Saving the Marriage?
Reconciliation may be possible even if you’re struggling or considering divorce.
Below you will find resources that could be helpful in saving and renewing your marriage.
Marriages in Distress - Breakthrough Course
Many couples at various stages of their marriage face times where they feel stuck and are at a standstill in their relationship. The SmartLoving Breakthrough online course helps marriages under stress by working with individual spouses to optimize their interior peace so that they can approach their difficulties from a position of strength and love.
This course will help to:
*Identify conflict triggers
*Learn strategies to de-escalate an argument
*Find constructive ways to re-establish connection
Register for SmartLoving Breakthrough here:
Counseling and Support Services
The Marriage, Family and Life Office at the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface can offer suggestions of professionals and organizations that can journey with you in a way that is respectful of your faith life.
Please email to request a List of Therapists and Mentors who are Catholic, Christian & 'Catholic-Friendly'.
Programs for Couples Seeking Healing in their Marriage
Retrouvaille is a program for married couples facing difficult challenges in their relationship and aims to help couples restore their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship. It’s a Christian program, Catholic in origin, and all are welcome to attend. (Program available in neighboring provinces and in North Dakota).
Hope Restored Marriage intensive
Hope Restored is a program of Focus on the Family Canada seeking to help and restore marriages in crisis.
Info: |1.833.999.HOPE (4673)
The Art and Science of Love
The Gottman Institute’s science-based workshop has been shown to help 94% of the couples who use it. Drawn from Dr. John Gottman’s four decades of research with over 3000 couples, the material in The Art & Science of Love rebuilds or increases the friendship, intimacy, and respect in your partnership.
There are options of the workshop in-person, online, and as a DVD-set.
Useful Websites
Marriage Builders:
Introduction to some of the best ways to overcome marital conflicts and some of the quickest ways to restore love.
Marriage Enrichment – The Marriage Kit
Investing in your marriage and your relationship with each other is important.
The Marriage Kit created by SmartLoving is an online course for married couples wanting a lasting, passionate relationship. Register for the SmartLoving Marriage Kit here:
Support by Phone or Internet
Focus on the Family – Counselling:
Phone number: 1-800-661-9800
The first session is free. You are welcome to start with a consultation with one of our staff, who can then advise you how you can gain further support for the issue you are experiencing.
Pastoral Solutions Institute - Tele-Counselling Services:
Phone: 1-866-724-1196 or Email:
Pastoral Solutions can help you find faithful solutions on issues such as marriage or parenting difficulties, sexual problems, codependency, depression and anxiety, etc.
Struggles with Particular Issues
STRIVE 21 - Detox Program:
Recovery and Support program for those struggling with pornography – currently free!
Fight the New Drug:
Organization that provides individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects using science, facts, and personal accounts.
Brain Heart World Docuseries:
A 3-part docuseries on the harmful effects of pornography
Extra-Marital Affair
Beyond Affairs Network:
An organization that specializes in helping couples and individuals affected by infidelity restore their lives – and get from broken to healthy and whole again.
Toxic Relationships
Marriage Recovery Centre:
An organization that aims to heal marriages and help individuals find freedom from unhealthy behaviors, destructive cycles and past hurts.
Books for Struggling Marriages
The following books are also available from the Office of Marriage, Family and Life: mfl@archsaintboniface, 204-594-0274.
Created for Connection – Author: Sue Johnson
Get to the emotional underpinnings of your relationship by recognizing that you are attached to and dependent on your partner in much the same way that a child is on a parent, and that we are on the Heavenly Father, for nurturing, soothing, and protection.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work – Author: John Gottman
These principles teach partners new approaches for resolving conflicts, creating new common ground, and achieving greater levels of intimacy. Gottman offers strategies and resources to help couples collaborate more effectively to resolve any problem, whether dealing with issues related to sex, money, religion, work, family or anything else.
Should I Stay or Go? – Author: Lee Raffel
How Controlled Separation (CS) Can Save Your Marriage.
The 4 Seasons of Marriage: Secrets to a Lasting Marriage – Author: Gary Chapman
Marriages are in a perpetual state of transition, continually moving from one season ot another. Sometimes we find ourselves in winter - distant, discouraged and dissatisfied, other times we experience springtime - filled with hope, openness and anticipation. Sometimes we bask in the warmth of summer - satisfied and comfortable. In time of fall, negligence and uncertainty creep in, leaving us feeling unsettled and apprehensive. This book will help you and your spouse identity which season your marriage is currently in, give you common language with which to discuss your marriage, and provide practical strategies that will help you strengthen and enhance your relationship.