Our Faith Stories, Treasures to Share : 2024 






On Giving to the Church, by James Kautz


“Writing on the topic of giving to the Church is difficult for me, notes James Kautz, Director of Pastoral Services for the Archdiocese of St. Boniface. “I give, and have for most of my adult life, but Jesus commanded us to give in secret, so I rarely talk about this openly. But we parishioners have just been challenged by the admin board to increase our giving and that's a hard message to hear (and to deliver!), so perhaps my experiences may be helpful to some if I share them in general terms….”


To read what those experiences are, and more, please click here.



Bless the Lord, O My Soul


Noël Delaquis was ordained a bishop on February 19, 1974. The following reflection was first communicated to the residents of Villa Aulneau. The intention was to mark this wonderful anniversary by inviting the Villa Aulneau residents to join him in joy and gratitude, sharing a glass of wine and a piece of cake to mark the occasion.

To read Bishop Delaquis’ wonderful reflection of gratitude, please click here.


New Story – The Wonderful Wedding Show 2024 – A Reflection


Newly married last August, Justony and Jay Genido, of St. Patrick’s Parish in Winnipeg, volunteered at the Catholic Marriage Services Booth, organized by Yssa Arlegue and Marie Brunet of the Archdiocese of St. Boniface. The young couple reflect on their experience at the Wonderful Wedding Show.


To read this story, click here.


More than a Decoration


On the Feast of the Epiphany, Arcbishop Albert LeGatt blessed the new Marian shrine at Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens parish. A space that enables the faithful to venerate the Mother of Christ even more.


To read this story, click here.