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Book 10 clés pour entrer dans la Bible

Author(s): Vermeylen, Jacques

Language: French
  ''Comprends-tu donc ce que tu lis?'' - ''Et comment le pourrais-je, dit-il, si personne ne me guide?''.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book 101 questions sur la Bible

Author(s): Brown, Raymond E.

Language: French
  Pour la première fois, un des plus éminents spécialistes de la Bible )(membre de la Commission biblique pontificale...) se prête au jeu des questions-réponses; en sachant éviter tout jargon, il met son exceptionnel savoir à la portée de tous.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Atlas de la Bible

Author(s): Rowley, H.H.

Language: French
  Ce volume rendra service aux professeurs et aux étudiants, aux catéchistes et aux théologiens; il intéressera tout homme qui désire découvrir la Bible dans un cadre vrai: c'est-à-dire dans un pays concret et une histoire vivante.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Atlas pédagogique de la Bible

Author(s): Perego, Giacomo

Language: French
  Cartes, photographies en couleurs et brèves réflexions pour suivre les itinéraires et les paysages bibliques.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  ''Catéchisme de l'Église catholique'' rédigé à la suite du deuxième Concile oecuménique du Vatican.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Catéchisme de l'Église catholique

Author(s): Jean-Paul II

Language: French
  Puisse-t-il servir au renouveau auquel l'Espit saint appelle sans cesse l'Église de Dieu, Corps du Christ, en pèlerinage vers la lumière sans ombre du Royaume!
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Code de droit canonique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Texte officiel et traduction française.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Compendium de la doctrine sociale de l'Église

Author(s): Conseil pontifical ''Justice et Paix''

Language: French
  Ce Compendium est un document unique et sans précédent dans l'histoire de l'Église. Il est un outil pour soutenir et guider les fidèles face aux enjeux moraux et pastoraux d'aujourd'hui.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Connaître et comprendre la Bible

Author(s): Braybrooke, Marcus; Harpur, James

Language: French
  Les grands moments de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Des prénoms chrétiens

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Plus de 250 prénoms dans la tradition chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Dictionnaire de la Bible

Author(s): Gerard, André-Marie

Language: French
  Grâce à ses 2,300 entrées, l'auteur offre une géographie détaillée des Lieux saints. Ses articles,accompagnés de plus de 50,000 références, permettent au spécialiste et au curieux, au croyant et au lettré de cheminer aisément à travers ce labyrinthe étonnant qu'est l'univers de la Bible.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dictionnaire de la Bible et des religions du Livre

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Aujourd'hui, des centaines de millions d'hommes et de femmes à travers le monde sont dépositaires de l'héritage spirituel d'Abraham. Ce Dictionnaire, fruit d'une collaboration interconfessionnelle et pluridisciplinaire, expose en détail l'origine et le contenu des livres bibliques.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Dictionnaire de théologie

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  - La référence biblique. - La praxis oecuménique. - L'importance de l'histoire de la théologie. - L'orientation pratique des articles.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Directoire pour l'application des principes et des normes sur l'oecuménisme

Author(s): Conférence des évêques

Language: French
  La nouvelle édition du Directoire est destinée à être un instrument mis au service de toute l'Église et spécialement de ceux qui sont directement engagés dans une activité oecuménique dans l'Église catholique.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Directoire pour la catéchèse

Author(s): Les Éditions du Cerf/ Éditions Mame

Language: French
  Le Directoire pour la catéchèse est un document donné par le Vatican à l’Église universelle. Il a été élaboré par le Conseil pontifical pour la Promotion de la Nouvelle évangélisation créé par le pape Benoît XVI en 2010. Destiné aux évêques ainsi qu’à tous les acteurs de la catéchèse, du catéchuménat et de l’évangélisation, ce texte est une référence qui donne les principes fondamentaux théologiques et pastoraux de l’action catéchétique. Ce nouveau Directoire se situe dans la continuité des textes de l’Église en matière de catéchèse et est enrichi du Magistère du pape Benoît XVI et du pape François dont la dynamique missionnaire de La Joie de l’Évangile traverse les chapitres.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Évangéliser en paroisse: l'expérience des cellules paroissiales d'évangélisation

Author(s): Macchioni, Don Giuseppe

Language: French
  Ce livre rend compte qu'une expérience pionnière qui a contribué à inscrire la Nouvelle Évangélisation dans la pastorale des paroisses. Le système des cellules paroissiales d'évangélisation est en effet un des moyens qui vise à répondre à l'appel lancé par Jean-Paul II de promouvoir une évangélisation « nouvelle quant à sa ferveur, ses méthodes et son expression ». Il a obtenu une reconnaissance officielle du Conseil Pontifical pour les Laïcs le 2 avril 2009, jour du quatrième anniversaire de la mort de Jean-Paul II.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book François, un pape surprenant

Author(s): Himitian, Evangelina

Language: French
  Biographie du pape François, écrit par Evangelina Himitian, journaliste argentine, fille de l'un des meilleurs amis du pape François.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Guide canonique et pastoral au service des paroisses

Author(s): Assemblée des évêques catholiques de Québec

Language: French
  Ce guide est destiné à ceux et celles qui travaillent en paroisse, qui ne sont pas familiers avec le droit canonique et qui doivent répondre à des questions pratiques concernant le ministère paroissial.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Guide des traditions et coutumes catholiques

Author(s): Dues, Greg

Language: French
  Sous forme de notices historiques et théologiques, cet ouvrage présente les gestes, les symboles, les rites qu font du catholicisme une religion et une culture.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Guide pratique du code de droit canonique

Author(s): Paralieu, Roger

Language: French
  Un guide pratique tout en français, facile à consulter grâce à l'index. Des réponses claires aux questions posées par l'application du code promulgué en 1983. Des explications concrètes des principaux canons de l'ensemble du code.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Initiation à la pratique de la théologie

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  I. Des manières d'habiter et de transformer le monde. II. Caractéristiques de la théologie. III. Le Christianisme vu du dehors.
Number of copies currently available:    2
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'aggiornamento de l'Église de Saint-Boniface: Mgr Baudoux et la réception de Vatican II (1962-1968)

Author(s): Lévesque, Gabriel

Language: French
  Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval. Cette étude historique, sur la réception kérygmatique du concile Vatican II dans l'Église de St-Boniface nous permet de voir la contribution originale d'un des Pères du Concile canadien, Mgr Maurice Baudoux, dans la promotion et la mise en oeuvre des réformes conciliaires dans son diocèse durant les anées du Concile et les premières années postconciliaires.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book L'Atlas de l'étudiant

Author(s): Dowley, Tim

Language: French
  30 cartes couleurs. Répertoire géographique des lieux de la Bible. Abraham - Église primitive.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book L'école française de spiritualité

