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The following items are available in Practice of Faith.

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''Je vous appelle amis''

Author(s): Radcliffe, Timothy

Language: French
  Une profonde conviction anime l'auteur: la relation constante avec Dieu ''comme avec un ami'', est au coeur même de tout dialogue. Et la vie humaine n'est possible que dans le dialogue; sinon elle se dissout dans la violence.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book 59 questions sur l'eucharistie

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Repères pour les pratiques eucharistiques. Dans un langage accessible et concret, simple et concis, ce guide apporte un ensemble de repères pour la célébration de la messe et, plus largement, pour l'ensemble du culte eucharistique.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Alpec - Recueil 2

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Les 8s ahatonnia.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique. Cette situation nouvelles oblige à des aménagements pastoraux inédits pour vivre le rassemblement du dimanche. Ce livret s'adresse aux communautés paroissiales, dans les hôpitaux, les prisons, les maisons de personnes âgées - là où il existe des célébrations lituriques autres que la célébration eucharistique.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    1
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Book Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ces assemblées dominicales sont d'authentiques célébrations liturgiques. Le véritable horizon que donne la désignation ''en attente de célébration eucharistique'': elle souligne le caractère provisoire de ces pratiques, qu'elles soient occasionnelles ou fréquentes, et confirme les communautés dans leur désir qu'elles pourront de nouveau célébrer le ''mystère de la foi'' dans toute sa plénitude.
Number of copies currently available:    3
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ces assemblées dominicales sont d'authentiques célébrations liturgiques. Le véritable horizon que donne la désignation ''en attente de célébration eucharistique'' souligne le caractère provisoire de ces pratiques, qu'elles soient occasionnelles ou fréquentes, et confirme les communautés dans leur désir qu"elles pourront de nouveau célébrer ''le mysttère de la foi'' dans toute sa plénitude.
Number of copies currently available:    3
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Assemblées dominicales en l'absence de prêtre

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Livre de l'animateur Un schéma simple, pour se mettre en route. Des commentaires, pour mieux comprendre ce que l'on fait. Des matériaux abondants, pour enrichir la prière. Des réflexions, pour approfondir les enjeux importants.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Au carrefour des Écritures

Author(s): Salvail, Ghislaine

Language: French
  Initiation à la Lectio divina.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book C'est chaud, ma foi!

Author(s): O'Brien, Sean

Language: French
  Au delà de ce regard humoristique, l'auteur nous interroge et nous provoque.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Catechesi Tradendae

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Exhortation apostolique sur la catéchèse en notre temps.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  ''Catéchisme de l'Église catholique'' rédigé à la suite du deuxième Concile oecuménique du Vatican.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Catéchisme de l'Église catholique

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Puisse-t-il servir au renouveau auquel l'Espit saint appelle sans cesse l'Église de Dieu, Corps du Christ, en pèlerinage vers la lumière sans ombre du Royaume!
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Catéchisme pour adultes

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Cet ouvrage voudrait rendre compte, à tous ceux et à toutes celles qui le désirent, de l'espérance qui est en nous. (Les évêques de France).
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Charte des droits de la famille

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Présentée par le Saint-Siège à toutes les personnes, institutions et autorités intéressée à la mission de la famille dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Chemins de foi: 40 fiches: témoignages, récits bibliques, activités

Author(s): Derroitte, Henri

Language: French
  Se plonger dans les 40 fiches «Chemins de foi», c'est aller voir ce qui se dit, se discute, ici et maintenant, sur une série de sujets de la vie d'aujourd'hui et ce qu'en dit la Bible.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Chemins de foi: Accompagner des groupes de jeunes

Author(s): Derroitte, Henri

Language: French
  Ce document donne aux animateurs toutes les indications pour conduire les jeunes de 10 à 13 ans vers une maturation de leur démarche croyante et les préparer à la «profession de foi». Il s'utilise avec le document des jeunes 40 fiches... témoignages, récits bibliques, activités.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Chemins de foi: Catéchèse communautaire et intergénérationnelle

Author(s): Derroitte, Henri

Language: French
  Le document donne des suggestions «clé en main» pour organiser des rencontres catéchétiques motivantes et ressourçantes dans un contexte communautaire de paroisse, de centre scolaire, de mouvement.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Chemins de Foi: guide pour la formation des adultes à la vie chrétienne

Author(s): Cadrin, Daniel

Language: French
  Guide pour la formation des adultes à la vie chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Comment je suis redevenu chrétien

Author(s): Guillebaud, Jean-Claude

Language: French
  Si le journaliste et écrivain Jean-Claude Guillebaud est revenu à la foi chrétienne par la réflexion, il confie aussi que croire c'est une décision. Un acte de foi qui l'a rendu sensible au silence, aux visages rayonnants, aux relations bienveillantes, à l'Espérance.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Concile oecuménique Vatican II

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Document conciliaires.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Court traité de théologie mariale

Author(s): Laurentin, René

Language: French
  L'exposé qui suit s'adresse à un large public: à tous ceux qui possèdent soit la culture de l'intelligence, soit cette expérience vécue des réalité de foi qui, en matière de théologie, supplée avantageusemnt aux ressources culturelles.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book D'une même voix

Author(s): Commission épiscopale de liturgie

Language: French
  Le Guide pratique facilitera la préparation des célébrations et le choix des chants. Les dernières pages sont consacrées aux traductions officielles des hymnes latines qui figurent dans le DMV.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book D'une même voix

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Chants notés de l'assemblée. Édition canadienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dans vos assemblées - Manuel de pastorale liturgique

Author(s): Gélineau, Joseph

Language: French
  - La célébration du culte chrétien. - L'initiation chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dans vos assemblées - Manuel de pastorale liturgique

Author(s): Gélineau, Joseph

Language: French
  - L'assemblée et la messe du dimanche. - Signes et sacrements de la vie chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dignité et mission des personnes âgées

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Dignité et mission des personnes âgées dans l'Église et dans le monde. Celles-ci ont encore beaucoup à donner et peuvent encore beaucoup donner à la vie de la société. La situation actuelle interpelle toute fois l'Église à procéder à une révision de la pastorale des troisième et quatrième âges.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Direction spirituelle et méditation

Author(s): Merton, Thomas

Language: French
  Ce qui différencie cet ouvrage des innombrables traités sur la méditation déjà parus, c'est l'extrême simplicité avec laquelle il aborde ce problème.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Divorcés remariés et Eucharistie

Author(s): Provencher, Normand; Berliet, Gérard

Language: French
  "Quand des fidèles divorcés remariés choisissent de communier autrement - spirituellement - à leur Seigneur, eux-mêmes grandissent dans la foi, l'espérancee et la charité, mais c'est aussi la croissance de leur communauté locale qu'ils favorisent dans la relationau Christ de l'Eucharistie."
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dynamique des béatitudes

Author(s): Rérolle, Bernard

Language: French
  L'auteur a l'immense mérite de nous faire voir de façon neuve mais sans provocation inutile et stérile un texte que beaucoup croient connaître.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Encyclopédie pratique de la liturgie

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Chaque chapitre est enrichi de nombreux encadrés qui permettent de se reporter à des textes, de connaître l'histoire, de mesurer les enjeux d'une question. Un véritable guide pour l'animation liturgique.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Entrer dans le mystère de l'eucharisite

Author(s): Turck, Jacques

Language: French
  Ce guide est destiné aux chrétiens qui désirent approcher mieux encocre, par l'intelligence et par le coeur, ce grand mystère de foi que le Christ Jésus nous a laissé et que l'Église nous a transmis.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Entretien sur la foi

Author(s): Ratzinger, Joseph cardinal

Language: French
  L'auteur répond sans détour et sans faiblesse à toutes les questions d'un journaliste. Le terrain des polémiques, des arguments et des disputes médiocres où nos pesanteurs nous engluent trop souvent, s'évanouit devant cette vérité qui rend libre et à laquelle aspire déjà notre part d'éternité.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Eucharisite, Assemblée, Dimanche

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Liturgie année ''A'' (1er dimanche de l'Avent jusqu'au dimanche du Christ-Roi).
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Exercices Spirituels

Author(s): Loyola, St-Ignace

Language: French
  Les Exercices spirituels n'ont pas été composés pour être lus, mais pour aider, par un ensemble d'indications pratiques, ceux qui s'adonnent à une expérience spirituelle déterminée.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Guide des traditions et coutumes catholiques

Author(s): Dues, Greg

Language: French
  Sous forme de notices historiques et théologiques, cet ouvrage présente les gestes, les symboles, les rites qu font du catholicisme une religion et une culture.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Guide pour les petits groupes de partage de foi

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ce guide est le fruit de l'expérience vécue au cours des dernières années dans les communautés chrétiennes locales du diocèse de Saint-Jean-Longueil.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Initiation chrétienne

Author(s): Gondal, Marie-Louise

Language: French
  ''L'on ne naît pas chrétien, on le devient'' écrivait Tertullien au IIIe siècle. En présentant l'histoire et les étapes de l'initiation chrétienne, l'auteur permet de jeter un regard nouveau sur le don de la vie divine et sur l'insertion dans la communauté ecclésiale.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Introduction à la liturgie

Author(s): Martimort, A. G.

