Weekly News Bulletin Read Complete News Bulletin

A Conversation about Reconciliation

For National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Archbishop Albert had a conversation with François Paradis, Knowledge Keeper and Trainer, and Brenda Arakaza, both part of the Returning to Spirit team. François and Brenda both share their rich perspectives on how we ought to go forward, together. Truly, reconciliation cannot happen alone. It is especially important for non-Indigenous Catholics, now more than ever, to have their ears and hearts open and attentive to the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, and to take action in the phase of truth and reconciliation. Let us pray for reconciliation, inform our conscience, and reflect especially today on the fundamental importance for each of us to be agents of healing and reconciliation.
➡️Want to know more about Returning to Spirit? https://www.returningtospirit.org/ourteam
➡️Want to know more about resources available through the diocese? https://www.archsaintboniface.ca/main.php?p=1110
*Our archdiocese is located on the lands of Treaty 1, Treaty 3 and Treaty 5: the traditional territories of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Let us pray together in thanksgiving for the rich culture and spirituality of Turtle Island’s Aboriginal Peoples. We also pray in a special way, this day, for continued healing and reconciliation, in a spirit of deep respect and love for the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.

A Conversation about Reconciliation

For National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Archbishop Albert had a conversation with François Paradis, Knowledge Keeper and Trainer, and Brenda Arakaza, both part of the Returning to Spirit team. François and Brenda both share their rich perspectives on how we ought to go forward, together. Truly, reconciliation cannot happen alone. It is especially important for non-Indigenous Catholics, now more than ever, to have their ears and hearts open and attentive to the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, and to take action in the phase of truth and reconciliation. Let us pray for reconciliation, inform our conscience, and reflect especially today on the fundamental importance for each of us to be agents of healing and reconciliation.
➡️Want to know more about Returning to Spirit? https://www.returningtospirit.org/ourteam
➡️Want to know more about resources available through the diocese? https://www.archsaintboniface.ca/main.php?p=1110
*Our archdiocese is located on the lands of Treaty 1, Treaty 3 and Treaty 5: the traditional territories of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, and Dakota Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. Let us pray together in thanksgiving for the rich culture and spirituality of Turtle Island’s Aboriginal Peoples. We also pray in a special way, this day, for continued healing and reconciliation, in a spirit of deep respect and love for the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.

2024 Pastoral Appointments


On Thursday, August 1st, the new pastoral appointments for our diocese will come into effect. Who will be your parish priest or Parish life administrator?
Click here or on photo!

Photo Gallery - Ordination of Jean-Marcel Kabongo to the priesthood

There was great jubilation on June 1st at St. Boniface Cathedral as Jean-Marcel Kabongo was ordained to the priesthood. With great  joy and solemnity, Archbishop Albert LeGatt presided the celebration. The archdiocese rejoices for its new priest! We wish Fr. Kabongo success as he accompanies his new parishioners in their walk of faith. 

To view the photos, click here or on the photo.

Thank you to Jan Oliver Bruce and Daniel Bahuaud for the photos.



Fr. Gerry Sembrano sends his congratulations from the Philippines!

Photo Gallery - Ordination of Peter Trần to the Transitional Diaconate

St. Emile church was packed on May 31st for the ordination of Peter Tran to the transitional diaconate. The solemn celebration, presided over by Archbishop Albert LeGatt, was marked by a spirit of celebration and joy. A true jubilation for the archdiocese! We wish Peter every success in his formation as he continues his journey towards the priesthood and a life of service as a diocesan priest. To see a photo gallery of the ordination, click here or on photo.
Thank you to Gloria Nikolic for the photos.



Fr. Gerry Sembrano sends his congratulations from the Philippines!

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! - 2023 Good Shepherd Campaign

With the ordination of Peter Tran to the transitional diaconate and Jean-Marcel Kabongo to the priesthood, it's more than clear that the 2023 Good Shepherd Campaign was a resounding success. In fact, your generous donations will continue to contribute to the training of our seminarians, as well as the ongoing formation of our pastors.

In this video, Jean-Marcel Kabongo, Anthony Hoang, Vincent Nguyen, Joseph-Emmanuel Mukena, Joseph-Martin Ngoc Hien Pham and Peter Tran thank you, from the bottom of their hearts.

Bishop LeGatt also extends his deepest gratitude for your donations. To all.... THANK YOU!

Peter Tran - Ordination to the transitional diaconate on May 31 at 7 pm at St. Emile Parish, 556 St. Anne's Rd. in Winnipeg.

Jean-Marcel Kabongo - Ordination to the priesthood on June 1st at 10 am at St. Boniface Cathedral.

A Discussion Leading Up to National Indigenous Peoples Day

This month, ahead of the National Indigenous Peoples Month next month (and the day of the same name which will take place June 21st), Archbishop Albert converses with Daniel Bahuaud, the Diocesan Communications Coordinator. In view of this very important national day, it is necessary for us to take a moment to reflect on the paths of truth and reconciliation, and how these paths are drawing themselves in the context of our diocese and of our region’s Indigenous peoples. We must also reflect on the relationships we hold with all Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. As such, Archbishop Albert and Daniel reflect on the efforts and initiatives currently underway for healing, hearing, and reparation, in our archdiocese, calling each of us also to pray that we, too, would be agents for change in these same paths of reconciliation and peace.
To register for the 4 Seasons of Reconciliation online course, contact Daniel at communications@archsaintboniface.ca or at 204-594-0277.
To learn more about these diocesan initiatives, Walking Together, click here
  • NEW - A Conversation about Reconciliation

  • NEW - 2024 Pastoral Appointments

  • NEW - Photo Gallery - Ordination of Jean-Marcel Kabongo to the priesthood

  • NEW - Photo gallery - Ordination of Peter Trần to the Transitional Diaconate

  • NEW - Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts! - 2023 Good Shepherd Campaign

  • NEW - A Discussion Leading Up to National Indigenous Peoples Day

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