Author(s): Deville, Raymond

Language: French
  L'école française de spiritualité, période de renouvellement profond de la vie chrétienne: spiritualité, misssions, souci des pauvres, formation des prêtres, etc. l'ont marquée au point qu'on a parlé di «grand siècle des âmes».
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book L'Église byzantine

Author(s): Ducellier, Alain

Language: French
  Entre Pouvoir et Esprit (313-1204).
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book L'initiation chrétienne - Démarche catéchuménale

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ces cahiers se proposent de publier des documents de réflexion et de recherche susceptibles d'aider tous ceux qui sont intéressés par la communication de la foi chrétienne aux hommes et aux femmes d'aujourd'hui.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book La Bible de la liturgie

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Ce livre comprend: L'Ancien Testament lu dans la liturgie. Le Nouveau Testament dans sa totalité. Tous les Psaumes et Cantiques bibliques.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book La nouvelle évangélisation: modèles bibliques

Author(s): Dumais, Marcel

Language: French
  Une importante contribution à la réflexion et aux prises de position qui s'imposent dans l'Église d'aujourd'hui face à une Nouvelle Évangélisation. Des pistes pour une lecture personnelle des Écritures dans la perspective de l'évangélisation. Une invitation à tabler sur les forces positives de chacun et à s'éloigner des désirs étroits pour plonger dans la profondeur de la vérité religieuse.
Number of copies currently available:    0
Number of copies currently checked out:    1
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Book La sexualité selon Jean-Paul II

Author(s): Semen, Yves

Language: French
  Avec un réel talent pédagogique, Yves Semen a voulu faire profiter le lecteur des recherches de la théologie du corps de Jean-Paul II et de rendre accessible au grand public la pensée du pape.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book La théologie du corps décomplexée

Author(s): Percy, Anthony

Language: French
  Cet ouvrage nous invite à découvrir le message révolutionnaire livré par Jean-Paul II sur l'amour humain au cours des années 1979 à 1984.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le droit canon à la portée de tous

Author(s): Trueman, Pete Vere et Michael

Language: French
  Les 150 questions les plus fréquemment posées.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le frère André: l'histoire de l'obscur portier qui allait accomplier des miracles

Author(s): Lachance, Micheline

Language: French
  L'auteur dessine du frère André, à travers les témoignages de ses nombreaux amis, sur la toile de fond des événemnts de presque tout un siècle.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Le livre des religions

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Les hommes de tous les temps partagent ''Le livre des religions''. Un livre pour comprendre comment les religions désignent chacune à leur façon l'essentiel qui est toujours ''invisible pour les yeux'', comme dit le Petit Prince.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Le sel de la terre

Author(s): Ratzinger, cardinal

Language: French
  Le christianisme et l'Église catholique au seuil du troisième millénaire.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lectionnaire

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Lectionnaire pour les sacrements et autres célébrations.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lectionnaire de semaine

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Lectionnaire de semaine.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lectionnaire du dimanche

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Lectionnaire pour les messes du dimanche.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les documents pontificaux et de la Curie

Author(s): Morrisey, Francis G. omi

Language: French
  Leur portée canonique à la lumière du Code de droit canonique de 1983.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Les sacrements - Source de vie

Author(s): Scholtus, Robert

Language: French
  Petite encyclopédie moderne du christianisme. L'auteur renouvelle le regard sur ce qu'est l'Église et fait comprendre les asises mêmes de la vie chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Lire les Pères de l'Église

Author(s): Peters, Gabriel, soeur, o.s.b.

Language: French
  Cours de patrologie. Le présent travail, à la fois vivant et accessible à tous, épargnera au débutant du temps et d'inutiles efforts et favorisera, à sa manière, le retour aux sources pour un public non initié mais nombreux, monastique et laic, sacerdotal et religieux.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Normes complémentaires au Code de Droit Canonique de 1983

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Chaque décret est précédé du canon qu'il veut compléter et suivi d'un ommentaire canonico-pastoral. Puisse cette publication rendre plus facile la consultation de ces textes de droit particulier cananadien.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Nouvel Atlas de la Bible

Author(s): Rogerson, John

Language: French
  Cet atlas situe le texte de la Bible dans son cadre géographique, historique et culturel. Auxiliaire précieux d'une meilleure compréhen-sion de la Bible, il est aussi une introduction aux civilisations du Proche-Orient et un livre d'art.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Nouvelle Chance pour l'évangile

Author(s): Bacq, Philippe; Theobald, Christoph

Language: French
  Ce livre traite de l'annonce de la Parole de Dieu, de la pratique sacramentelle de l'Église et de l'activité pastorale. Il s'offre au dialogue, il souhaite susciter un surcroît de créativité dans les paroisses, les mouemnets et les équipes pastorales.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Pour lire l'histoire de l'Église

Author(s): Comby, Jean

Language: French
  Ce volume donne une place aussi importante aux textes du passé qu'à la présentation des événements. Et il offre des clés pour situer les textes, les comprendre, les apprécier.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Pour lire l'histoire de l'Église

Author(s): Comby, Jean

Language: French
  Comme le précédent, ce second volume donne une place aussi importante aux textes du passé qu'à la présentation des événements. Et il offre des clés pour situer les textes, les comprendre, les apprécier.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Pour lire les prophètes

Author(s): Prévost, Jean-Pierre

Language: French
  Ce volume est le Le livre de réfétence pour qui veut entrer dans la lecture et l'intelligence des Prophètes de la Bible.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Prendre soin de la Création: Un guide pastoral por passe à l'action

Author(s): Lévesque, Norman

Language: French
  Un regard pastoral sur la Création, présentant un modèle d’intervention et des idées d’activités à réaliser en Église. Ce titre, et celui de Dany Dubois, Oser le marketing de la foi, débute la nouvelle collection « Audace » qui veut permettre aux croyants de tous horizons de développer des initiatives pour passer à l’action
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Surfer dans la Bible

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Un guide pour voyager dans la Bible, une oeuvre dynamique qui, de renvoi en renvoi, permet de surfer, et aussi un choix réfléchi de notions de base que le lecteur peut accumuler, approfondir ou assembler par brèves séquences thématiques.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Synopse des Évangiles

Author(s): Deiss, Lucien

Language: French
  Ce volume est un instrument de travail indispensable pour tout lecteur du Nouveau Testament. Qui n'a souhaité , en lisant à la suite les trois premiers Évangiles, saisir d'un seul coup d'oeil, leurs ressemblances et leurs différences, dégager ainsi la richesse et l'apport de chacun.Or, c'est là le but d'une Synopse.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Synopse des textes conciliaires

Author(s): Deretz, J.; Nocent, A. o.s.b.