Language: French
  L'Église en prière.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Je ne lui dis rien, je l'aime

Author(s): Jacques, Père

Language: French
  La prîère contemplative. ... pour apprendre à se rendre disponible afin de percevoir Dieu, au-delà du langage verbal. À finalement se tenir en tout quiétude en sa présence.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Jean-Paul II au Canada

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Messages au peuple de Dieu. Dans la société en mutation, l'homme doit apprendre à exprimer sa foi.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'accompagnement spirituel

Author(s): Louf, André, o.c.s.o.

Language: French
  S'il est vrai que l'accompagnement spirituel est une chose importante pour l'expérience de la vie de la foi, nous devons en trouver quelques traces dans la Bible.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'amour en fête: Guide d'animation

Author(s): Durand-Lutzy, Nicole

Language: French
  Célébrer ma vie avec Jésus. Ce livre s'adresse aux jeunes de neuf et dix ans qui s'initient à la foi chrétienne. Ils découvriront la richesse de l'univers liturgique, les rituels, les lieux sacrés, la prière, les grandes fêtes de l'année de même que les symboles et les sacrements.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'amour en fête: Livre des jeunes

Author(s): Durand-Lutzy, Nicole

Language: French
  Célébrer ma vie avec Jésus.Ce volume s'adresse aux jeunes de neuf et dix ans qui s'initient à la foi chrétienne. À travers ce parcours, les jeunes prendront conscience que la liturgie est un espace privilégié pour entrer en relation avec Dieu, avec soi et avec les autres.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'apocalypse

Author(s): Prévost, Jean-Pierre

Language: French
  La collection 25 questions explore de façon contemporaine des sujets liés à l'univers religieux et à son expresssion dans le monde actuel.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'apostolat des laics

Author(s): Régnier, Guy

Language: French
  Le but de l'acte d'apostolat est double: transformer le monde et sanctifier les personnes. Le grand problème est donc celui de la relation et de l'équilibre entre ces deux objectifs.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'Esprit Saint et l'oeuvre du salut

Author(s): Lacroix, Bernard

Language: French
  Ce livre s'enracinant dans l'expérience humaine, propose un parcours à la fois biblique, doctrinal et spirituel.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'Esprit-Saint et la liberté humaine

Author(s): Parent, Rémi

Language: French
  En réfléchisssant au mystère de l'Esprit dans l'Église on est conduit à comprendre en termes de vie la présence de Jésus dans nos libertés d'hommes, à redécouvrir l'actualité de la foi, à se faire une image plus riche de l'Église.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'Eucharistie - manifestation de l'Église locale

Author(s): Routhier, Gilles

Language: French
  Les liens entre l'eucharistie et l'Église sont très étroits. La liturgie est le lieu où se manifeste la constitution fondamentale de l'Église et où s'exprime son fonctionnement le plus typique, c.à.d. quelles relations s'établissent entre les personnes dans l'Église.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'Onction des malades - tendresse et réconfort

Author(s): Grün, Anselm

Language: French
  Loin d'être simplement sacrement du passage de la vie à la mort, l'onction des malades veut apporter le réconfort et permet d'espérer une guérison.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'ordination des femmes

Author(s): Jacob, Pauline; Nguyen, Thuy-Linh

Language: French
  "L'histoire des conciles nous fait voir une Église qui cherche constamment à s'adapter à des circonstances changeantes tout en maintenant son essence,sa foi et son identité. Dans le débat sur l'accès des femmes à l'ordination, en apparence si simple,c 'est tout cela qui entre en jeu."
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La catéchèse de toute la communauté

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill

Language: French
  Vers une catéchèse par tous, avec tous et pour tous. Rendre tous les membres d'une communauté «co-responsables» de la catéchèse et de l'évangélisation, c'est introduire chacun dans une démarche spirituelle humble et audacieuse.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La foi de ma mère - La religion de mon père

Author(s): Lacroix, Benoît

Language: French
  L'auteur interroge avec finesse les souvenirs d'un passé familial rempli de richesses et d'inédits, qu'il ranime à travers les propos quotidiens, et combien savoureux, de sa mère et de son père.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La foi, une étrangère dans le monde moderne?

Author(s): Provencher, Normand

Language: French
  «En refusant de changer ou de faire les passages nécessaires, l'auteur affirme, une institution, fût-elle vénérable, en vient à contredire ce qui faisait sa raison d'être.»
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La messe

Author(s): Deiss, Lucien

Language: French
  Sa célébration expliquée. Un livre fort agréable à lire, en même temps que très instructif. Il introduit à une liturgie riche de foi, d'histoire, de sens, à une liturgie qui est une force vive dans l'itinéraire de l'Église.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La messe

Author(s): Gagnon, Denis

Language: French
  La collection 25 questions explore de façon contemporaine des sujets liés à l'univers religieux et à son expression dans le monde actuel.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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La Messe : une fête

Author(s): Cura, Marie-Jeanne; Doll, Françoise; Hari, Albert; Singer, Charles; Stoll, Anne-Marie

Language: French
  L' accueil, le pardon, la Parole, l'eucharistie et l'envoi, tous les temps forts expliqués de manière simple et attrayante pour vivre la messe comme une vraie fête
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La morale

Author(s): Aubert, Jean-Marie

Language: French
  Un discours moral chrétien est-il encore pensable? On peut parler d'un idéal de morale chrétienne, si l'on donne au terme de morale son sens traditionnel, celui de l'art de vivre pour devenir meilleur (Socrate), ou la voie à suivre pour atteindre le bonheur (les Béatitudes évangéliques).
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La pénitence dans l'existence contemporaine

Author(s): Vaillancourt, Raymond

Language: French
  L'étude qui suit se présente donc comme le fruit de nombreuses années de recherche et de réflexion sur la pratique des communautés chréteinnes concernant la pénitence.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book La prière de silence

Author(s): Pennington, M. Basil

Language: French
  Renouveler une forme traditionnelle de prière chrétienne. Un ouvrage magistral qui ouvre à tous la route qui mène à l'expérience intime et indéfectible de l'amour inouï de Dieu.
Number of copies currently available:    0
Number of copies currently checked out:    1
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Book Lay Ministry in the Catholic Church

Author(s): Osiek, Carolyn & others

Language: French
  Visioning Church Ministry through the Wisdom of the Past. The symposium treated the topic of lay ministry both historically and in its contemporary reality, tensions, and opportunities.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le chemin de Marie

Author(s): Bedon, Elettra

Language: French
  Méditer le Rosaire. Par ces courtes méditations remplies de poésie et de simplicité, l'auteure oriente la prière du Rosaire et nous permet d'en saisir le sens plénier.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Le combat spirituel

Author(s): Ducruet, Père Bernard

Language: French
  Le combat spirituel est inévitable pour tout disciple du Christ ; il est avant tout source de croissance dans la charité. Ce livre s’avèrera fort utile pour tous les priants.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Le dialogue pastoral

Author(s): Tremblay, Sophie

Language: French
  Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux praticiens du dialogue pastoral et veut leur permettre de mieux situer leurs interventions et d'identifier des moyens pour les améliorer constamment. Il propose enfin plusieurs outils pratiques susceptibles d'aider les responsables pastoraux à se donner une véritable formation permanente au dialogue pastoral à partir des défis rencontrés sur le terrain,
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Le droit canon à la portée de tous

Author(s): Trueman, Pete Vere et Michael

Language: French
  Les 150 questions les plus fréquemment posées.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le journaliste et le cardinal

Author(s): Maisonneuve, Pierre

Language: French
  L'auteur dresse le portrait de cette figure de l'Église canadienne. Sans détour, ils abordent plusieurs sujets brûlants tels que l'absolution collective, la famille, la place des femmes dans l'Église, le célibat des prêtres...
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Le livre des religions

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Les hommes de tous les temps partagent ''Le livre des religions''. Un livre pour comprendre comment les religions désignent chacune à leur façon l'essentiel qui est toujours ''invisible pour les yeux'', comme dit le Petit Prince.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Le Mariage - bénédiction pour la vie commune

Author(s): Grün, Anselme

Language: French
  Le mariage renvoie à Dieu, l'union entre l'homme et la femme est image de Dieu. Les fiancés et leurs témoins, les jeunes mariés et ceux qui le sont depuis plus longtemps trouveront ici un accès éclairant au mystère dans lequel ils se sont impliqués.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Le repas de Jésus

Author(s): Morin-Thibault, Louise

Language: French
  25 questions - junior. La collection 25 Questions junior explore des sujets liés aux grandes traditions religieuses et à leurs expressions dans le monde actuel.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le sel de la terre

