, Walter Language: French |
Ce livre offre des suggestions pastorales pratiques pour mettre en acte et renforcer l'oecumenisne spirituel. Le grand intérêt de ce manuel est son aspect très didactique, avec des points courts et listés. | |||||
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Synopse des textes conciliaires Author(s): Deretz, J.; Nocent, A. o.s.b. Language: French |
Les actes du Concile Vatican II offrent une bien plus grande homogénéité que leurs titres si divers ne pourraient le faire penser. Les mêmes préoccupations se retrouvent dans tous les textes: plus grand souci de la personne humaine, retour à l'Évangile comme source première de toute pensée chrétienne. | |||||
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Unité chrétienne - Pages documentaires Author(s): Ouvrage collectif Language: French |
Dialogue pastoral et théologique. Thèses des ''Dombes'' 1965 - 1970. | |||||
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Vatican II Author(s): Ouvrage collectif Language: French |
Les seize documents conciliaires. | |||||
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A Faith like Mine : A Celebration of the World's Religions--Seen Through the Eyes of Children Author(s): Buller, Laura Language: English |
This is a wonderful celebration of the diversity of religious faith, as experienced though the daily lives of children around the world. | |||||
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A Family Haggadah in Every Generation Author(s): Silberman, Shoshana Language: English |
The format of this booklet is designed to enable every participant to follow along easily. For use to help explain the Passover especially during Lent. | |||||
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A Handbook of Spiritual Ecumenism Author(s): Kasper, Walter Language: English |
This handbook offers practical suggestions for implementing and strengthening spiritual ecumenism, the heart of all efforts to re-unite divided Christians. | |||||
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A History of Canadian Catholics : Gallicanism, Romanism and Canadianism Author(s): Fay, Terence J. Language: English |
Gallicanism (French spirituality), Romanism (Roman Spirituality) and Canadianism (the indigenization of Catholic spirituality in the Canadian lifestyle) emerged through the four centuries of Canadian Catholic history. | |||||
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Catholic Customs & Traditions (Revised and Expanded) Author(s): Dues, Greg Language: English |
A popular guide to many of the customs and traditions of the Catholic Church. | |||||
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Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils Author(s): DEC Language: English |
Nicaeal - Lateran V. | |||||
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Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils Author(s): DEC Language: English |
Trent - Vatican II. | |||||
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Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement Author(s): Lossky, Nicholas & others Language: English |
Contributors are leaders in the ecumenical movement from every Christian confession and all parts of the world. | |||||
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Ecumenical Marriage & Remarriage : Gifts and Challenges to the Churches Author(s): Lawler, Michael Language: English |
In this pastorally sensitive and theologically engaging book, the author challenges both the reader and religious congregations to recognize the gift of grace inherent in couple involved in both ecumenical marriages and in remarriages. | |||||
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Exploring the Faith We Share Author(s): Stone, Glenn C., LaFontaine, Charles Language: English |
This book is occasioned by two major developments in the field of Lutheran/Roman Catholic relations. The first is the 450th anniversary of the Augsburge Confession, commemorated on June 25, 1980. The 2nd is the progress of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic bilateral discussions. | |||||
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Love Beyond Measure : A Spirituality of Nonviolence Author(s): Kownacki, Mary Lou Language: English |
The core of this book is an unabridged version of Mary Lou's inspiring essay in a format that helps the reader to reflectively and prayerfully digest its insights and challenges. | |||||
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Nelson's Guide to Denominations Author(s): Melton, J. Gordon Language: English |
This book provides the essential information for understanding the bewildering variety of Christian churches, ecumenical and cooperative associations, and parachurch organizations operating in the United States and Canada. | |||||
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Sacred Journeys : Understanding the World's Great Religions Author(s): Monestero, Rev. John Language: English |
A description of Judaism, Christianity, Islam,Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. | |||||
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The 11th Commandment: Wisdom from Our Children Author(s): by the children of America Language: English |
American children's suggestions for an eleventh commandment, illustrated with their drawings. For people of all faiths. | |||||
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The Always Prayer Shawl Author(s): Oberman, Sheldon Language: English |
Adam us a young Jewish boy in Czarist Russia. When the revolution engulfs his village, his family decides to leave their home and start a new life across the ocean. Before Adam embarks on his journey, his grandfather hands the boy his prayer shawl, which was given to him by his grandfather, whose name is Adam. | |||||
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The Complete Book of Christian Prayers Author(s): THE Language: English |
This book will prove an inspiring and practical resource for Christians of all denominations. | |||||
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Book |
What You Will See Inside a Catholic Church Author(s): Keane, Reverend Michael Language: English |
For children aged 6 to 10. Names and explains the various objects found in a Catholic Church, how they are used in the celebration of the Mass and other events, the clergy and lay people who use them, and the meaning behind them. | |||||
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What You Will See Inside a Mosque Author(s): Khan, Aisha Karen Language: English |
Describes what happens inside a mosque and introduces the Moslem faith. | |||||
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What You Will See Inside a Synagogue Author(s): Hoffman, Lawrence Language: English |
This is satisfy kids' curiosity about what goes on in synagogues, broadening awareness of other faiths at an important age when opinions and prejudices can first form. Provides Jewish children with a deeper understanding of their own religious traditions. | |||||
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