Language: French
  Les actes du Concile Vatican II offrent une bien plus grande homogénéité que leurs titres si divers ne pourraient le faire penser. Les mêmes préoccupations se retrouvent dans tous les textes: plus grand souci de la personne humaine, retour à l'Évangile comme source première de toute pensée chrétienne.
Number of copies currently available:    1
Number of copies currently checked out:    0
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Book Théo - nouvelle encyclopédie catholique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Une présentation complète de la foi chrétienne. Les prières d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Une introduction à la Bible. Une histoire de l'Église.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Théo junior

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  L'encyclopédie catholique des 9-14 ans. Parce qu'il y a des questions trop importantes pour rester sans réponse. Ce volume se divise en grandes parties: 1.- La Bible 2.- L'Église 3.- La Foi 4.- Les Saints
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Book Vocabulaire de théologie biblique

Author(s): Ouvrage collectif

Language: French
  Bible et théologie. Quatrième édition.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book 20 More Teen Prayer Services

Author(s): Regan, S. Kevin

Language: English
  This resource is meant to help you--youth leaders, clergy, retreat directors, directors of religious education, or teachers--meet these challenges by helping you prepare reverent, insightful, and prayerful assemblies with teenagers.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book 20 Prayer Lessons for Children

Author(s): Voz Wezeman, Phyllis; Fournier, Jude, Dennis

Language: English
  This book is a focused, fun, and faith-filled guide to teaching prayer to children.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book 25 Guided Prayer Services for Middle Graders

Author(s): Dexter, Pat Egan

Language: English
  The book is meant to help other catechists, especially those who teach middle graders to use the Bible and to pray with their clases.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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365 Children`s Prayers

Author(s): Watson, Carol

Language: English
  This selection of prayers for children expresses the variety and richness of prayer. Designed for use at home, in church and at school, the book combines specially written prayers with well-loved traditional ones. The prayers are arranges by theme, there are also prayers for special occasions.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

Author(s): Flynn, Vinny

Language: English
  The author draws from Scripture, the teachings of the Church and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal the heart of Divine Mercy. He offers an invitation and a road map so that Divine Mercy can transform our life.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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A Child's First Catholic Dictionary

Author(s): Dyches, Richard W.; Mustachio, Thomas

Language: English
  This dictionary is an excellent tool for helping children assimilate important terms and concepts of their faith.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A Concise Catholic Catechism

Author(s): Shaughnessy, Michael

Language: English
  A synopsis of the content of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A concise History of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Bokenkotter, Thomas

Language: English
  Covering the life of Christ, the election of Pope Benedict XVI, and everything in between.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A Faith like Mine : A Celebration of the World's Religions--Seen Through the Eyes of Children

Author(s): Buller, Laura

Language: English
  This is a wonderful celebration of the diversity of religious faith, as experienced though the daily lives of children around the world.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A is for Altar B is for Bible

Author(s): Main, Judith Lang

Language: English
  Using that familiar ABC's foundation, this book presents some of the essential elements of our Chirstian faith in a prayerful and enjoyable format.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A New Look at Grace : A Spirituality of Wholeness

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill

Language: English
  Author's distinctive prose images and storytelling create an unforgetable journey to the mystery and wonder of "the other side" of our everyday experiences.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A Shared Statement of Identity for the Catholic Health Ministry : Celebration 60 1943-2003

Author(s): Catholic Health Associates of the United States

Language: English
  From the Catholic prespective, health care can never be reduced to a commodity because health care provides the essential safeguard of dignity and life.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book A Supplement to the Sacramentary : New Optional Methods

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Bishops

Language: English
  Full title: A Supplement to the Sacramentary : New Optional Memorials, Memorials and Votive Masses for the Dioceses of Canada, For Study and Comment.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Achieving Social Justice : A Catholic Perspective

Author(s): Wilkins, Ronald J.; Grover, Veronica

Language: English
  This book is intended to provide a basis for discussion of the problems and a faith vision to motivate us in seeking solutions.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Acting Out The Miracles and Parables : 52 Five-Minute Plays for Education and Worship

Author(s): Glavich, Mary Kathleen

Language: English
  This book contains 28 miracle accounts and 24 parables of Jesus in playlet form, which can be incorporated into lessons on the miracles, the parables and related topics.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Catechesi Tradendae on Catechesis in Our Time

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The pope ardently desires that his Apostolic Exhortation to the whole Church should strengthen the solidity of the faith and of Christian living, should give fresh vigour to the initiatives in hand, should stimulate creativity--with the required vigilance--and should help spread among the communities the joy of bringing the mystery of Christ to the world.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  In a particular way the Church addresses the young, are beginning their journey towards marriage and family life, for the purpose of presenting them with new horizons, helping them to discover the beauty and grandeur of the vocation to love and the service of life.
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Book Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus Devotion to The Blessed Virgin Mary

Author(s): Pope Paul VI

Language: English
  As we prepare to discuss the place which the Blessed Virgin Mary occupies in Christian worship, we must first turn our attention to the sacred liturgy. We shall dwell almost exclusively on the books of the Roman Rite of Liturgy.
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Book Assembled in Christ

Author(s): Condray, Sydney

Language: English
  It is hoped that the Spirit of the Lord will move through these services to enhance each participant's experience of God, thus enlivening a deeper of love of God and all people in daily life.
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Book Baptism and Beyond : Leader Guide. Sessions for Parents Leader Guide

Author(s): Coffey Kathy

Language: English
  This book encourages practices that are not necessarily "churchy," such as reading aloud to children and appreciating nature with them, as well as more traditional ways to incorporate prayer and ritual in a home setting. To be used in conjunction with the Parent's guide book.
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Book Baptism and Beyond : Parent Guide. Preparing for Baptism and Nuturing Your Child's Spirituality

Author(s): Coffey, Kathy

Language: English
  Parent Guide book to be used in conjunction with the Leader's guide. Use this resource not only to record your child's milestones as you would a baby book, but to record your own process of parenting, as you grow into the role.
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Book Basic Norms for the Formation of Permanent Deacons

Author(s): Congregation for Catholic Education : Congregation for the Clergy

Language: English
  This book helps a need to certain unity of direction and clarification of concepts, as as for practical encouragement and more clearly defined pastoral objectives.
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Book Bible Message Make -n- Takes

Author(s): Lingo, Susan L.