Author(s): Ratzinger, cardinal

Language: French
  Le christianisme et l'Église catholique au seuil du troisième millénaire.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lectures pour chaque jour de l'année

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Pour la prière commune, la méditation personnelle. À l'intention des prêtres, des religieuses, des laïcs.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lectures pour chaque jour de l'année

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Prière du temps présent.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les Églises slaves

Author(s): Arrignon, Jean-Pierre

Language: French
  Les événements qui ont agité récemment l'Europe centrale et orientale ont revélé combien les églises et les temples étaient bien les lieux où s'étaient conservées les identités culturelles et nationales des peuples slaves.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les Galeries du Nouvel Äge

Author(s): Fortin, André

Language: French
  Un des paradoxes des temps actuels, c'est qu'au terme d'un progès inouï les horloges de l'Occident se sont mises à reculer de deux mille ans. La nouvelle religiosité du Nouvel Âge nous ramène aux premiers siècles, et l'Église perçoit sa mission comme une seconde évangélisation.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Les grandes religions du monde

Author(s): Marchon, Benoît; Kieffer, Jean-François

Language: French
  Un livre pour mieux connaître les grandes religons du monde et respecter ceux qui croient autrement que nous.
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Book Les icônes

Author(s): Donadeo, Maria

Language: French
  «Fenêtres sur l'éternité», les icônes veulent ouvrir le regard sur l'au-delà, faire communier à ce que l'oeil n'a pas vu, l'oreille pas entendu, à ce qui n'est pas monté au coeur de l'homme.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les laics

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Depuis Vatican II, l'Église catholique s'est fréquemment exprimée sur la place et la tâche des laics dans l'Église et dans la société. À travers la variété des documents - qu'un index thématique permet de consulter facilement - c'est la vitalité de l'Église qui s'atteste de manière étonnante.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les nouvelles religions

Author(s): Bergeron, Richard

Language: French
  Les chrétiens sont de plus en plus confrontés aux nouvelles religions. En effet, en plus d'occuper la place publique, celles-ci attirent les membres des religions traditionnelles.
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Book Les origines de l'année liturgique

Author(s): Talley, Thomas J.

Language: French
  Ce grand ouvrage, appuyé sur des études historiques précises, donne une nouvelle dynamique à l'année liturgique. Jamais n'était apparue aussi clairement le lien intime qui réunit la tradition évangélique et son utilisation dans la liturgie.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les petits groupes et le projet communautaire dans l'Église.

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Recherche sur la communauté chrétienne. Diocèse de Saint-Jean-de-Québec.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les sacrements - Source de vie

Author(s): Scholtus, Robert

Language: French
  Petite encyclopédie moderne du christianisme. L'auteur renouvelle le regard sur ce qu'est l'Église et fait comprendre les asises mêmes de la vie chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les sept sacrements

Author(s): Fourez, Gérard

Language: French
  Par les sacrements, est célébrée la totalité de l'oeuvre du salut accomplie par le Christ pour tous les hommes.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les symboles chrétiens

Author(s): Scouarnec, Michel

Language: French
  Les sacrements ne sont pas étranges. En dévoilant dans un langage simple la source des sacrements chrétiens, ce livre invite à une nouvelle manière de vivre les gestes de la foi.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Livre des Bénédictions

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ce volume offre un contenu vraiment renouvelé: une attention primordiale aux personnes, une présence signifiante de la Parole de Dieu, une orientation biblique où la demande s'inscrit dans l'action de grâce, une large possibilité pour l'action des diacres et des laïcs.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Book Livre des Bénédictions

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ainsi, par les rites de bénédiction, les hommes sont préparés à recevoir l'effet principal des sacrements et les circonstances diverses de leur vie sont sanctifiées.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Book Livre des Bénédictions

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Que Dieu bénisse par lui-même ou d'autres, c'est bien toujours le secours de Dieu qui est promis, sa grâce est annoncée, sa fidélité envers l'alliance entreprise qui est proclamée.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Book Mémoires de Vatican II

Author(s): Caulier, Brigitte; Routhier, Gilles

Language: French
  Pour garder vivante la mémoire de Vatican II, cet ouvrage consigne les témoignages de Mgr Paul-Émile Charbonneu, de Mgr Antoine Hacault et de M. André Naud.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Message aux jeunes

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Message d'une grande beauté! Écoute ce puissant message qui t'est lancé aujourd'hui!
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Missel de la semaine

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Texte liturgique officiel présenté par Pierre Jounel.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Missel du dimanche

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Édition canadienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Mon cahier de découvertes d'éveil à la foi

Author(s): Furland, Sophie; Marivé, Catherine

Language: French
  Tout au long de l'année liturgique, voici plus de 70 actvités pour découvrir Dieu, la Bible et les grans événements de la vie des chrétiens.
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Mon petit missel

Author(s): Roche, Maïte

Language: French
  Un premier missel pour les petits, avec les paroles du prêtre, les réponses de l'assemblée, de belles images pour comprendre le sens de la liturgie, pour bien suivre et participer à la messe, comme un grand.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book N'ayez pas peur!

Author(s): Sesboüé, Bernard

Language: French
  Regards sur l'Église et les ministères aujourd'hui. L'auteur réfléchit au statut des laïcs ayant un rôle effectif et repérable dans l'Église catholique.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Ni curés ni poètes

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Les laïques en animation pastorale. Ces hommes et ces femmes qui collaborent à l'exercice de la charge pastorale dans l'Église ne ressemblent sans doute pas beaucoup aux curés de notre mémoire collective. Cependant, ils ne font pas moins partie du peronnel ecclésiastique. On pourrait même croire, parfois, qu'ils forment une sorte de clergé parallèle, une élite laïque aspirant à une nouvelle distribution des rôles.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Notes pastorales pour les assemblées dominicales en attente de célébration eucharistique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Notes pastorales tirées des études canadiennes en liturgie.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Notre héritage chrétien

Author(s): Oury, Guy-Marie

Language: French
  Histoire religieuse populaire du Canada. L'histoire d'un peuple ne se comprend plus si l'on fait abstraction du phénomène religieux.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Oui à l'Église

Author(s): Sève, André

Language: French
  J'ai fait ce livre parce que je me sens bien dans l'Église. Pourquoi? C'est plus facile d'expliquer des malaises que de décrire un bonheur. Mon bonheur d'Église a un nom: j'aime le Christ, et l'Église est le pays du Christ.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Ouvre mes bras

Author(s): Vanier, Jean

Language: French
  Le présent livre témoigne de l'esprit et du dynamisme de ces communautés (l'Arche) au service des déshérités: elles leur ont ouvert tout grand leurs bras pour les accueillir.
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Book Parler de Dieu avec les enfants

Author(s): Chabert, Joëlle; Mourvillier, François

Language: French
  Les questions des petits embarrassent parfois les grands. Chacun s'efforce de dire tout ce qu'il sait ou croit savoir sur la lune et les étoiles.... mais les questions sur Dieu, les anges ou le ciel peuvent laisser un bon nombre d'adultes muets. Ce livre a été écrit pour répondre à toutes ces ''grandes questions des petits''.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Paroles faites Chair

Author(s): Rosica, Thomas csb

Language: French
  Réflexions bibliques pour l'année B.
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Book Passez une année avec moi

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Méditations quotidiennes.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Petit guide pour la confession des enfants

Author(s): Savignac, Jean-Paul

Language: French
  Le sacrement de réconciliation. Pourquoi? Comment?
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Pour célébrer la pénitence et la réconciliation

Author(s): CECC

Language: French
  Pour célébrer la pénitence et la réconciliation. Une démarche personnelle.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Pour vivre des baptêmes communautaires

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Guide pastoral de la célébration,
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Book Pour vivre la liturgie

Author(s): Lebon, Jean

Language: French
  Vivre la liturgie est à la portée de tous. Mais pour comprendre en profondeur l'esprit de la célébration, ses actions et son langage, il faut s'initier. Faire les rites proposés par la réforme liturgique de Vatican II ne s'improvise. pas.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Pour vivre les sacrements

Author(s): Béguerie, Philippe; Duchesneau, Claude

Language: French
  Pour ceux qui désirent mieux connaître leur foi, pour ceux qui veulent comprendre comment elle s'inscrit dans la vie, pour ceux qui assurent un service de catéchèse auprès des enfants ou des adultes, ce livre propose un parcours.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prier 15 jous avec Saint Paul

Author(s): Quesnel, Michel

Language: French
  S'appuyant sur des textes tirés des épîtres authentiques, les quinze méditations qui composent cet ouvrage peuvent à la fois introduire à la pensée paulienne et nourrir en profondeur la vie spirituelle des croyants d'aujourd'hui.
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Book Prier : la prière chrétienne

Author(s): Renew Interantional

Language: French
  La série «Être catholique... pourquoi?» est enracinée dans les Écritures et le Cathéchisme. Elle permet à chaque catholiques d'avoir une connaisance enrichie de sa foi afin de la partager. Le livre Prier : la prière chrétienne discute les différents styles de prière. On explore le dialogue qui existe entre Dieu et nous, les difficultés qui se présentent lors de la prière ainsi qu'une analyse profonde du Notre Père.
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Book Prière et rencontre

Author(s): Grun, Anselm osb

Language: French
  Comment prier? Comment faire l'expérience d'une véritable rencontre? Pour répondre à ce désir, l'auteur, en évoque les étapes et les voies.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prière eucharistique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Pour des rassemblements.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Prières d'adieu à nos défunts

Author(s): Convert, Georges

Language: French
  Ce recueil se veut d'une utilisation facile pour des veillées de prières dans les salons funéraires, dans les églises comme dans nos maisons.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prières eucharistiques

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Pour la réconciliation. Pour assemblées d'enfants. Pour des circonstances particulières.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prieres eucharistiques

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Pour la réconciliation et pour assemblées d'enfants.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prières eucharistiques

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Pour réconcilation I et II. Pour assemblées d'enfants I, II et III. Pour des rassemblements. Pour le mariage.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Psaumes et Acclamations

Author(s): Dorge, Agathe, s.n.j.m.

