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The following items are available in Parish Renewal and Growth.
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Croissance de l'église ... c'est possible ! Author(s): Heward-Mills, Dag Language: French |
Nous savons que la croissance de l'église est difficile à définir et à atteindre. Tous les pasteurs souhaitent que leurs églises se développent. Alors que les mots et l'onction de ce livre se fraieront un chemin vers votre cœur, vous ferez l’expérience de la croissance de l'église pour laquelle vous avez prié. | |||||
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L'Église une passion une vision Author(s): Warren, Rick Language: French |
Chaque église est motivée ou dirigée par quelque chose. Rick Warren affirme que pour être en bonne santé, une église doit devenir motivée et dirigée par la passion et la vision, édifiée sur les cinq desseins donnés à l’église par Jésus dans le Nouveau Testament: la communion fraternelle, l’engagement, l’adoration, le ministère et l’évangélisation. Dans ce livre révolutionnaire, vous apprendrez les secrets de l’église baptiste dont la croissance a été la plus rapide dans l’histoire des États-Unis. Découvrez au travers de ces pages les idées pratiques ainsi que les principes utiles que Rick Warren a déjà enseigné à plus de 22000 pasteurs et leaders venant de soixante dénominations et quarante-deux pays différents. | |||||
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La Méga église Author(s): Heward-Mills, Dag Language: French |
Le cri du coeur de Dieu est que le monde soit sauvé et que Sa maison soit remplie! C'est de cette révélation qu'est né cet ouvrage de l'évêque Dag Heward-Mills, pasteur d'une des plus grandes églises au Ghana. Votre église et votre ministère ne seront plus jamais les mêmes une fois que vous aurez lu ce livre stimulant ! | |||||
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Rebuilt, histoire d'une paroisse reconstruite Author(s): Corcoran, Tom; White, Michael Language: French |
Dans ce livre accessible à tous, les auteurs portent un regard audaciuex sur les difficultés rencontrées au sein de la paroisse. Alternance de témoignanges personnels et d'analysese des événements, Rebuilt est un véritable outil pour évaluer sa propre situation paroissiale et pour la renouveler. | |||||
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Autopsy of a Deceased Church Author(s): Rainer, Thom S. Language: English |
Thom Rainer uses his twenty-five years of experience helping churches grow and reverse the trends of decline to expose twelve lessons on how to keep your church alive! | |||||
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Best Practices from America's Best Churches Author(s): Wilkes, Paul; Minchin, Marty Language: English |
Coming from churches ranging from a few dozen to thousands of members, leaders shared their hands-on, effective strategies to reach and serve and increasing complex and diverse group of spiritual seekers--The American people. | |||||
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Breakout Churches Author(s): Rainer, Thom S. Language: English |
What does it take for your church to break out of mediocrity? In search of answers, Thom Rainer and his research team conducted a landmark study on the church. Unfolding the findings of that study, Breakout Churches furnishes both principles and examples to show how you as a pastor or church leader can help your church break out of the status quo into unprecedented fruitfulness. | |||||
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Church Growth... It Is Possible! Author(s): Heward-Mills, Dag Language: English |
We know that church growth is elusive and difficult to achieve. All pastors wish their churches would grow. As the words and anointing of this book find their way into your heart, you will experience the church growth you have been praying for. | |||||
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Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish Author(s): Mallon, James Language: English |
An engaging guide for parishes seeking to cultivate communities of discipleship and vibrant and dynamic faith communities. | |||||
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Excellent Catholic Parishes : The Guide to Best Places and Practices Author(s): Wilkes, Paul Language: English |
We all know that Catholics hop from parish to parish these days. What are they looking for? What are they seeking? Author lays out clearly his criteria for a successful parish in this post-Vatican II era. | |||||
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From Maintenance to Mission Author(s): Rivers, Robert S. Language: English |
Evangelization, contrary to what many people believe, is not just a Protestant concern; in fact, it is Catholic to the core. In this practical, approachable work he suggests that the Catholic parish is a wonderful setting to carry out the evangelizing work of the church. He makes the case that evangelization holds the key to the future of the church because it was in fact the centerpiece of post-Vatican Council reform. | |||||
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Fusion Author(s): Searcy, Nelson Language: English |
Turning first-time guests into fully-engaged members of your church. Creating an environment that both embraces our newcomers and excites them enough to return does not happen by chance. We must be prepared to be effective stewards of those God brings us. Engaging, informative, and immediately applicable, here is help for setting newcomers on the path toward true life transformation and spiritual maturity. | |||||
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How to Break Growth Barriers Author(s): George, Carl F.; Bird, Warren Language: English |