Language: English
  These memorable messasges help children apply God's Word to their lives as they explore important issues such as prayer, trust, salvation, forgiveness, serving others, and more through crafts!
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Bible Story Book : Old Testament

Author(s): Fletcher, Sarah

Language: English
  A collection of sixty four Old Testament Stories presented in chronological order, with a Bible reference and contemporary prayer at the conclusion of each.
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Bless This Day : 150 Everyday Prayers For Grades 1 to 5

Author(s): Mathson, Patricia

Language: English
  This book contains prayers written in simple language that children (grades 1 to 5) can understand and appreciate.
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Blessings and Prayers through the Year : A Resource for School and Parish

Author(s): McMahon Jeep, Elizabeth

Language: English
  These prayers invite children into the rich tradtion of Catholic practice as they also invite children to see and bless the wide world beyond our tradition.
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Book Brother André

Author(s): Legault, André

Language: English
  This publication has been inspired by the Life of Brother André who has built on Mount Royal a basicila in honor of Saint Joseph and thus popularise his devotion through the whole of American continent.
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Book Canonical and Pastoral Guide for Parishes

Author(s): Assembly of Québec Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  This guide is intended for those who are unfamiliar wiht the Church Law, are working in parishes, and must answer practical questions about parish ministry.
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Book Catechesis on the Eucharist : The Eucharist, God's Gift for the Life of the World

Author(s): Numerous Collaborators

Language: English
  From the 49th International Eucharistic Congress being held in Quebec in 2008.
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Book Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The Catechism of the Catholic Church, approved by Pope John Paul II, is a statement of the Church's faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradtition and the Church's Magisterium. It has been declared by the Pope to be a sure norm for teaching the faith and thus a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion.
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Book Catholic Education : Ensuring a Future : Second Edition

Author(s): Mulligan, James T.

Language: English
  The author revisits the landscape of Catholic education in Canada, charting its progress and commenting on the evolving interest in his report on Catholic school boards' practice regarding the attention and priority accorded to vision, faith formation of teachers, and rousing call for action will both challenge and inspire.
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Book Catholic Etiquette : What You Need to Know about Catholic Rites and Wrongs

Author(s): Isca, Kay Lynn

Language: English
  This modern guide to appropriate behaviour in Catholic situations covers many aspects of daily and seasonal Catholic life.
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Book Catholic Marriage : An Intimate Community of Life and Love

Author(s): Murphy, Patricia

Language: English
  This book provides a solid foundation for Catholics and non-Catholics entering into marriage in the Catholic Church. The author emphasizes the positives of a sacramental marriage and deals head on with some misperceptions of church teaching around issues sucha as: impediments to marraige, sex outside of marriage, contraception, openness to children and infertility.
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Book Catholic Thought on Contraception Through the Centuries

Author(s): Sommer, Joseph

Language: English
  It is important that Catholics know this teaching and its history in order to form a correct Christian conscience regarding contraception.
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Book Catholicism Study Edition

Author(s): McBrien, Richard P.

Language: English
  A comprehensive study of Catholic theology. It is a sythesis of both traditional teaching and contemporary theological discussion.
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Book Celebrating Forgiveness : 15 Penance Celebrations

Author(s): Koplik, William; Brady, Joan

Language: English
  The purpose of this book is to help all those involved in ministry to consider several key elements which will enhance the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation.
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Book Celebrating Seasons: Prayer Lessons for Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter

Author(s): Vos Wezeman, Phyllis; Fournier, Jude Dennis

Language: English
  Provides both catechist and children with hours of prayerful learning as they prepare for and celebrate the most important seasons of the church year.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Charter of the Rights of the Family

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The document is not an exposition of the dogmatic or moral theology of marriage and the family, although it reflects the Church's thinking in the matter.
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Book Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit : Evidence from the First Eight Centuries

Author(s): McDonnell, Kilian; Montague, George T.

Language: English
  This book is a research into that earlty Christiain literature which Classical Pentecostals, charismatics and sacramentalists as well claim in some sense to be theirs.
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Book Christian Morality : In the Breath of God : Catholic Basics : A Pastoral Ministry Series

Author(s): Connors, Russell B.

Language: English
  The book's aim is show nothing other than living in Chirst--living in love, grace and Spirit of Christ.
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Book Collaborative Ministry : Skills and Guidelines

Author(s): Sofield, Loughlan; Juliano, Caroll

Language: English
  This book attempts to share insights and observations gleamed from five years of conducting workshops and courses on the topic of collaboration.
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Book Commentary on the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Walsh, Michael J.

Language: English
  A team of distinguished Catholics drawn from various theological faculties has been asked to enter into critical dialogue with the text of the Catechism, to draw attention both to its strengths and its weakness.
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Book Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Catholic Church. Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The Compedium, which Pope Benedict XVI now present to the Universal Church, is a faithful and sure synthesis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It contains all the essential and fundamental elements of the Church's faith, a kind of vademecum which allows believers and non-believers alike to behold the entire panorama of the Catholic faith.
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Book Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

Author(s): Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

Language: English
  This Compendium is a unique, unprecedented document in the history of the Church. It serves as a tool to inspire and guide the faithful who are faced daily with moral and pastoral challenges.
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Book Concise Catholc Dictionary

Author(s): Ekstrom, Reynolds R.

Language: English
  The New Concise Catholic Distionary presents an overview of the teachings, facts, beliefs, and values that are basic th the Catholic Christian community.
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Book Congregation for the Clergy The Priest of the Third Millenium

Author(s): Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Clerics

Language: English
  This document reiterates the teaching of the Council, and of the Popes and it refers to the other documents already mentioned by the Holy Father.
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Book Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

Author(s): Pope Paul VI

Language: English
  This sacred Council has several aims in view: it desires to impart an ever increasing vigor to the Christian life of the faithful; to adapt more suitably to the needs of our own times this institutions which are subject to change.
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Book Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils

Author(s): DEC

Language: English
  Nicaeal - Lateran V.
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Book Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils

Author(s): DEC

Language: English
  Trent - Vatican II.
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Book Dictionary of Saints

Author(s): Delaney, John J.

Language: English
  The purpose of this work is to make available in a single volume an up-to-date, easy-to-use compendium of factual informatioopn about some 5,000 saints included herein.
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Book Dictionary of The Bible

Author(s): McKenzie, John L.

Language: English
  A dictionary of terms used in the Bible.
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Book Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement

Author(s): Lossky, Nicholas & others

Language: English
  Contributors are leaders in the ecumenical movement from every Christian confession and all parts of the world.
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Book Dictionary of Theology

Author(s): Rahner, Karl; Vorgrimler, Herbert

Language: English
  An excellent reference work, good introduction to basic Roman Catholic concepts.
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Book Do Justice! The Social Teaching of the Canadian Catholic Bishops (1945-1986)

Author(s): Sheridan, E. F.