Language: French
  Comment est-il possible d'aider les animateurs.trices en liturgie à saisir la richesse des psaumes du dimanche pour en nourrir la prière du peuple en assemblée chrétienne?
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Book Quand je dis ma foi

Author(s): Béland, Jean-Pierre

Language: French
  Que devrait-être la foi chrétienne aujourd'hui, dans notre monde? L'auteur veut témoigner, attester le ''sens'' de la foi en Jésus-Christ.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Quand la conscience s'éveille

Author(s): De Mello, Anthony

Language: French
  Ce livre deviendra un compagnon de route indispensable pour qui veut cheminer dans la connaissnce de soi.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Réconciliation et pénitence dans l'enseignement des Papes

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  ''Réconciliation et pénitence'' tel est le titre de l'exhortation apostolique promulguée par le Saint Père et reproduite presque entièrement dans le présent ouvrage. D'autres textes sont également publiés dans ce volume.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Recueil Alpec

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Recueil de chants.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Book Refonder l'Église

Author(s): Arbuckle, Gérald A.

Language: French
  Quand les responsables de l'Église ou les leaders de diverses organisations ont vraiment le souci de l'avenir, ils encouragent une saine pluralité d'opinions et un niveau raisonnable de dissentiment.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Répons de l'Office de Taizé

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Recueil de répons notés.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Rituel de l'eucharistie en dehors de la messe

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Si es saintes espèces sont conservées après la messe. c''est principalement pour que les fidèles qui ne peuvent assister à la messe, surtout les malades et les personnes âgées, s'unissent par la communion sacramentelle au Christ et à son sacrifice qui est célébré à la messe.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Rituel de la communion et du culte eucharistique en dehors de la messe

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ce rituel est beaucoup plus qu'un faisceau de mesures disciplinaires. Il laisse place à une large créativiré en permettant d'opportunes adaptations aux circonstances de temps, de lieu et de personnes.
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Book Rituel du baptême des enfants en âge de scolarité

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  L'initiation chrétienne des enfants non baptisés en scolarité dans l'enseignement primaire.
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Book Sacrés thérapeutes les Pères du désert!

Author(s): La Loggia, Marco; Pécheul, Émilie

Language: French
  Dans ce livre les auteurs revisitent les textes des Pères du désert à la lumière des outils des thérapies actuelles et mettent en évidence la connaissance intuitive qu'ils en avaient.
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Book Saint Augustin

Author(s): Wills, Garry

Language: French
  Le portrait que l'auteur trace fait surtout ressortir l'étonnante modernité d'Augustin dont la pensée visionnaire exerce, encore aujourd'hui, une influence certaine sur la doctrine chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Semons le bon grain

Author(s): Renew International

Language: French
  Un recueil complet de principes pastoraux et de suggestions pratiques pour aider les animateurs et animatrices des petites communautés. Ce livre déborde d’idées simples, mais efficaces, dont la mise en oeuvre amènera les membres des petites communautés à une meilleure qualité de réflexion sur l’Évangile et les aidera à y répondre, en paroles et en actes.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Simples questions sur la messe et la liturgie

Author(s): Bandelier, Alain

Language: French
  À travers les dialogues, et parfois le débats, qui tissent ce livre, l'auteur incite à ne pas perdre de vue l'essentiel. Le secret de la messe. Le sens de la liturgie. La joie de célébrer.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Théo junior

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  L'encyclopédie catholique des 9-14 ans. Parce qu'il y a des questions trop importantes pour rester sans réponse. Ce volume se divise en grandes parties: 1.- La Bible 2.- L'Église 3.- La Foi 4.- Les Saints
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Book Un autre regard sur l'Eucharistie

Author(s): Zundel, Maurice

Language: French
  Offrir à notre regard une présentation de l'Eucharistie sous un autre éclairage, tel le but de ce livre.
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Book Une Église de baptisés

Author(s): Parent, Rémi

Language: French
  Pour surmonter l'opposition clercs/laïcs.
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Book Une fête pour notre amour

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Cette brochure met entre vos mains la majorité des textes de la liturgie du mariage: lectures, psaumes, prières, textes du Rituel, etc. Vous y trouverez également les indications nécessaires pour vous aider à préparer la célébration de votre mariage.
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Book Une place à part entière

Author(s): Provencher, Normand

Language: French
  Ce livre voudrait encourager les divorcés remariés, éclairer les pasteurs et soutenir toutes ces communautés chrétiennes qui tiennent à devenir des havres et des signes du salut dans la socité actuelle.
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Book Une prière puissante la louange

Author(s): Célestin, Anita Maria

Language: French
  La prière de louange nous situe dans le monde de la gratuité: elle ne demande rien, ni pour soi ni pour les autres. Tout en nous ouvrant à Dieu, cette prière aide à reconnaître notre véritable valeur et notre mission.
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Book Unité chrétienne - Pages documentaires

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Dialogue pastoral et théologique. Thèses des ''Dombes'' 1965 - 1970.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Vatican II au Canada: enracinement et réception

Author(s): Routhier, Gilles

Language: French
  Cet ouvrage s'impose tant par la richesse des informations qu'il rassemble que par la qualité des analyses qu'il présente.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Vers une Église de la confiance

Author(s): Rouet, Albert

Language: French
  Les communautés locales au coeur des interrogations humaines. Ce livre diversifie les approches pour stimuler la réflexion; il invite le lecteur à découvrir que la liberté et la confiance permettent à chacun de manifester ses qualités pour le bien de tous.
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Book Violence des pacifiques

Author(s): Roger, prieur de Taizé

Language: French
  Réjouis-toi. Beaucoup de jeunes aiment le Christ comme cela ne s'est peut-être jamais vu. Le prophétisme n'est pas mort.
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Book Visite aux malades

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Les bénévoles auprès des malades et des handicapés. Nous sommes appelés par Dieu à nous mettre au service les uns des autres. Quand ce service est accompli en toute gratuité, il a des chances d'être valorisant et gratifiant, et il peut favoriser à la fois nos besoins personnels et ceux du malade.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Vivre l'évangile

Author(s): Martini, Carlo Maria

Language: French
  L'action d'évangélisation se situe, dans le livre, au même niveau que les défis auxquels les jeunes communautés s'affrontèrent en réinventant les formes du message chrétien pour bâtir d'inattendus modèles de vie.
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Book Vivre le baptême

Author(s): Lacroix, Roland

Language: French
  Dialogue entren nouveaux chrétiens, Cet ouvrage aborde avec pudeur les questions, incertitudes et déceptions qu'affrontent des nouveaux baptisés.
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Book Vivre sa foi au quotidien

Author(s): Nouwen, Henri, J.M.