Proven strategies for effectively breaking through barriers to church growth, including the important but often difficult task of delegation of authority and work. | |||||
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Lead with Humility Author(s): Krames, Jeffrey Language: English |
In the years since his election to the highest position in the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has breathed life into an aging institution, reinvigorated a global base, and created real hope for the future. His early accomplishments have been so remarkable that in 2014, Fortune magazine awarded the top spot of their coveted World’s Greatest Leaders list not to a captain of industry or political leader but to the new pontiff. But how did a relatively unknown priest from Argentina rise so quickly from obscurity to one of the top leaders of the twenty-first century? The answer lies in his humility, as well as the simple principles that have sprung from it. Lead with Humility explores 12 of these principles and shows how other leaders and managers across a broad spectrum can adapt them for the workplace with just as impressive results as our great pope has. These invaluable principles include: • Don't stand over your employees--sit down with them• Don't judge--assess• Take care of people, not lobbies• Go where you are needed• Temper ideology with pragmatism• Don't change--reinvent! • And more Even just a few years in, it is clear to all that Pope Francis's ability to inspire the world is unprecedented in modern times. Lead with Humility reveals the power of his methods, and helps anyone lead with the humility, grace, and authenticity that has elevated the pope to where he is today and had a direct impact in inspiring everyone and everything around him. | |||||
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Rebuilt: The Story of a Catholic Parish Author(s): White, Michael; Corcoran, Tom Language: English |
Drawing on a the wisdom gleaned from thriving megachurches and innovative businesse leaders while anchoring their vision in the Eucharistic heart of Catholic faith, Fr. Micheal White and lay associate Tom Corcoran present the compelling and inspiring story of how they brough their parish back to life. | |||||
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Simple Church Author(s): Rainer, Thom S.; Geiger, Eric Language: English |
Simple Church guides Christians back to the simple gospel-sharing methods of Jesus. No bells or whistles required. With insights based on case studies of 400 American churches, Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger prove the disciple-making process is often too complex. Simple churches thrive by taking four ideas to heart: Clarity. Movement. Alignment. Focus. Simple Church examines each idea, clearly showing why it is time to simplify. | |||||
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Sticky Church Author(s): Osborne, Larry Language: English |
The greatest challenge facing most churches today isn't getting people through the front door—it's keeping them from leaving through the back door. In his new book, Larry Osborne reveals what it takes to cultivate a “sticky” church and reveals the strategy of sermon-based small groups to retain members while leading your church into even deeper levels of discipleship. | |||||
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Successful Home Cell Groups Author(s): Cho, Paul Yonggi Language: English |
Paul Yonggi Cho describes his church as both the smallest and the largest in the world. The plan of home cell groups developed there has brought about not only phenomenal growth, but also intimate fellowship and involvement. He details everything you need to know to make home cell groups work. | |||||
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The Divine Renovation Group Reading Guide Author(s): Huesbsch, Bill Language: English |
Engaging and easy to use study guide that will help to apply the principles and ideas outlined in Fr. Mallon's book: Divine Renovation to your own parish. | |||||
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The Meaning of Sunday Author(s): Thiessen, Joel Language: English |
Exploring the meanings and motivations behind people’s religious beliefs and behaviours, the book features discussions with three groups of people: those who attend religious services weekly, those who attend services mainly for religious holidays and rites of passage, and those who do not identify with any religious group and never attend religious services. | |||||
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The Total Parish Manual Author(s): Bausch, William Language: English |
Offers the complete "how-to-guide" for parishes to fulfill their mission to their members. This book deals with topics including the sacraments, the liturgical year, organizations, small faith communities, and many other parish activities. | |||||
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Tools for Rebuilding: 75 Really, Really Practical Ways to make Your Parish a Better Place Author(s): White Michael; Corcoran, Tom Language: English |
Seventy-five proven tactics for buiding a better catholic parish. The first volume is called: Rebuilt. | |||||
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User Friendly Churches Author(s): Barna, George Language: English |
Growing churches remain centered on the Bible and committed to spiritual purity. These creative, adventurous churches are consistently attracting people. As you understand the principles that make these churches effective, you'll be better able to develop your own strategies for reaching people through your unique ministry. | |||||
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