Language: English
  The book will be an essential reference work fpr those interested in Roman Catholic social teaching and in the wider area of social science and its history in Canada.
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Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John

Author(s): Vanier, Jean

Language: English
  Jean Vanier has a unique talent for getting to the heart of the gospel of John and making it come alive for today’s readers. Very touching they way he takes you into the story on Jesus’ ministry and really gives you a different perspective than many commentaries
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Book Ecumenical Marriage & Remarriage : Gifts and Challenges to the Churches

Author(s): Lawler, Michael

Language: English
  In this pastorally sensitive and theologically engaging book, the author challenges both the reader and religious congregations to recognize the gift of grace inherent in couple involved in both ecumenical marriages and in remarriages.
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Book Educating for Life : A Spiritual Vision for Every Teacher and Parent The Handbook

Author(s): Groome, Thomas H.

Language: English
  This guide--which includes 10 sessions, one for each chapter of the book --may be used by administrators, faculties, school/parent groups and teachers or parents meeeting in parish religious education programs.
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Book Encyclical Laborem Exercens on Human Work on the Ninetieth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  Only man is capable of work, and only man works, at the same time by work occupying his existence on earth. Thus work bears a particular mark of man and of humanity, the mark of a person operating within a community of persons. And this mark decides its interior characteristics; in a sense it constitutes its very nature.
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Book Encyclical Letter Dominum et Vivificantem

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The Church, therefore, instructed by the words of Christ, and drawing on the experience of Pentecost and her own apolstolic history, has proclaimed since the earliest centuries her faith in the Holy Spirit, as the giver of life, the one in whom the inscrutable Triune God communicates himself to human being, constituting in them the source of eternal life.
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Book Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  This eucharistic prayer with its proper precases and corresponding intercession may be used with formularies of the Masses for Various Needs and Occassions, which do not have their own proper preface.
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Book Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: The Current Debate

Language: English
  It is a timely overveiw of the problem, written by major Canadian cotributors including; Ian Huner, author and law progessor; Ian GEntles, professor of history; dr. John Scott, head of pallilative care ; Robert Nadeau, lawyer and writer.
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Book Faith Teaching : Teachers Like You Can Grow Faith Kids

Author(s): Wamberg, Steve; Conaway, John

Language: English
  This book will show you how God has strategically positioned and empowered you to nurture and grow your student's faith.
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Book Fight Less, Love More: 5 Minute Conversations to Change Your Relationship

Author(s): Puhn, Laurie

Language: English
  This book contains brilliant and precise advice how to have a great relationship. "Fight Less, Love more" offers real-life strategies for ending the cycle of figthing, hurt, and poor communication in which so many couples become entrenched.
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Book General Directory for Catechesis

Author(s): Congregration for the Clegy

Language: English
  This volume will promote future study and deepen research so as to respond to the needs of catechesis and the norms and directives of the Church's Magisterium.
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God Cares When I'm Worried

Author(s): Murphy, Elspeth Campbell

Language: English
  Decribes the worries a child might go through moving to a new home and community.
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Book Good Beginnings : Leader's Guide

Author(s): Amendolara, Lorraine P., Longo, Mary

Language: English
  It is a four-session program offering pratical guildance for parents of children from birth to three.
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Book Hands to the Needy : Blessed Marguerite D'Youville Apostle to the Poor

Author(s): Fitts, Mary Pauline

Language: English
  After being widowed at age 29 and left with raising her two sons she had time to help the poor in the General Hospital in Montreal. She founded the Grey Nuns.
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Book Harper's Encyclopedia of Religious Education

Author(s): Cully, Iris V; Cully, Kendig Brubaker

Language: English
  The purpose of this book is to give both background and practical information on religious education.
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Book Healing Your Grief : Revised Edition

Author(s): Williams, Ruthann

Language: English
  Author helps her readers to get healthy by assuring them that they aren't going crazy...She shares her insights as to what to say and be in the midst of death and what not to say and not to be.
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Book Health Care Ethics Guide

Author(s): Catholic Health Association of Canada

Language: English
  The purpose of these guidelines is to assist and promote sound ethical reflection that leads to informed decision-making. These guidelines replace the Medico-Moral Guide used by the Catholic Heath Associaton since 1970.
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Health Decisions and Care at the End of Life: A Catholic perspective

Author(s): Kenny, Nuela

Language: English
  In this helpful booklet, Sr. Nuella Kenny addresses questions and concerns Catholic may have about health decisions and care at the end of life, offering thoughtful responses and sharing the Church's teaching on these complex issues. Using a case study of an older man who learns he has a life threatening illness, she leads the reader through various steps of decision making using the lens of our Cristian faith and hope in the resurrection.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book Homilies Alive : Creating Homilies that Hit Home

Author(s): Friedl, Francis P.; Macauley, Ed

Language: English
  It is the hope that this book will strike a responsive chord in homilists because its approach is somewhat different from previous publications on homiletics.
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Book How to Pray with Icons : An Introduction

Author(s): Tataryn, Myroslaw

Language: English
  This book is a simple, engaging and active way of introducing readers to icons and reflective prayer.
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Book How to Read the Old Testament

Author(s): Charpentier, Etienne

Language: English
  This book is for those who want to read the Bible but don't know how to go about it.
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Book How to Respond to....The Cults

Author(s): Beck, Hubert F.

Language: English
  The discussion in this booklet and those to follow will focus more specifically on cults as religious groups that have deviated so significantly from the religious thought and norms that gave them birth as to have become a new and altered stream of faith and life.
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Book Images and Symbols : Studies in Religious Symbolism

Author(s): Eliade, Mircea

Language: English
  We have seen that myths decay and symbols become secularized, but they never disappear, even in the most postivist of civilizations. Symbols and myths come from come from these depths: they are part and parcel of the human being, and it is impossible that they should not be found again in any and every existential situation of man in the Cosmos.
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Book Introducing the Cultural Context of the New Testament : Hear the Word! Volume 2

Author(s): Pilch, John J.

Language: English
  This workbook is designed for any adults who is interested in a serious and/or scientific study of the Bible.
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Book Jesus Christ : Fundamentals of Christology

Author(s): Kereszty, Roch A.

Language: English
  In dialogue with contemporary concerns and controversies in the field of Christology, the author presents in this book a penetrating and integral approach to the mystery of Christ which will have broad appeal to the Roman Catholics, Protestatnts and Orthodox Christians alike.
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Book Let the Mystery Lead You! Bringing Cathechesis and Liturgy Together

Author(s): Paprocki, Joe; Williamson, D. Todd

Language: English
  This book will help people come to a deeper understanding of their faith, the rites of our Catholic Church, and the relationship between them.
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Book Letter of Pope John Paul II to All Priests of the Church for Holy Thursday 1985

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  In the Liturgy of Holy Thursday we unite oursleves in a particular way with Chirst, who is the enternal and unceasing source of our priesthood in the Church.
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Book Listening to God with Children : The Montessori Method Applied to the Catechesis of Children

Author(s): Gobbi, Gianna

Language: English
  This work is the product of several decades of practical experience with children -- blended with prayerful reflection on the way children hear God speak to them personally and with profund simplicity.
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Book Liturgical Literacy

Author(s): Smolarski, Dennis C. s.j.