Language: French
  La foi ne se vit pas dans le passé, mais bien au quotidien. L'auteur jette un regard vrai sur les événements qui font notre vie quotidienne et y découvre des lieux où Dieu choisit d'ahabiter et de nous appeler.
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Youcat - Le livre de Prière : Youth Ministry Kit

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ce livre offre une sélection de belles prières simples et variées pour toutes situations de la vie et parfaitement adaptées aux jeunes. Le parcours de prière peut également être utilisé pour un temps de retraite. La forme a été soignée également. Un joli livret de prières et d'école de prière à offrir en complément du Youcat ou seul à tout jeune qui peine à prier ou découvre la prière.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Youcat, catéchisme de l'église catholique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Catéchisme de l'Église catholique pour les jeunes. Vous devez être encore plus enracinés dans votre foi que la génération de vos parents. (Pape Benoît XVI)
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book 2012 Sunday Missal for Young Catholics

Author(s): Perrault, Leah

Language: English
  The most important thing about this little book is that it will help you to know Jesus better. Jesus came to bring God's love into the world. And his Spirit continues to fill us with love for one another.
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Book A Concise Catholic Catechism

Author(s): Shaughnessy, Michael

Language: English
  A synopsis of the content of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
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Book A Faith like Mine : A Celebration of the World's Religions--Seen Through the Eyes of Children

Author(s): Buller, Laura

Language: English
  This is a wonderful celebration of the diversity of religious faith, as experienced though the daily lives of children around the world.
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Book A Good Death

Author(s): Meyer, Charles

Language: English
  Challenges. Choices and Care Options. Recommanded reading for anyone who wants/needs information on this important topic.
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Book A is for Altar B is for Bible

Author(s): Main, Judith Lang

Language: English
  Using that familiar ABC's foundation, this book presents some of the essential elements of our Chirstian faith in a prayerful and enjoyable format.
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Book A New Look at Grace : A Spirituality of Wholeness

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill

Language: English
  Author's distinctive prose images and storytelling create an unforgetable journey to the mystery and wonder of "the other side" of our everyday experiences.
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Book A New Look at Prayer : Searching for Bliss

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill

Language: English
  This book explores the mystery of prayer, the grace of presence, and the listening to which prayer invites us.
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Book A Theology of Protest

Author(s): Häring, Bernard

Language: English
  The strength, character and content of our hope will determine the sincerity and forcefulness with which we, as Christians, exercice our prophetic role by challenging the immobilism and the inertia of structures as well as the wrong turnings which protest movements may be taking.
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Adventures of The God Detectives

Author(s): Reeves, Nancy; Good, Linnea

Language: English
  « I appreciated the suggestions for adults about talking with children about spiritual experiences, as well as the concrete methods for children to use for approaching God.
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Alive in The Spirit today

Author(s): Hari, Albert; Singer, Charles

Language: English
  The Biblical text does not answer these present-day questions at first glance. Hower, it does introduce us to certain dynamics. It does open up a path. It does invite us to live the Acts of the Apostles today. It is a book with of burning importance!
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae on Catechesis in Our Time

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The pope ardently desires that his Apostolic Exhortation to the whole Church should strengthen the solidity of the faith and of Christian living, should give fresh vigour to the initiatives in hand, should stimulate creativity--with the required vigilance--and should help spread among the communities the joy of bringing the mystery of Christ to the world.
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  In a particular way the Church addresses the young, are beginning their journey towards marriage and family life, for the purpose of presenting them with new horizons, helping them to discover the beauty and grandeur of the vocation to love and the service of life.
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus Devotion to The Blessed Virgin Mary

Author(s): Pope Paul VI

Language: English
  As we prepare to discuss the place which the Blessed Virgin Mary occupies in Christian worship, we must first turn our attention to the sacred liturgy. We shall dwell almost exclusively on the books of the Roman Rite of Liturgy.
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Book Armour of Faith / Armure de Foi

Author(s): CCCB

Language: English
  This bilingual prayer book is designed specifically for use during deployment and was developed in close consultation with Canadian Forces Chaplains on active duty. It includes: General Prayers Prayers of Military Personnel Devotional Prayers Sacrament of Reconciliation Catechetical Instruction What every Catholic should know Anthems and Hymns Remembrance Day prayers Patron Saints of the Canadian Forces, and Pope Benedict XVI's new Prayer for the Fallen in all Wars. Ce livre de prières bilingue a spécialement été conçu pour être utilisé en déploiement, et développé en étroite collaboration avec les aumôniers des Forces canadiennes en fonction. Vous y trouverez : Prières générales Prières pour le personnel militaire Prières de dévotions Sacrement de la réconciliation Instruction catéchétique Ce que tout catholique devrait connaître Hymne national et chants Prières pour le Jour du Souvenir Saints patrons des Forces canadiennes, ainsi que la nouvelle prière du pape Benoît XVI pour les victimes des guerres.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Ashes to Easter : 40 Activities, Projects, and Prayers for the Lent and Easter Seasons

Author(s): Dwyer, Paulinus

Language: English
  A multitude of projects, prayer experiences, and activities invite students to learn about their faith with true interest in enjoyment.
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Book Assembled in Christ

Author(s): Condray, Sydney

Language: English
  It is hoped that the Spirit of the Lord will move through these services to enhance each participant's experience of God, thus enlivening a deeper of love of God and all people in daily life.
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Book At the Supper of the Lamb

Author(s): Turner, Paul

Language: English
  A pastoral and theological commentary on the Mass.
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Book Beginning the Journey

Author(s): BEG

Language: English
  From Infant Baptism to First Eucharist.
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Book Believing in Jesus : A Popular Overview of the Catholic Faith : Revised Edition

Author(s): Foley, Leonard

Language: English
  It is a book which captures the Christian's continuing journey of faith, ever-new, ever-alive--yet founded on the steadfast love of God for us, his people.
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Book Best Practices in Parish Stewardship

Author(s): Zech, Charles E.

Language: English
  Based on a survey of stewardship parishes across the country, this is the most comprehensive analysis of both financial and non-financial stewardhip activities ever published.
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Bible Story Book : Old Testament

Author(s): Fletcher, Sarah

Language: English
  A collection of sixty four Old Testament Stories presented in chronological order, with a Bible reference and contemporary prayer at the conclusion of each.
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Book Birth : A Guide for Prayer

Author(s): Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup; Schwan, S. Marie

Language: English
  This third volume in the Take and Receive series, called Birth, will help us experience to power of the Holy Spirit leading us deeply into the mystery of Jesus and moving us to love Jesus and follow him as his beloved disciples.
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Book Blessings of the Table : Mealtime Prayers Throughout the Year

Author(s): d'Avila-Latourrette, Victor-Antoine

Language: English
  Blessubgs abd prayers before and after a meal are part of the earliest Christian tradition, which in turn finds it origin in the ancient Jewish ritual of pronouncing a blessing before the beginning of the meal.
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Book Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The Catechism of the Catholic Church, approved by Pope John Paul II, is a statement of the Church's faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradtition and the Church's Magisterium. It has been declared by the Pope to be a sure norm for teaching the faith and thus a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion.
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Book Catholic Customs & Traditions (Revised and Expanded)

Author(s): Dues, Greg

Language: English
  A popular guide to many of the customs and traditions of the Catholic Church.
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Book Catholic Education

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Transforming Our World. This alternative vision is rooted in a biblical concept that is most difficult for the modern mind to accept: we are called to serve, not to dominate.
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Book Catholic Family Catholic Home

Author(s): Glavich, Mary Kathleen

Language: English
  Using prayer, rituals, celebrations, and activities, this book gives parents a bountiful resource for nuturing the practices and traditons of their Catholic faith and fostering a Christian lifestyle.
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Book Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers

Author(s): Bishops`Committee on the Liturgy

Language: English
  Daily blessings. Days and Seasons. Times in life: Blessings of family members. Blessings for various times and places. Common prayers.
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Book Celebrate in Song

Author(s): Liturgy-Office Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The implementation of the revised translation of the Roman Missal is the occasion to once more ponder and deepen this great treasure of the Church's faith and life: the mystery of the Eucharist.
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Book Charter of the Rights of the Family

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The document is not an exposition of the dogmatic or moral theology of marriage and the family, although it reflects the Church's thinking in the matter.
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Book Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit : Evidence from the First Eight Centuries

Author(s): McDonnell, Kilian; Montague, George T.

Language: English
  This book is a research into that earlty Christiain literature which Classical Pentecostals, charismatics and sacramentalists as well claim in some sense to be theirs.
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Book Collaborative Ministry : Skills and Guidelines

Author(s): Sofield, Loughlan; Juliano, Caroll

Language: English
  This book attempts to share insights and observations gleamed from five years of conducting workshops and courses on the topic of collaboration.
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Book Congregation for the Clergy The Priest of the Third Millenium

Author(s): Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Clerics

Language: English
  This document reiterates the teaching of the Council, and of the Popes and it refers to the other documents already mentioned by the Holy Father.
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Book Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Author(s): Pope Paul VI

Language: English
  This sacred Council has several aims in view: it desires to impart an ever increasing vigor to the Christian life of the faithful; to adapt more suitably to the needs of our own times this institutions which are subject to change.
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Book Creating a Stewarship Council

Author(s): Judd, Marilyn

Language: English
  This how-to booklet details how a parish might develop a Stewardshiop Council to nurture stewardship efforts, increasing the time, talent, and treasure that parishioners are willing to share with their parish community.
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Book Creative Crafts for All Seasons : Projects that Help Children Learn

Author(s): Campbell, Anne; Waite, Kathryn; Mikelonis, Anne

Language: English
  This book offers lots of ideas and opportunities for you and the children to create objects of great meaning from ordinary materials around the home and classroom.
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Book Creative Praying in Groups

Author(s): McGuinness, Julia

Language: English
  Daily Church life is filled with meetings, retreats, Bible study... This book is userfriendly and thematically organized. The prayers may be used with and adapted for all ages.
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Book Cross of Death, Tree of Life : A Sacred Reading of The Story of Redemption

Author(s): Machar, Jerome

Language: English
  The author, a Trappist Monk offers a unique window onto the last days of Christ and onto all scripture.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 1 - Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Advent, Christmas & Epiphany.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 2 - Lent

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Lent
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 3 - Easter & Triduum

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Easter and the Triduum.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 4 - Ordinary Time Year A

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Ordinary Time. Year A.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 5 - Ordinary Time Year B

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Ordinary Time. Year B.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 6 - Ordinary Time Year C

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for the season of Ordinary Time. Year C.
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Book Days of the Lord: The Liturgical Year Volume 7 - Solemnities & Feasts

Author(s): Collective work

Language: English
  Reflections/discussion for Solemnities and Feasts.
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Book Dining in the Kingdom of God : the Origins of the Eucharist according to Luke

Author(s): Laverdiere, Eugene

Language: English
  This book is about the origins of the eucharist according to Luke.
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Book Do Justice! The Social Teaching of the Canadian Catholic Bishops (1945-1986)

Author(s): Sheridan, E. F.

