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The following items are available in Missiology.

Book La mission du Christ Rédempteur

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Lettre encyclique ''Redemptoris Missio'' sur la valeur permanente du précepte missionnaire.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Les Soeurs Grises

Author(s): Les Soeurs de la Charité de Montréal

Language: French
  Un passé à célébrer, un avenir à préparer. Célébrer le passé si riche de 250 ans au service des pauvres.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Les Soeurs Grises de Montréal à la Rivière-Rouge

Author(s): Mitchell, Estelle

Language: French
  Si les bateliers interrogeaient ces femmes ils s'entendraient répondre: ''Nous allons révéler aux habitants de ces régions l'incomparable tendresse de Dieu pour les enfants de la grande famille humaine''. Et cette révélation s'est opérée par l'enseignement et par l'exercice des oeuvres caritatives, de sorte que l'histoire réfère à ces femmes en les appelant de ''merveilleuses civilisatrices''.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Earthing the Gospel: An Inculturation Handbook for the Pastoral Worker

Author(s): Arbuckle, Gerald A.

Language: English
  Earthing the Gospel introduces pastoral workers in the First World to methods of social analysis pioneered by missionaries worldwide.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book John Paul II and the New Evangelization : How You Can Bring the Good News to Others

Author(s): Ralph, Martin; Williamson, Peter, Houck, William

Language: English
  In this book the author describes the evangelical shift in the Church since Vatican II as "one of the most dramatic developments in modern Catholicism,: and explains what the Holy Father means by a new evangelization in preparation for the year 2000.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Sacramentary

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The Roman Missal revised by decree of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and published by the authority of Pope Paul IV.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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