Language: English
  Over 650 essential names, dates, liturgical objects and actions with their definitions,
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Book Liturgical Year

Author(s): Opalinsky, Christine

Language: English
  It is important for us to remember that the whole New Testament is the extension of the Old, and in order to understand some of the traditions of Christianity, one must have some understanding of the Jewish Traditions.
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Book Liturgy with Style and Grace : Revised Edition

Author(s): Huck, Gabe

Language: English
  This book is an introduction for persons becoming active in liturgical ministry and a refresher course for those long involved.
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Book Lives of the Saints for Every Day of the Year : Revised Edition

Author(s): Hoever, Hugo

Language: English
  By admiring the saints actions, we learn to follow their examples. This book is done in accord with the Norms and Princiles of the New Roman Calendar.
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Book Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church : Volume 1 : The Creed

Author(s): Schonborn, Christoph

Language: English
  Author provides a brief commentary on the 1st part of the Catechism, the Creed.
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Book Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church : Volume 2 : The Sacraments

Author(s): Schonborn, Christoph

Language: English
  Author provides a brief and profound commentary on the 2nd part of Catechism, the Sacraments.
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Book Marriage : Ritual and Pastoral Notes

Language: English
  It is a pastoral guide of the sacrament of marriage
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Book Mary's Flowers : Gardens, Legends & Meditations

Author(s): Krymow, Vincenzina

Language: English
  The traditions of associating Mary with flowers survived over the centuries, kept alive through the Mary names and legends about the flowers through literature and art.
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Book Meeting Jesus in Everyday Life and Recognizing Him when We Do

Author(s): Woodbury, Clair

Language: English
  To get as close as possible to Jesus we will focus on Luke's gospel and work through it, letting his account determine the structure of our study and be our guide as we reflect on Jesus' life and ministry.
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Book Music

Author(s): Hommerding, Alan J.; Kodner, Diana

Language: English
  A Sourcebook about Music. This is not a comprehensive collection of quotes about music. It is, rather, a collecion of beloved texts from the storehouses of a small yet diverse group of musicians and liturgists
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Book Mustard Seed Preaching

Author(s): Garrido, Ann M.

Language: English
  This book is dedicated to priests and other ministers of the Word--catechists. Liturgy of the Word leaders, DREs, and deacons--who want to learn how it can be a gift to their ministry.
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Book On Good Soil: Pastoral Planning for Evangelization and Catechisis with Adults

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  On Good Soil as a resource that offers new insight and direction to aid those engaged in evangelizing and catechizing adults in our day. Discover relevant reflection, suggestions and sound orientations for effective, life-giving evangelizing and catechetical ministry with adults. Part One outlines the nature of evangelization and catechesis with adults in various stages. Part Two explores how the five criteria for proclaiming the Gospel message within the Catholic community are reflected in good catechetical our people. Part Three offers practical help with methodology, including examples of application. Part Four examines the practicalities of adapting evangelization and catechesis to various ages and circumstances in adulthood, and to different environments, cultures and challenges. Part Five focuses on the various roles needed for effective leadership, and offers some practical help for assessing needs and engaging in effective pastoral planning for evangelization and catechesis with adults.
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Book Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Encyclopedia

Language: English
  This book presents the beliefs and teachings of the church in a clear and consise manner, contains valuable information on the history of the Church, explains the sacramental and prayer life of the Church and conveys a wealth of information on the practical aspects of the Catholic Faith.
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Book Paul of Tarsus : The Apostle for All to Know

Author(s): Gioia, Francesco

Language: English
  The following few pages condense all the biographical details available to us from Paul's letters, and from the Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke, Paul's first biographer.
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Book Pilgrim Church : A Popular History of Catholic Christianity Revised and Expanded

Author(s): Bausch, William J.; Cannon, Carol Ann; Obach, Robert

Language: English
  This is a generalized popular history of the Roman Catholic church written for the average educated Catholic, whether adult of student.
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Book Pocket Dictionary of Popes

Author(s): Walsh, Michael

Language: English
  Alphabetically arranged with a chronological index of papal names, this concise guide to all the Popes through the ages provides a thorough history of the leaders of the Catholic Church.
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Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body : Discovering God's Glorious Plan for Your Life

Author(s): West, Christopher

Language: English
  Drawing on the Pope's Theology of the Body, the author shares God's original plan for marriage and sexuality and how an understanding of this plan gives profound meaning to all our lives--married, single, and consecrated celibates.
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Book Prayer Services for Parish Meetings

Author(s): Hintz, Debra

Language: English
  This book provides leaders with the necessary encouragement and means to begin small or large group sessions in a prayerful manner appropriate to the season of the year, the type of assembly, the theme of the meeting, and/or mission of the parish.
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Book Quips Quotes & Anecdotes

Author(s): Castle, Anthony

Language: English
  A treasury for Preachers and Teachers. It will enlighten and enrich the words of all who have the privilege of preaching and teaching the Christian message. It will also delight and inspire those who simply want to read these pages for personal reflection and enjoyment.
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Book Reconciliatio et Paenitentia

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  To speak of reconciliation and penance is, for men and women of all time, an invitation to resdiscover, translater in their own way of speaking, the very words with which our Saviour and Teacher Jesus Christ began his preaching.
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Book Report on the Church : Catholicism After Vatican II

Author(s): McBrien, Richard P.

Language: English
  This book provides a critical glimpse into The 2nd Vatican Council, through the medium of one theologican's chronocled reflections on that process of change.
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Book Responsibility in Ministry : A Statement of Commitment

Language: English
  Many offical Church documents and other works examine the nature and vocation of a ministry. The intent of this text is not to repeat the scriptural or theological basis for ministry but to set out briefly some of the responsibilitoes that are part of ministering in the Chrch today.
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Book Sacramentary

Author(s): Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  The Roman Missal revised by decree of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council and published by the authority of Pope Paul IV.
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Book Sacraments & Sacramentality

Author(s): Cooke, Bernard

Language: English
  What this present book hopes to do is show that "sacrament" is not something limited to certain formally religious action.
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Book Sacred Journeys : Understanding the World's Great Religions

Author(s): Monestero, Rev. John

Language: English
  A description of Judaism, Christianity, Islam,Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
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Book Saints and Sinners : A History of the Popes

Author(s): Duffy, Eamon

Language: English
  Gives a history of the Popes up to John Paul II.
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Book Shame and Grace : Healing the Shame We Don't Deserve

Author(s): Smedes, Lewis B.