Language: English
  The book will be an essential reference work fpr those interested in Roman Catholic social teaching and in the wider area of social science and its history in Canada.
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Book Drumming from Within: Tales of Hope and Faith from Canada`s North

Author(s): Lavoie, Sylvain OMI

Language: English
  This collection of archbishop Lavoie`s memories will insipire both smiles and tears. Some stories reveal faith meeting life in heart-warming and humorous situations. Others deal with the trauma of substance abuse, family violence, poverty and hardship. The author shows how faith and the human spirit can overome even most tragic circumstances.
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Book Encyclical Laborem Exercens on Human Work on the Ninetieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  Only man is capable of work, and only man works, at the same time by work occupying his existence on earth. Thus work bears a particular mark of man and of humanity, the mark of a person operating within a community of persons. And this mark decides its interior characteristics; in a sense it constitutes its very nature.
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Book Encyclical Letter Dominum et Vivificantem

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The Church, therefore, instructed by the words of Christ, and drawing on the experience of Pentecost and her own apolstolic history, has proclaimed since the earliest centuries her faith in the Holy Spirit, as the giver of life, the one in whom the inscrutable Triune God communicates himself to human being, constituting in them the source of eternal life.
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Book Faith Parenting : Parents like You can Grow Faith Kids

Author(s): Wamberg, Steve; Conaway, John

Language: English
  This book shows you how to establish a spiritual foundation your kids can build on for the rest of their lives.
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Book Families of Faith

Author(s): Martinson, Paul Varo

Language: English
  An introduction to world religions for Christians.
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Book Fatima in Twilight

Author(s): Fellows, Mark

Language: English
  This book talks about Jesus' mother appearing to 3 children and the events that have changed history.
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Book Forgiveness : A Guide for Prayer

Author(s): Bergan, Jacqueline Syrup; Schwan, S. Marie

Language: English
  This is the 2nd book of a 5-book series entitled Take and Receive. These volumes offer support and direction for solitary prayer as well as provide a framework for use in prayer groups or faith-sharing groups. The book correlates with the first week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
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Book Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit

Author(s): Keating, Thomas

Language: English
  The spiritual journey teaches us: firts, to believe in the Divine Indwelling within us, fully present and energinzing every level of our being; secondly, to recognize that this energy is benign, healing, and transforming; and thirdly, to enjoy its gradual unfolding step-by-step both in prayer and action.
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Book God's Library : Introducing Catholics to the Bible

Author(s): Paprocki, Joe

Language: English
  This book provides user-friendly, concrete exercises for assessing your knowledge of and increasing your familiarity with the Bible.
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Book Grateful Caretakers of God's Many Gifts

Author(s): Champlin, Joseph M.

Language: English
  In this book, Father Champlin explains how a parish may begin a program of grateful giving to support its ministry and programs.
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Book Great expectations

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill; Anslinger, Leisa

Language: English
  A pastoral guide for partnering with parents. For Catechists, Teachers, Pastors,Principals ans Parish Cathechetical Leaders.
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Book Handbook for Today's Parish Leaders

Author(s): Infantino, Ginger

Language: English
  - Responding to the call to lead. - Collaboration, communion, and community. - Practical ways to develop leadership skills.
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Book Hands to the Needy : Blessed Marguerite D'Youville Apostle to the Poor

Author(s): Fitts, Mary Pauline

Language: English
  After being widowed at age 29 and left with raising her two sons she had time to help the poor in the General Hospital in Montreal. She founded the Grey Nuns.
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Book Homilies Alive : Creating Homilies that Hit Home

Author(s): Friedl, Francis P.; Macauley, Ed

Language: English
  It is the hope that this book will strike a responsive chord in homilists because its approach is somewhat different from previous publications on homiletics.
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Book Homilies and Prayers of the Faithful for the Three-Year Cycle

Author(s): Knowles, Desmond

Language: English
  The author has responded to the need for clear and straightforward sermons that touch the hearts and minds of people in an ordinary Sunday congregation. The Prayers of hte Faithful for each weekly celebration flow directly from the theme of the homily.
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Book How to Pray with Icons : An Introduction

Author(s): Tataryn, Myroslaw

Language: English
  This book is a simple, engaging and active way of introducing readers to icons and reflective prayer.
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Book In the Name of Jesus

Author(s): Nouwen, Henri J. M.

Language: English
  Reflections on Christian Leadership. This book will challenge anyone in a leadership position to reflect upon his ou her role and, if taken seriously, become a source of inspiration and renewal. The request to reflect on Christian leadership in the next century has created anxiety in author but he was able to put it down in words how he felt.
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Book John Paul II and the New Evangelization : How You Can Bring the Good News to Others

Author(s): Ralph, Martin; Williamson, Peter, Houck, William

Language: English
  In this book the author describes the evangelical shift in the Church since Vatican II as "one of the most dramatic developments in modern Catholicism,: and explains what the Holy Father means by a new evangelization in preparation for the year 2000.
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Book Jump Starts for Catechists : Key Teachings

Author(s): Coleman, Bill; Coleman, Patty; Coleman, Lisa

Language: English
  An ideal, at-your-fingertips, reference book for catechists, its simplicity and ease of use also make it ideal for parents whose children are preparing for the sacraments.
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Book Jump Starts for Catechists : Seasonal Activities

Author(s): Costello, Gwen

Language: English
  This book provides brief, to the point, and creative activites for each season of the school year.
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Book Lay Ministry

Author(s): Rademacher, William, J.

Language: English
  A Theological, Spiritual & Pastoral Handbook. ...If we are searching for answers for the ministries of today'church, we have to follow the footprints of the Spirit in the sands of history, beginning with the New Testament and the moving on through the rich tradition of the Christian churches.
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Book Learning Centers for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and the Whole Community

Author(s): Murphy, Doris

Language: English
  If children learn best when they are fully involved in the process, it makes good sense to use Learning Centers in parish faith information session. This author offers 37 creative and formative centers for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
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Book Lent: The Daily Readings

Author(s): McKenna, Megan

Language: English
  In this volume, the three-page meditations begin with Ash Wednesday and continue through Wednesday of Holy Week. The Feasts of St. Jospeh and the Annunciation are also included.
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Book Lent: The Sunday Readings

Author(s): McKenna, Megan

Language: English
  This volume includes reflections on the Sunday readings for Cycles A, B and C, including Palm Sunday and The Triduum.
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Book Letter of Pope John Paul II to All Priests of the Church for Holy Thursday 1985

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  In the Liturgy of Holy Thursday we unite oursleves in a particular way with Chirst, who is the enternal and unceasing source of our priesthood in the Church.
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Book Life in the Spirit

Author(s): Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Language: English
  Reflections, Meditations, Prayers.
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Book Liturgical Year

Author(s): Opalinsky, Christine

Language: English
  It is important for us to remember that the whole New Testament is the extension of the Old, and in order to understand some of the traditions of Christianity, one must have some understanding of the Jewish Traditions.
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Book Living the Sacraments : A Call to Conversion

Author(s): Knight, David M.

Language: English
  The challenge to Catholicism is simply this: to translate his/her way, which is solid, and his/her truth, which is real, into life that can be experienced.
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Book Making moral choices

Author(s): Miller, Mark, cssr

Language: English
  This is a brief but cogent summary in plain language of how people make moral decisions. Each chapter has questions for reflection and discussion, practical exercises, and annotated suggestions for further reading.
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Book Mary

Author(s): Baker, Robet J.; Budde, Barbara

Language: English
  A Sourcebook about Mary. The title of each section of this Sourcebook is a phrase from the Hail Mary, which is answered by a section of the Magnificat.
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Book Mary's Flowers : Gardens, Legends & Meditations

Author(s): Krymow, Vincenzina

Language: English
  The traditions of associating Mary with flowers survived over the centuries, kept alive through the Mary names and legends about the flowers through literature and art.
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Book Meeting Jesus in Everyday Life and Recognizing Him when We Do

Author(s): Woodbury, Clair

Language: English
  To get as close as possible to Jesus we will focus on Luke's gospel and work through it, letting his account determine the structure of our study and be our guide as we reflect on Jesus' life and ministry.
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Book Messengers of God's Word

Author(s): Champlin, Joseph M.

