What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself? - Luke 9:25
Bishop LeGatt - Christ's Hope in a Chaotic World
The striking political and economic instability in our world today could cause us significant anxiety and distress. This week, Archbishop Albert reflects on the importance of finding our rest and hope in the Lord, especially through intentionally fostering connections with those around us. Truly, in the face of the evil in our world, the love and support we show one another allow Christ’s love and hope to reign and shine His light, a remedy to our world’s pain.
Bishop LeGatt - Christ's Hope in a Chaotic World
The striking political and economic instability in our world today could cause us significant anxiety and distress. This week, Archbishop Albert reflects on the importance of finding our rest and hope in the Lord, especially through intentionally fostering connections with those around us. Truly, in the face of the evil in our world, the love and support we show one another allow Christ’s love and hope to reign and shine His light, a remedy to our world’s pain.
Bishop LeGatt - Pilgrims of Hope
This month, Archbishop Albert reflects on the 2025 Jubilee Year, themed Pilgrims of Hope, while tying this theme back to our local Church in Saint-Boniface, but even more so to each of our individual lives. May we bring the promise of Christ’s hope to the deepest part of our hearts, and in all things say yes to him. Yes to his love, to his renewal, and to his hope. To learn more about the Jubilee in our archdiocese, click here.
Diocesan Jubilee Mass
On December 29, Archbishop LeGatt presided at a celebratory Mass to inaugurate the Jubilee Year in our diocese. The Mass, celebrated at Saint Boniface Cathedral, was also the occasion to institute seminarian Joseph-Emmanuel Mukena as a Lector. To view the gallery, click here, or on the photo.
“On Making a Special Place for Newcomers”
Video - Archbishop LeGatt: “On Making a Special Place for Newcomers”
On the heels of the 2024 plenary assembly of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (#CCCB), Archbishop Albert reports on the fruits from this important annual meeting for the Church in Canada. In a special way, he calls us to reflect on the part each of us plays to build strong parish communities, namely by making a special place for newcomers.
To view the video, click here, or visit the diocesan Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ArchSaintBoniface/ or visit the diocesan website homepage at: www.archsaintboniface.ca
NEW - Bishop LeGatt - Christ's Hope in a Chaotic World
Bishop LeGatt - Pilgrims of Hope
Diocesan Jubilee Mass
On Making a Special Place for Newcomers
Holy is His Name – A Scott Hahn Video Series
Horizons of Hope: 4-week Palliative Care Program – Beginning March 12, 2025
Holy is His Name – A Scott Hahn Video Series
Horizons of Hope: 4-week Palliative Care Program – Beginning March 12, 2025
Holy is His Name – A Scott Hahn Video Series
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