Language: English
  With warmth and wit, the author examines why and how we feel shame, and presents a profound, spiritual plan for healing.
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Book Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels

Author(s): Malina, Bruce; Rohrbaugh, Richard L.

Language: English
  The primary interest in this book is biblical interpretation, especially the interpretation of the three "Synoptic" Gospels (so called because Matthew, Mark, and Luke share much in common in their presentations of the story of Jesus.
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Book Stewardship: A Disciple's Response: A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship

Author(s): United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  This pastoral letter has served as an indispensable way to communicate a vision and extend an invitation to Christian people to "grasp the fact that they are no less than 'God's co-workers' (1 Cor 3:9), with their own particular share in his creative, redemptive, and sanctifying work." Everyone who has studied and acted on this letter knows that it will continue to attract and guide countless new co-workers to the Church's mission.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Sunday

Author(s): Ford, Paul F.; Hynes, Mary Ellen; Thompson, J. Michael

Language: English
  A Sourcebook about Sunday.
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Book Take Heart Catechist : Twenty Stories for Guidance & Growth

Author(s): Van Bemmel, John

Language: English
  The stories center on key catechetical moments in the lives of each of the catechists presented, and draw out of these moments significant truths and practical implications for all catechists.
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Book Teaching is Like Peeling Back Eggshells

Author(s): Svoboda, Melannie

Language: English
  This is an antidote to malaise for all catechists and Catholic school teachers -- at any grade level, in any subject, and with all degrees of experience.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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The 11th Commandment: Wisdom from Our Children

Author(s): by the children of America

Language: English
  American children's suggestions for an eleventh commandment, illustrated with their drawings. For people of all faiths.
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The ABC's of Church

Author(s): O'Connor, Francine

Language: English
  Join popular author Francine O'Connor as she travels through the alphabet with youngster to introduce them to the basic elements of the church--from the altar to the zillion other things they see in church when the attend Mass.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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The Always Prayer Shawl

Author(s): Oberman, Sheldon

Language: English
  Adam us a young Jewish boy in Czarist Russia. When the revolution engulfs his village, his family decides to leave their home and start a new life across the ocean. Before Adam embarks on his journey, his grandfather hands the boy his prayer shawl, which was given to him by his grandfather, whose name is Adam.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church : Revised Edition

Author(s): Neuner, J.; Dupuis, J.

Language: English
  This classic compedium of the doctrinal documents which define the Christian faith has been re-edited, and brought right up to date with recent developments in the Church.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Church in America : Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  Rejoicing in the faith received and praising Christ for this immense gift, the Church in America has recently celebrated the fifth centerary of the first preaching of the Gospel on its soil.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Code of Canon Law : in English Translation.

Language: English
  It is hoped that this English version of the Code will be a fitting resource for an attentive and fruitful study of the law of the Church.
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Book The Collegeville Bible Commentary

Author(s): COL

Language: English
  Old Testament Series - New Testament Series.
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Book The Collegeville Pastoral Dictionary of Biblical Theology

Author(s): COL

Language: English
  Four types of articles comprise this dictionary: introductory articles, major articles, secondary articles, and brief entries.
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Book The Companion to The Cathechism of the Catholic Church : A Compendium of Texts

Language: English
  The purpose of this present volume is to gather together in a single source this wealth of reference texts and documents for the convenience of the English-speaking reader of the Catechism.
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Book The complete parallel Bible

Author(s): BIB

Language: English
  Containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books.
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Book The Creed : The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology Revised

Author(s): Marthaler, Berard

Language: English
  The pages that follow are intended to show that while the Christian Creed is simple enough for the barely literate to grasp, it is worthy of study by professional scholars.
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Book The Effective DRE : A Theology Series - KIT 4

Author(s): Campbell, James P.; Ralph, Margaret Nutting

Language: English
  Companions on the Journey : Mary and the Saints The origins of the devotions to Mary and the saints, the way in which saints are proclaimed today, and the place apparitions of Mary have in the context of the Church. Nourished by the Word : Scripture This booklet has been written to help you understand, love, live by, and teach Scripture.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Essential: Pope Benedict XVI, His Central Writings & Speeches

Author(s): Thorton, John; Varenne, Susan

Language: English
  On April 24, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Alois Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, the twenty-first-century successor of the Apostle Peter and the spiritual leader of more than one billion Roman Catholics. Who is this complex man whose office grants him sole charge of the world's largest religion? How will his tenure influence the future? The Essential Pope Benedict XVI answers these questions through carefully chosen selections from his homilies, interviews, theological essays, and articles on the crises facing the church today. This collection lays out Benedict's thinking and relates it to a variety of contemporary issues, including modern culture's abandonment of traditional religious values, social mores regarding conception and the sanctity of life, current challenges to the priesthood, and the Catholic Church's tenuous relations with other world religions.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The General Directory for Catechesis in Plain English : A Summary and Commentary

Author(s): Huebsch, Bill

Language: English
  Author wrote this commentary and summary of this book because he believed that everyone involved in this ministry should understand deeply what this wonderful document has to say.
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Book The Handbook of Indulgences

Author(s): National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  Norms and grants regarding indulgences.
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Book The Historical Jesus : The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant

Author(s): Crossan, John Dominic

Language: English
  The first comprehensive determination of who Jesus was, what he did, what he said.
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Book The Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life

Author(s): Theological-Historical Commission for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000

Language: English
  It is the second in four volumes on the Son, the Spirit, the Father and the millennial year itself, to be published one per year to assist adults in their preparation for the Holy Year 2000.
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Book The Ministry of Cantors

Author(s): Harmon, Kathleen

Language: English
  This book address the role of the cantor by clarifying what liturgy and liturgical music are about helping cantors find their role within that understanding.
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Book The Ministry of Hospitality : Second Edition

Author(s): Comiskey, James A.