Language: English
  A Handbook for lectors. People who are just beginning their ministry and those who have been serving in that role for a long time will equally find this a helpful and positive book.
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Author(s): Hagen, Paula et autres

Language: English
  Facilitator's Guide. This book is dedicated to all the mothers who have heard Christ's call to reach out to other mothers and have spread the «good news» around the country.
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Book Music

Author(s): Hommerding, Alan J.; Kodner, Diana

Language: English
  A Sourcebook about Music. This is not a comprehensive collection of quotes about music. It is, rather, a collecion of beloved texts from the storehouses of a small yet diverse group of musicians and liturgists
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Book Mystagogy

Author(s): Boyer Mark G.

Language: English
  Liturgical, Paschal Spirituality for Lent and Easter. Mystagogy means catechesis or ongoing formation. Besides being a good choice for personal meditation and spiritual reflection, pastors and RCIA instructors will find it an invaluable text on this fundamdntal aspect of Christian faith and spirituality.
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Book One Table, Many Laws: Essays on Catholic Eucharistic Practice

Author(s): Huels, John M.

Language: English
  This volume draws together a series of previously published essays, revised and updated, on the interpretation of liturgical law and various aspects of Eucharistic discipline that are frequently sources of misunderstanding in the Catholic community.
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Book Parish Ministry for Maturing Adults

Author(s): Johnson, Richard P.

Language: English
  Principles, Plans, & Bold Proposals. This new vision for parish ministry with maturing adults moves beyond social activities to a new model of spiritual growth and personal development.
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Book People's Companion to the Breviary

Author(s): PEO

Language: English
  Revised and Expanded Edition of the New Companion to the Breviary with Seasonal Supplement. The Liturgy of the Hours with Inclusive Language.
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Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body : Discovering God's Glorious Plan for Your Life

Author(s): West, Christopher

Language: English
  Drawing on the Pope's Theology of the Body, the author shares God's original plan for marriage and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound meaning to all our lives--married, single, and consecrated celibates.
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Book Prayer Services for Parish Meetings

Author(s): Hintz, Debra

Language: English
  This book provides leaders with the necessary encouragement and means to begin small or large group sessions in a prayerful manner appropriate to the season of the year, the type of assembly, the theme of the meeting, and/or mission of the parish.
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Book Prayers for All Occasions

Author(s): Pearson, Roy

Language: English
  For Pastors and Lay Leaders. Each prayer is gracefully phrased for easy, flawless delivery by minister or church leader.
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Book Prayers for Feasts

Author(s): Singer, Charles

Language: English
  This book offers 49 prayers; one to open a liturgical season and 3 or 4 prayers to pray during each season.
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Book Preparing and Evaluating Liturgy

Author(s): Gasslein, Bernadette

Language: English
  How can we know if our ministry of preparation was effective? How can we tell whether the community's worship offer it an experience of "full, concious and active" participation in the liturgy. This book will help your preparation team learn to ask the right questions of the right people, and integrate these responses into ongoing preparation.
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Book Preparing Morning and Evening Prayer

Author(s): Richards, James

Language: English
  Readers will understand how cathedral-style morning and evening prayer work, and how to help their parishes learn to celebrate and love this ancient form of common prayer.
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Book Preparing Sunday without the Eucharist

Author(s): Britz, Andrew; Maier, Zita

Language: English
  Using basic principles of good liturgy, this book helps communities facing this reality to continue to prepare nourishing celebration.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Preparing the Assembly to Celebrate

Author(s): Aldi-Wanner, Kim

Language: English
  Passive participants or active participants? Subject of the liturgical action or object of planners manipulation? There's no magic recipe, but this book offers fundamental principles and a host of tips born of successful pastoral experience to enable assemblies to celebrate well.
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Book Preparing the Environment for Worship

Author(s): McNorgan, David

Language: English
  Readers will see how different ways of preparing the environment communicate various images church, the assembly and God, and learn practical ways to provide the best environment for worship in church.
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Book Preparing the Liturgical Year 1 : Sunday and the Paschal Triduum

Author(s): Eddy, Corbin

Language: English
  Background to the seasons, practical applications of principles and ideas for working with the paschal triduum and the Sundays of Ordinary Time will make this an invaluable resource.
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Book Preparing the Table of the Word

Author(s): Bonneau, Normand omi

Language: English
  This book helps readers make better sense of what they are proclaiming, and provides homilists with new insights for their homily preparation and preaching.
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Book Preparing to Celebrate with Children

Author(s): Whitty, Gerard; Mercer, Jeannette; Wells, Elaine

Language: English
  This book challenges the local assembly to give children a voice in their Sunday praise and worship.
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Book Preparing to Celebrate with Youth

Author(s): Sweet, Marilyn J.

Language: English
  Using basic principles of good liturgy, this book provides communities facing this challenge with honest pracitical assistance.
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Book Preparing to Preside

Author(s): Glendinning, Barry

Language: English
  Presiding demands much more than being in the right place with the right words at the right time. The ministry of the presider -- lay or ordained -- is crucial in liturgy. The art of gathering up the people's prayers and giving voice to it can be learned and must be prepared.
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Book Pure Joy

Author(s): Tullos, Matt; Turner, Paul; Cherry, Kristi

Language: English
  This book is sure to help you remove the stains of the flesh and prevent fading of the bright light of Christ. Combine this study with the heart-softening agent of God's word, and you'll be astounded by the mountain-spring freshness of the Spirit's work of transformation.
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Book Questions of Life: A Practical Introduction to the Christian Faith

Author(s): Gumbel, Nicky

Language: English
  In fifteen compelling chapters, Nicky Gumbel points the way to an authentic Christianity that is exciting and relevant to today's world.
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Book Reconciliatio et Paenitentia

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  To speak of reconciliation and penance is, for men and women of all time, an invitation to resdiscover, translater in their own way of speaking, the very words with which our Saviour and Teacher Jesus Christ began his preaching.
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Book Reconciliation

Author(s): Hughes, Kathleen; Favazza, Joseph A.

Language: English
  A Reconciliation Sourcebook. We use the familiat parabole of the Prodigal Son as the organizing framework for these texts.
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Book Responses to 101 Questions on the Mass

Author(s): Irwin, Kevin W.

Language: English
  The author provides a thorough explanation of the Mass. He explores its historical, theological and liturgical aspects and describes how the celebration of the Eucharist derives from and relates to daily life.
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Book Sacramental Guidelines

Author(s): Osborne, Kenan B. ofm

Language: English
  A Companion to the New Catechism for Religious Educators. Parents and pastors will appreciate its straightforward overview of the sacraments and how they function in our faith as the heart of our Catholic belief and the soul of our spirituality.
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Book Sacred Journeys : Understanding the World's Great Religions

Author(s): Monestero, Rev. John

Language: English
  A description of Judaism, Christianity, Islam,Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
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Book Seeking Spirituality: Guidelines for a Christian Spiritualilty for the Twenty-First Century

Author(s): Rolheiser, Ronald

Language: English
  This book is to help people serching to understand what Christian spirituality means and how to apply it to their own lives.
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Book Serendipity Bible for Groups : New American Bible Version

Language: English
  The NAB Catholic Serendipity Bible includes all the outstanding features of its counterpart, the NIV Serendipity Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, and expands them to include the deuterocannical books.
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Book Serve God with Gladness

Author(s): Philippart, David

Language: English
  This book is fun, too. It will help you to serve God with gladness! Changes made in Nov. 2011 for New Missal.
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Book Signposts of Our Faith

Author(s): Gaffney, Myles

Language: English
  Canadian Witnesses to Vocation and Mission.
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Book Signs of the Times

Author(s): Baum, Gregory

Language: English
  Religious Pluralism and Ecomomic Injustice.
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Book Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning

Author(s): Fowler, James W.

Language: English
  This book shows in rich detail how every life is progressively centered about some fundamental set of meanings and values, and identifies the developmental stages that characterize the basic faith we live by, the reasons we find life worth living.
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Book Stewardship: A Disciple's Response: A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

Author(s): United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  This pastoral letter has served as an indispensable way to communicate a vision and extend an invitation to Christian people to "grasp the fact that they are no less than 'God's co-workers' (1 Cor 3:9), with their own particular share in his creative, redemptive, and sanctifying work." Everyone who has studied and acted on this letter knows that it will continue to attract and guide countless new co-workers to the Church's mission.
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Book Stewardship: A Parish Handbook

Author(s): Clements, C. Justin

Language: English
  This is the most comprehensive single guide ever published for parishes, diocesan leaders, and lay ministers involved in developing and implementing local-level stewardship programs.
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Successful Home Cell Groups

Author(s): Cho, Paul Yonggi

Language: English
  Paul Yonggi Cho describes his church as both the smallest and the largest in the world. The plan of home cell groups developed there has brought about not only phenomenal growth, but also intimate fellowship and involvement. He details everything you need to know to make home cell groups work.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Sunday Dismissals For the RCIA

Author(s): Milne, Mark K.