Language: English
  Monsignor offers practical suggestions for extending hospitality in sacramental moments and while teaching, serving, greeting, or in day-by-day living.
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Book The Ministry of Liturgical Environment

Author(s): Zimmerman, Joyce Ann

Language: English
  This book considers the physical location of our worship, from assembly seating, color usage, and liturgical accountrements to ministers' and assembly's dress. The author offers a useful practical guide for those preparing an inviting sacred space that reflects and enhances the community's valued principles.
Number of copies currently available:    3
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Book The Ministry of Music : Singing the Paschal Mystery

Author(s): Harmon, Kathleen

Language: English
  This book explores liturgical music from the perspective of liturgy as a ritual enactment of the paschal mystery.
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Book The Ministry of Servers : Second Edition

Author(s): Kwatera, Michael

Language: English
  This book gives detailed instructions for altar servers, who perform an essential ministry to God and God's people during liturgical celebrations.
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Book The Mystery of the Incarnation : Incarnationis Mysterium

Author(s): John Paul Bishop

Language: English
  Contemplating the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, the Church prepares to cross the threshold of the Third Millennium
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Book The New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture

Author(s): Fuller, Reginald; Johnston, Leonard; Kearns, Conleth

Language: English
  A New Catholic Commentary is «catholic» (universal) in the literal sense - serious Bible readers of any denomination will find it an invaluable resource for deepening their knowledge of and appreciation for Holy Scrpture.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The New Millennium : Novo Millennio Ineunte

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The pope offers this Letter, at the conclusion of the Jubilee Year, the contribution of his Petrine ministry, so that the Church may shine ever more brightly i nthe variety of her gifts and in her unity as she journeys on.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The New Oxford Annotated Bible

Author(s): THE

Language: English
  The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha an Ecumenical Study Bible. Completely Revised and Enlargend.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Passion Narratives

Language: English
  A companion to the Lectionary for Sundays and Solemnities contains The Passion narratives of all four gospels.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Pope encyclopedia

Author(s): Bunson, Matthew

Language: English
  An A to Z of the Holy See. «Tu es Petrus!» For anyone interested in the startling history that links the Apostle Peter to John Paul II, this is essential reading. Containing more that 2,000 entries in a handy alphabetical format, theis provocative, illustrated book investigates the lively and entertaining history of the Vatican and its rulers,
Number of copies currently available:    1
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The Purpose Driven Church

Author(s): Warren, Rick

Language: English
  Every church is driven by something. Tradition, finances, programs, personalities, events, seekers, and even buildings can each be the controlling force in a church. But Rick Warren believes that in order for a church to be healthy it must become a purpose-driven church, built around the five New Testament purposes given to the church by Jesus.
Number of copies currently available:    2
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Book The Rites

Author(s): RIT

Language: English
  The Rites of the Catholic Church.
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Book The Roman Missal (3rd Edition)

Author(s): Canadian Conference of the Catholic Bishops

Language: English
  English Translation According to the Third Typical Edition. This is a Chapel Edition.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Rosary of the Virgin Mary : Apolstolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae

Author(s): John Paul II, Pope

Language: English
  The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a prayer loved by countless Saints and encouraged by the Magisterium.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book The Voice of the Church

Author(s): THE

Language: English
  A forum on liturgical translation.
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Book The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Ethics

Author(s): Childress, James F.; Macquarrie, John

Language: English
  This new edition has been built on Macquarrie's foundation, it reflects several major changes in the methods, content and context of Christian ethics.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Theologians & Catechists in Dialogue : The Albany Forum

Author(s): Hill, Brenan

Language: English
  It was hoped that such a meeting would help clarify the task of each discipline, uncover the need for cooperation, and perhaps lay groundwok for future meetings wherein a more congenial partnership could be worked out.
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Book There's Got to be More! Connecting Churches & Canadians

Author(s): Bibby, Reginald W.

Language: English
  It identifies the Ten Key Findings and the Five Crucial Implicatins of prvious studies and shows how to apply those to reach out to the people most open to a church's message. It will help congregations focus their life and growth around people's three main religious concerns: God, self, and society.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book This is the Word of the Lord

Author(s): Freburger, William J.

Language: English
  Readings of the Liturgiy in Dialogue Form. Holy Week - Selected Sundays - Major Feasts.
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Book Tools for Teaching : Classroom Tips for Catechists

Author(s): Paprocki, Joe

Language: English
  This is a do-it-yourself guide that offers step-by-step instructions for dealing with a wide variety of catechetical challenges.
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Book Weekly Prayer Services for Parish Meetings : Lectionary Based for Year B

Author(s): Rogers, Marliss

Language: English
  The prayer services in this book will help meeting participants prayerfully enter into the work before them with a sense a mission and purpose. These prayer services are appropriate for parish councils, liturgy committees, finance boards, parish staff, religious educators, scripture study groups, and many other parish meetings or gatherings.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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Book Weekly Prayer Services for Parish Meetings : Lectionary-Based for Year A

Author(s): Rogers, Marliss

Language: English
  These simple, profound, and easy-to-follow services offer meeting participants a sense of mission and purpose and a prayerful entry into the work before them. They set the tone for more productive meetings, reminding participants that their actions should be guided by the Holy Spirit.
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Book Weekly Prayer Services for Teenagers : Lectionary-Based for the School Year : Years A and B

Author(s): Schneider, M. Valerie

Language: English
  These 37 prayer services, corresponding to the liturgical weeks of Years A and B that span the school year, are intended for junior and senior high school students, both in Catholic school and religious education settings.
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Book What Do I Do Now? A Guide for the Relunctant Catechist

Author(s): Pierson, Dan; Stark, Susan Stark

Language: English
  Pierson and Stark have devised a lighthearted but very serious companion for those catechists who feel that same relunctant tug the disciples felt when they were sent out two by two to spread the Good News of God's Kingdom.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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What You Will See Inside a Catholic Church

Author(s): Keane, Reverend Michael

Language: English
  For children aged 6 to 10. Names and explains the various objects found in a Catholic Church, how they are used in the celebration of the Mass and other events, the clergy and lay people who use them, and the meaning behind them.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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What You Will See Inside a Mosque

Author(s): Khan, Aisha Karen

Language: English
  Describes what happens inside a mosque and introduces the Moslem faith.
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What You Will See Inside a Synagogue

Author(s): Hoffman, Lawrence

Language: English
  This is satisfy kids' curiosity about what goes on in synagogues, broadening awareness of other faiths at an important age when opinions and prejudices can first form. Provides Jewish children with a deeper understanding of their own religious traditions.
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Book Who Wrote the Bible?

Author(s): Friedman, Richard Elliott

Language: English
  Book offers an opportunity for producing a new and richer understanding of the book today, for both the religious and nonreligious reader, once we come to know the persons and forces who published it.
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You are Special

Author(s): Lucado, Max

Language: English
  It's a truth a child is never too young to hear, told in a way they will always remember. This heart-warming tale form the classic bestseller will help you tell them again and again...with love.
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Youcat - Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church

Author(s): Austrian Bishops Conference

Language: English
  Youcat is written in a language suitable for young people, deals with the entire Cathlic faith as it was presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The work is structured in Question-and-Answer format. A commentary following the answer is meant to give additional help in uderstanding the questions that are discussed and their significance in life.
Number of copies currently available:    1
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