Language: English
  To help catechumenate teams coordinate planning sessions wih the dismissal, the readings used as a basis for the dismissal are given as a reference.
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Book Take Heart Catechist : Twenty Stories for Guidance & Growth

Author(s): Van Bemmel, John

Language: English
  The stories center on key catechetical moments in the lives of each of the catechists presented, and draw out of these moments significant truths and practical implications for all catechists.
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Book The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation

Author(s): Yarnold, Edward s.j.

Language: English
  The Origins of the R.C.I.A.
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Book The Catholic Church in the 21st Century

Author(s): Harrington,Daniel J. & others

Language: English
  Finding hope for its future in wisdom of its past.
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Book The Catholic Way

Author(s): Wuerl, Doanld W. bishop

Language: English
  Faith for Living Today. My hope in preparing this book is that, both for myself and for those who read it, faith in Jeus will be renewed and strengthened. As disciples, we would once again stir up that flame of convesion that turns us to Christ and keeps us focused on him as the center of our lives.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Christian Family : Bible Study Guide for Groups and Individuals

Author(s): Dunwoody, Gregory

Language: English
  This particular booklet is written for the purpose of inviting Christian believers to share the Word of God around the theme of "The Christian Family."
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Book The Church in America : Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  Rejoicing in the faith received and praising Christ for this immense gift, the Church in America has recently celebrated the fifth centerary of the first preaching of the Gospel on its soil.
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Book The Complete Book of Christian Prayers

Author(s): THE

Language: English
  This book will prove an inspiring and practical resource for Christians of all denominations.
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Book The Dilemma of Priestless Sundays

Author(s): Dallen, James

Language: English
  The central question throughout is: What effect will the failure to obey the Lord's command have on the community of disciples?
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Book The Effective DRE : A Theology Series - KIT 4

Author(s): Campbell, James P.; Ralph, Margaret Nutting

Language: English
  Companions on the Journey : Mary and the Saints The origins of the devotions to Mary and the saints, the way in which saints are proclaimed today, and the place apparitions of Mary have in the context of the Church. Nourished by the Word : Scripture This booklet has been written to help you understand, love, live by, and teach Scripture.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The eucharist and our everyday life

Author(s): Häring, Bernard

Language: English
  These joyful meditations on the Eucharist are themselves an act of thanks - and a invitation . The invite the reader to make the Eucharistic thaksgiving and praise the leitmotif and norm for everyday life.
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Book The Gospel in Parabole

Author(s): Donahue, John R. s.j.

Language: English
  The author examines and interprets the parables of Mark, Matthew, and Luke as texts in the context of the theology of each of the Gospels. Finally, he outlines what «The Gospels in Parable» looks like and offers suggestions for the proclamation of parables today.
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Book The Lay-Centered Church

Author(s): Doohan, Leonard

Language: English
  «A notable contribution toward understanding the new possibilities for lay ministry, I know of no better book in this field». (James I. McCord).
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Book The Mass Step By Step KIT

Author(s): McKeever, Sharron

Language: English
  This kit containts Leader's Guide and Student Booklet. Helpful sections offer succinct explanations of the new changes in the Mass. This resource asks and answers why we do certain things during Mass with accurate responses, gestures, and attitudes.
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Book The Meaning of Sunday

Author(s): Thiessen, Joel

Language: English
  Exploring the meanings and motivations behind people’s religious beliefs and behaviours, the book features discussions with three groups of people: those who attend religious services weekly, those who attend services mainly for religious holidays and rites of passage, and those who do not identify with any religious group and never attend religious services.
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Book The Mystery of the Incarnation : Incarnationis Mysterium

Author(s): John Paul Bishop

Language: English
  Contemplating the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, the Church prepares to cross the threshold of the Third Millennium
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Book The New Evangelization

Author(s): Synod of Bishops

Language: English
  Lineamenta. XIIIe Ordinary General Assembly.
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Book The New Millennium : Novo Millennio Ineunte

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The pope offers this Letter, at the conclusion of the Jubilee Year, the contribution of his Petrine ministry, so that the Church may shine ever more brightly i nthe variety of her gifts and in her unity as she journeys on.
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Book The Order of Christian Funerals

Author(s): Rutherford, Richard. H. csc

Language: English
  An invitation of Pastoral Care.
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Book The Priority of Christ : Toward a Postliberal Catholicism

Author(s): Barron, Robert

Language: English
  The author creates a 'postliberal' theology that is neither a return to Scholasticism nor even to the Fathers, although he draws upon the resopurces of earlier theologians.
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Book The Rosary of the Virgin Mary : Apolstolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium.
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Book The sacraments and your everyday life

Author(s): Häring, Bernard

Language: English
  Since Vatican II, a major part of the Church has made a serious effort to bridge the gap separating worship from daily moral life in both private and social spheres.
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Book There's Got to be More! Connecting Churches & Canadians

Author(s): Bibby, Reginald W.

Language: English
  It identifies the Ten Key Findings and the Five Crucial Implicatins of prvious studies and shows how to apply those to reach out to the people most open to a church's message. It will help congregations focus their life and growth around people's three main religious concerns: God, self, and society.
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Book They shall be comforted

Author(s): Nolan, Joseph

Language: English
  For those who grieve and hope. Here is a treasure-trove of beautifully crafted Reflextions, Readings, Prayers,and Rituals for those who think about death and hope in the resurrection.
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Book Three Minutes a Day: Volume 35

Author(s): Raha, Stephanie

Language: English
  Daily reflections and prayers.
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Book Triduum

Author(s): Halmo, Joan; Henderson, Frank

Language: English
  A Triduum Sourcebook 1. Many of the selections in this collection emphasize that the pasch of the Lord is one unified festival, and that the days and services of the liturgial pasch are as moments of time within this single mystery of faith.
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Book Triduum

Author(s): Halmo, Joan; Henderson, Frank

Language: English
  A Triduum Sourcebook. Volume 2.
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Book Triduum

Author(s): Halmo, Joan; Henderson, Frank

Language: English
  A Triduum Sourcebook. Volume 3.
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Book Weekly Prayer Services for Parish Meetings : Lectionary Based for Year B

Author(s): Rogers, Marliss

Language: English
  The prayer services in this book will help meeting participants prayerfully enter into the work before them with a sense a mission and purpose. These prayer services are appropriate for parish councils, liturgy committees, finance boards, parish staff, religious educators, scripture study groups, and many other parish meetings or gatherings.
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Book Weekly Prayer Services for Parish Meetings : Lectionary-Based for Year A

Author(s): Rogers, Marliss

Language: English
  These simple, profound, and easy-to-follow services offer meeting participants a sense of mission and purpose and a prayerful entry into the work before them. They set the tone for more productive meetings, reminding participants that their actions should be guided by the Holy Spirit.
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Book While You Were Gone: A Handbook for Returning Catholics and those thinking about it

Author(s): Bausch, William J.

Language: English
  Clearly identifies the key questions and concerns of Catholics returning to the Church after an absence of some years.
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Book Who we are is how we pray: Matching Personality and Spirituality

Author(s): Keating, Charles

Language: English
  It is a popular presentation of the relationship between personality and spirituality. The author relates the personalities of sixteen types of Myers-Briggs to various kind of spiritual life and practice.
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Book Who Wrote the Bible?

Author(s): Friedman, Richard Elliott

Language: English
  Book offers an opportunity for producing a new and richer understanding of the book today, for both the religious and nonreligious reader, once we come to know the persons and forces who published it.
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Book Why Catholics Don't Give...And What Can Be Done About It

Author(s): Zech, Charles E.

Language: English
  If you want to raise more revenue, more quickly and easily, you owe it to yourself - and those you minister to - to examine the practical advice and solid information presented in this book.
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Book Why do we suffer?

Author(s): Harrington, Daniel sj

Language: English
  A scriptural approach to the human condition. With this book I want to help suffering people and those who care for them to recognize and appreciate the resources available in Scripture, and to use those resources intellignently and constructively.
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Book With Burning Hearts : A Mediation on the Eucharistic Life

Author(s): Nouwen, Henir J.M.

Language: English
  This book was written because author had felt for a long time the urge to put down on paper thoughts and feeling about the Eucharist and the Eucharistic life that kept emerging in my mind and heart.
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Book Words made Flesh

Author(s): Rosica, Thomas, csb

Language: English
  Biblical Reflexions for year B.
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